jeezluise time is flying by these days… I’m pretty sure I’m not alone feeling like I am living in a world that is
perpetually 6:15 am and 11:00 pm without a whole lot of moments of sanity in between. It’s a crazy business, whatever it is you find yourself doing, and it’s hard to take a time out and a deep breath. So just for you, just in time, right smack in the middle of the muddled work week, here it is – your reservoir of clarity, your bastion of e-caffiene, cyber-news and stunning pics of all the amazing vistas outside of Gooserock’s window… come on in, tell us how yer doing, what’s making you happy, and what’s firing you up, cause it’s YOUR FBC Cafe – the Humpday Edition!
OK I tried the goofy intro today. It’s late when I am writing this, and I just finished practicing a speech for manana and that always makes me feel like I should be Rod Roddy decribing the folks on contestants row what they are bidding on… (btw is the Price is Right still on? Does Bob Barker still make folks reach into his pocket to snag a $100 bill if they guess the price just right? Did anyone else find that a bit creepy???) See! I’m a mess! Someone take the ‘puter away
from me before I hurt someone!
OK, I’m heading to class to learn about (in order of appearance): hypothesis testing with confidence limits, estimation bias, the problems that develop when corporations/executives get away with cheating, a speaker on socially responsible equity funds, and finally, a 5 minute speech on something I haven’t decided yet… I better get crackin’! I’ll leave
the rest of the blogging for you guys.
Drinks are on the house! (See, I’m not learning jack in business school…)
Hey you guys! Come say hi before I run outta here!
btw – did you all catch the NYTimes this am? Bush admits mistakes were made by administration??? WHA?? You don’t see that every day!
hope your still around — just wanted to say that I am glad that business school is attracting people like you — we’ll need you when we get to the rebuilding after the apocolypse/revolution — apocolution?? revolypse??
Have a grand day — YOU hav e gotten me fired up!
Mornin, Abbott….Hi…hope you have a great day and try not to learn tooooooooooooooo much…
I have been pleasantly surprised to find that I missed learning. I also miss sleeping, but it’s a good tradeoff for now!
How are you feeling?
It’s been a soul-searching 2 weeks for me…and I’ve got things in better perspective.
So in keeping with a sad but hopeful heart – have a restful and healing day to all.
He was right! That giant sucking sound has taken our high-value Puget Sound waters and moved them south, just as Ross predicted.
Our water is evidently now being stashed around the South:
–en route to being shipped off to Mexico and South America with all the good jobs.
My hat isn’t too brightly reflective, is it?
This is a Josephine Wall paintings, and available at this site
Hey Sally Cat, dueling pics time, and by the way I did save yours above…plus a few I have grabbed off your site, he he…
Oh I do like that one Diane!
Snatched for the blog and comment collection! ;-D
Bring on the Brass Band, Bushco is going south…
Melbourne Bicycle Band
Maybe we could get these guy’s a gig in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue playing New Orleans “funeral” medleys…
Hello to all! Abbott, since drinks are on the house, I’ll have a dozen banana dacquiris. Oh, can you put them all in one glass?
ok, so I was almost done preparing your daquiris in the biggest glass you ever did see, and sometime around making the 12 daquiri, I ended up drinking the first one, and so I had to make another. Of course, I drank the second one, while making the 13th and realized I had a sorta circular problem, so I invited some MBA’s over for some consulting on my production problem. When they arrived, they quickly realized the complexity of the issue and thought maybe having a daquiri themselves, might give them some insight into the problem… and now all we have are an empty blender and bunch of folks trying to figure out exactly how old undergrads really are… it’s pretty ugly.
another shot from the construction pile / sunflower patch near my office.
My wife and I were talking last night about time flying – and she said – I hate that it passes so quickly but with all the crap you keep telling me about bush I hope the next few pass quickly.
Heading out the door in a few moments to see if the doctor’s going to clear the spouse for return to work. Not the greatest of days other than that; he didn’t come to bed till 4am, then woke me up and I couldn’t get back to sleep so I got up and wrestled with computer problems till about 8 or so, when he got up and I went back to bed for about 3 hours. I told him he owes me dinner out…the pork chops will hold another day.
Will check back in later…
Humpday? I hope so.
What hump?
A man after my own hump!
I love love love Mel Brooks movies. Madeline Kahn… I miss her. Growing up, I wanted to BE her LOL
Madeline Kahn & Gilda Radner were two comediennes taken from us far, far too early. I myself wanted to be Marty Feldman: how’s THAT for twisted?
But yeah, this is my favorite of the Mel Brooks films. Too many lines… But getting back to ME’s original point:
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Well, dear, are you ready?
Inga: Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Elevate me.
Inga: Now? Right here?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Yes, yes, raise the platform.
Inga: Oh. Ze platform. Oh, zat, yah, yah… yes.
Walk this way!
The IEP, turned into more of a meet and greet. IEP to be later next month. But the new teachers seemed to be genuinely onboard and eager to teach. WHEW!
I love Dr. John. My daughter grew up wiggling her diapers to his music. Walk on Gilded Splinters is down right bewitching… anyways… I’m reeling and trying to do some healing.
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Legendary bluesman Dr. John, one of New Orleans’ most iconic natives, has reiterated his love for the Louisiana city and urged people to donate to relief efforts for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
“If anybody in the government would’ve done something about the disappearing wetlands for the past 50 years, then this probably wouldn’t have been as bad,” the boogie-woogie pianist said in a recent statement.
“It makes me think of what my friend Rev. Goat just told me,[b] `Let me say this before it goes any further, New Orleans didn’t die of natural causes, she was murdered.'”[/b]
The 64-year-old musician, whose real name is Malcolm Rebennack, was born and raised in New Orleans. His unique combination of R&B, blues and rock ‘n’ roll — which he dubbed “voodoo” music — has long been emblematic of the diverse, hodgepodge city.
Famous for performing in full Mardi Gras costume, Dr. John’s albums include “Gumbo,” “Gris-gris” and last year’s “N’Awlinz: Dis, Dat or d’Udda.”
Hooray for easy IEP pre-meetings! And Dr. John!
Did Powell’s get enough copies of Bayou Farewell for us to do this as our first book?
Poor CG, all those 4’s but never an answer. I see it’s still backordered at Powell’s. Well, the first bookclub isn’t until later in October, right? If they get more in the next week or so then those who order it should receive them in time. I hope there is a Plan B, tho — seems like there’s been a lot of interest in that title recently.
I was feelin the love, but no one would talk to me…sigh.
I asked because I thought maybe a Plan B might be in order, and my Plan B suggestion was Lolita in Tehran for a first book, followed by Bayou Farewell.
I humbly suggest that if there are not enough copies at Powell’s, people could probably find a copy at their local library. Just about any library will put a book on reserve or borrow a copy for a customer if the title is not available there. Many libraries now have cooperative agreements and systems that will get a copy from another library in just a couple of days. And I know we want to support Powell’s and Booman too, but not everyone can afford to buy new books. (And I have ordered Bayou Farewell at the library where I work!)
All right…I’ll have to pick another book to support Booman with…and order the book at the library.
Such an excellent suggestion need not be made so humbly.
well… I hesitated to butt in on the Powell’s plan.
(that was meant to be a response to Brother Feldspar above)
Is anyone else having problems with the site taking a long time to load today? I’m so spoiled with fast access that I really notice when I have to wait a few seconds for a page to finish loading. But maybe it’s something with my browser??
Site has been slow loading for the last few days, I know Susan has been trying to help, so it’s not you or your browser…
I am spoiled too, and I almost gave up on posting a comment today when it took over 3 min.
Well, got at least another two weeks of upset scheduling…or maybe not; the spouse got a letter offering to put him in his employer’s Alternative Work Program (basically, he’ll do stuff that needs to be done but doesn’t require driving a bus — usually going out and helping check out coaches in the bus yard, running errands for the dispatchers, etc.) and he’s going to go in and talk to the Powers That Be about it early next week. It may only be for a couple of weeks, but at least it gets him out of the house and we get a semblance of routine back.
A decent day, overall; got my bloodwork done while he was in with the doctor, then we had late lunch/early dinner and went over to Target to pick up a few things, and I spotted an HP printer on clearance for only $15, so I grabbed it. It’ll get us through till I get the printer(s) I really want; I’m looking at an inexpensive B/W laser for everyday printing, and a color all-in-one that I can use for scanning and copying as well as color printing. Need to get paper and a USB cable for the printer; I’m being nice to the spouse and not making him jump back in the car for the drive over to Fry’s…
Have a great evening, folks — I’ll probably be turning in relatively early (after the Countdown repeat)…