jeezluise time is flying by these days… I’m pretty sure I’m not alone feeling like I am living in a world that is
perpetually 6:15 am and 11:00 pm without a whole lot of moments of sanity in between.  It’s a crazy business, whatever it is you find yourself doing, and it’s hard to take a time out and a deep breath.  So just for you, just in time, right smack in the middle of the muddled work week, here it is – your reservoir of clarity, your bastion of e-caffiene, cyber-news and stunning pics of all the amazing vistas outside of Gooserock’s window…  come on in, tell us how yer doing, what’s making you happy, and what’s firing you up, cause it’s YOUR FBC Cafe – the Humpday Edition!

OK I tried the goofy intro today.  It’s late when I am writing this, and I just finished practicing a speech for manana and that always makes me feel like I should be Rod Roddy decribing the folks on contestants row what they are bidding on… (btw is the Price is Right still on?  Does Bob Barker still make folks reach into his pocket to snag a $100 bill if they guess the price just right?  Did anyone else find that a bit creepy???)  See!  I’m a mess!  Someone take the ‘puter away
from me before I hurt someone!

OK, I’m heading to class to learn about (in order of appearance): hypothesis testing with confidence limits, estimation bias, the problems that develop when corporations/executives get away with cheating, a speaker on socially responsible equity funds, and finally, a 5 minute speech on something I haven’t decided yet…  I better get crackin’!  I’ll leave
the rest of the blogging for you guys.  

Drinks are on the house!  (See, I’m not learning jack in business school…)  
