Progress Pond

Journey Forward

During the past 2 weeks there has been so much information in the news regarding Hurricane Katrina.

One of the considerations that has occurred as a result of the disaster is an evaluation of how prepared each of us are in case of an emergency. It is blatantly apparent that for the first few days no assistance will be forthcoming from the government in the United States. It was a time to review my disaster plan and supplies. Since I have lots of camping gear and outdoor stuff, my physical person is probably pretty well cared for in case of disaster.

As I found myself helpless and hopeless to do anything to help others, there was an overwhelming sadness and pain. To cope with the stress and emotions of this disaster, there was an unusual gap that was felt as to what would help heal the sadness. So in an effort to go forward and plan for the heart and soul during a time of emergency, I am now assessing what I need spiritually.

Based on a presumption of a small duffel bag or back pack and limited space in my little car the following questions occur:

Yet more important than all of these physical items are some emotional connections that I need to be vigilant about.

So, as I put together lists and review my physical needs, I also take a vow to remember the emotional needs.

To all who read here and share – know that I care about you and think of you. Blessings and safe journey to all of you. I will meet with you in the forest…or the city…or wherever our journey shall take us.

Cross posted at my personal site

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