Just when you think Rove must just be having a bad case of the Monday’s & things can’t keep being this out of control, comes a report today from Editor & Publisher which is a rather bizarre development in the Judith Miller saga… her prison visitor log… which, get this, says none other than our favorite misogynistic, deranged, war monger Johnny Bolton visited her this summer in the joint.
Interesting no? What on earth could they have to talk about I wonder? Do you think perhaps he was asking her advice on how to deal with those pesky Somalians & Venezuelan’s at the UN? How about their pal “Curveball”? Do ya think they were chatting about his most recent tip on a cache of imaginary wmd?
Or maybe he was asking her on a date since what possible explanation else could there be after this statement –
Seriously, this does beg a few questions considering Judy’s position as Chief fake wmd, pro war, pro Bush, Cheerleader in the RWCM & Johnny has been known to salivate a bit at the thought of someone building pretend nukes… so… me thinks the questions need answers or else I plan on assuming the worst… i.e. he is one of those “senior administration officials” who peddled classified national security info to journalists to score political points & this is quite possibly the only reason she is in jail… can’t have the new ambassador to the UN implicated in peddling national secrets can you?
Until Judy or someone talks the questions and implications will persist. Hopefully we’ll see some indictments shortly which will shed the light of truth on this whole disgrace. Here’s to a rather nasty Fall for the Bushies.
I’m really leaning towards my just thought up theory here that the reason she had to go to jail was the timing of the whole thing… he was in the process of being confirmed for the UN post and they had a bigger plan for him and his pal Condi now that Colin was finally out of the picture… pure speculation, but it rings true to me at this point.
Feel free to let me know if you think I’m full of it… never stopped you before 🙂
~ Posted last July in your diary ~
Does JB fit into this matter as he has been running around with SECRET Memos between NSA – Chalabi – Feith – CIA?
2001 Nomination endorsed by Jesse Helms –
Earthlink – John Bolton
What Did John Bolton Do with the NSA Intercept Information?
Did He Violate National Security Laws?
I followed the PropaGannon diaries @dKos in February, but haven’t kept track since on the Valerie Plame investigation.
Scenario –
KR off the hook, source was JB, exposed just after recess appointment as U.S. Ambassador to the UN. Has diplomatic immunity for duration of term. At the end of George’s reign, JB is fully pardoned and can continue any civilian job.
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Thanks for the refresher on that lead Oui. I remember at the time steering clear of it because it was pure speculation… still is, but the fact that he visited her in jail certainly lends credence to the theory that he was intimately involved.
I haven’t followed the investigation much since March as I just plain ol’ burned out and had a ton of personal issues to deal with, but it’s an interesting development that I hope others with more time will follow up on.
Diary by jpol ::
and article in WaPo ::
Miller also hosted Charles Duelfer, who concluded in 2005 that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction but uncovered bribes in the United Nations’ oil-for-food program.
Even a former secretary of the navy, Richard Danzig, who now works as a bioterrorism consultant to the Pentagon, came through.
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