Over the years I’ve taken some pretty polarizing positions on issues compared to the mainstream. These issues include domestic violence, reproductive rights, social services, and medical care for all.
I’ve belonged to many political groups and organizations and discussion groups. What is noticeable over the years is that there are specific types of people in each group. These groups are predictable in every group.
-Hardcore single issue folks – the one’s that the blogosphere is currently ranting about. This group is probably about 10% of any organization.
-Motivated political activists that know who to call, how to get the information out, and to organize any event….or get people to organize an event. Some of these are front and center as leaders and others are behind the scenes seeing to details. This group is about 15% of any organization.
-Participants at selected events and about half of the meetings that are held. This group is active if the issue interests them. This group is resistant confrontation and needs to be really sold in order to make changes. This group is about 70% of the total.
-Naysayers those who will take the negative position on every topic….usually because their position within the structure is threatened. This group is about 5% of any political total.
Well, if my math is any good this morning that’s the structure of any political activist group.
So the reason for my query this morning: when participating in political events over the years we meet lots of people. Some of them we keep in contact with for years at a time. Some of them we seem to have an instant compatibility at the outset with but little personal contact outside of the organization. Some we call friends.
What happens to these relationships when issues surface and we take a stronger stand?
What happens when we move from ‘participant’ to ‘motivated’?
Over the years I’ve had very good, personal friends move on…marriage or divorce or families or something else changed the dynamics. These friends are still there and I can reach out with a call or card or letter.
-What is unique about political acquaintances and friends?
-What is threatening when we change?
-What is uncomfortable when we share with our political friends as to what is going on?
So….it is time to move on…from Participant in some areas to Motivated instead. I am sorry that I will lose friendly contacts from this change. It is painful to let go of what was…it is more painful to know that sitting and doing nothing will hurt more in the future.
- – To those who must go away from our acquaintance because I choose a separate path – I bid you safe journeys.
- – To those who who want more answers – please comment and I’ll try to answer.
- – To those who would walk with me – even if you do not understand my decisions – I call you truly a friend.
Cross-posted at MtnCerridwen.blogspot.com
I’m not going away….I’m just taking a substantially more vocal and active role in politics…
Some people have noted transition from participant to motivated with concern….thus putting the question to the forefront.
I’ll metaphorically walk with you, Dear Sallycat. So often we tug and pull among ourselves because we differ on the best way to achie
ve the just society we want, even when we can agree what that is. Hell, I wrestle with MYSELF over means and ends: what’s really effective and what’s just self-indulgent angst, or the desire to righteously rant when a socratic question and respectful silence might nudge the closed minded to think for a minute. I get tired of email to my congress critters, letters to the editor, marching with old knees and worn hip joints, and contributions that I hope will help.
Tell us about it, Sallycat. Maybe we won’t be of any help, but you’ll make us think, as always.
Meaning that I don’t know who to call or how to get things organized (hell, I can’t even get this apartment organized!), but I’m willing to pitch in and help out where necessary — if you set up the meeting, I’m there to set up chairs and run off the photocopies… π
Oh, and anniversary dinner with in-laws is going to be Sunday instead of Saturday, so spouse and I will be up for post-march get-together… π
As someone whose words moved me, and recently inspired me to write things here that I haven’t told many of my own friends, I wish you the best in whatever activities you’re about to move into. I hope you have time to continue posting here too for those of us out in these many wildernesses.
One thought: those whose politics are rooted more in empathy for other human beings than in inflexible ideologies are more likely to remain friends. Tolerance for different opinions on various subjects and ability to reason through them help too, but all of these things seem almost invariably correlated.
That is an absolutely marvellous way of describing the feelings.
May I use that in future postings and conversations?
I will be here posting…trying to remind us of the emotions and the people behind the politics. The more human faces we put to politics the more important the issues become.
I look forward to seeing diaries from you in the near future and apprciate your comments.
Please use the phrase, as often as possible. I wish everyone would.
I’m not quite sure I get the disctinctions you’re making. As someone wo used to be involved in a large organization, I moved from participant to “motivated participant” (organizer) and back to participant many times over, depending on the circumstances. Maybe you could clarify this for me?
I’ve been involved in some big groups and you are right – movement is not an issue. In smaller groups the dynamics are a little more personal.
Now I’m no longer content being a participant assisting and supporting the status quo in a large group. Now taking an active and very vocal position – walking away from the status quo and opposing a major leader of the status quo.
How this voice of opposition will manifest itself over time is not clear to me.
Letting fellow ‘participants’ know of my change – so they understand that I am not walking away from them – is interesting.
Maybe I’m tactless in my style…
Maybe it is the status quo concern….
Maybe the whole challenging of things is threatening…
As one that is trying to find my place in the big arena of politics I am interested in what direction you are taking and why. Please, if possible can you give us more details?
Actively boycotting all things Markos. Will he care? No. Will my integrity care? Yes.
The reasons are pretty straightforward to lots of people here at Booman as indicated by the diaries recently. I’ve actively worked to keep the other site name out of my diaries. Why give credibility to the status quo and fight against issues that I believe in? I left most of my participation over there after the pie wars. I felt a need to become an upfront and very vocal activist for women’s issues – specifically reproductive rights (redundancy).
I have been a quiet voice of dissent over there…but found that too many voices weren’t listening. The latest round of diaries there, specifically reproductive rights, pushed me to a level of emotional strain that hasn’t been around for me for 25-30 years. Late at night my mind went back to what it was like in the early 1970’s. (Insomnia – a good thing and a bad thing)
I spoke in favor of the ERA and abortion rights as a teenager/high schooler in Utah. Now that I know a lot more I’ve decided to be outspoken on women’s issues instead of quietly dissenting.
-Not just letters to the editor on generally politics…letters on this issue.
-I will be looking at running for local democratic committee office. When I get ready to retire to a red county in a few years….maybe local political office.
-I will be out at state and local events on this issue.
-I will be blogging where needed – putting human with the stories. Before this I’d written 2 diaries in a year. I am now going to write at least 1 or more a week.
-I will be working local/state campaigns for candidates supporting women’s rights.
Someone else can be out there with Cindy. My heart is with her and I will support those that go to Washington DC and other places. My feet will be on the streets for pro-choice candidates. I will let you all know when they occur in the my area.
I was part of 2 Yahoo groups related to the other site. Today I unsubscribed from one and let the other group know that I wouldn’t be around and why. There has been some fallout from the 2nd group.
The political course of this country needs to be changed. Some of us marched and fought these battles for years. I don’t want my granddaughter to fight the same battles in 10 years.
Wow! Sallycat you are one hell of a woman. I admire your strength and commitment to what you are passionate about. If ever there is a need for a California gal to help your campaign, wherever you run for office you have my admiration and SUPPORT!
Please do write diaries to help the less educated on this issue(me)know how we can help. Right on Sister!
OK, now I get it. SallyCat, you are stronger and more resilient than I. I’m still walking wounded from the Pie Wars.
That men on the LEFT could be so clueless, so smug, so selfish, entitled and juvenile, made my years of consciousness raising on sexism feel like a monumental waste of time. I have explained all this over and over and over again. I have been patient. I wore myself out searching for new ways to encourage empathy. (A sane person can only show the rape scene from “Deliverance” so many times.) In all those frustrating years, I did not call them names nor did I commented negatively on their genitalia and the use thereof.
And now, THIRTY YEARS LATER, there are men who identify as liberals and Democrats who happily defend exploitive, degrading, objectifying ads that reduce female human beings to fodder for a wankathon.
They accuse feminists of hating sex, refusing to understand that we are outraged by their snigger, snigger, predatory, boys’ club, reduction of sex (which they think is something they ought to be able to GET from women) to a dirty joke.
Markos and his ilk can kiss my ass.
that you were one of the primary reasons I basically left DKos after the pie wars. It was because you and a few others made me realize that I must be true to my convictions and that I simply could not support a site that accepted such anti-women sentiments. It was really Susan Hu who brought be to BooMan, but I was thrilled to see some of my favorite bloggers here as well, including you.
I never got too into the Cafe there, or the Bay Area Kossacks, and missed their first picnic. After that, I felt uncomfortable participating since I had left DKos.
At any rate, I just wanted you to know that you are not alone, and while we’ve never had a chance to meet, I certainly consider you a role-model.
If there is anything I can do to help in your future endeavors, please feel free to ask. I have been protesting Terry Randall and other anti-choice idiots since the early 80’s and will continue to as long as necessary. I, too, am horrified to see how much ground we have lost over the past 10 years.
I’d love for us to get to meet at some point. I’m up in Marin but will be getting out more and more.
I’ll post events and activities that come along…and I should be at all the DFA-Marin meetups (work got in the way the last couple of months).
I see now. Thanks.
Friend – always π
SanDIegoDem…Are you going to the rally/march on Saturday at 6th and laurel? Maybe we can meet up if you are?
Hi there π First of all, I am in awe of you going to Camp Casey and writing about your experiences. Thank you so much for sharing.
Sadly (or not since I do love being a mom to this little guy), my son has a day full of sports and parties to attend this Saturday. If not – I would be there in a flash!! I will be there in spirit.
Please email me though (clnowacki@yahoo.com) as I really would love to talk IRL with you. I probably pass your house every day when I drop Alex off to school at the Heights.
See you for dinner when you get up this way in a couple of weeks…
I am honored to be your friend…and that you are one of mine. That means something to one who doesn’t neccesarily have much family. My friends are my family. ….
And that Danni ask “when are we going to see Sally and Mr. Sally?” Then Wes chimes in with “It’s Mr. Cat NOT Mr. Sally!!” π
I’ve always spoke from my heart… led with my heart and I fight with my heart. I’m not too smart about all the issues… but I do know I find alot of compassion and empathy here and that keeps me coming back to learn more.
to make a trip North — we could meet in Mill Valley; I always love an excuse to visit Book Passage… π
Name the date!
Wow…book shopping and meet-up at once – that would make it an extra super day!