It seems Rita is going to be worse than Katrina. Again there’s seems to be no real sense of urgency as life in the United States will forever be changed by these two hurricanes and those that seem sure to follow. A pattern is emerging. This is not coincidence. These storms would have stayed storms or smaller Hurricanes if the Gulf Waters were not so warm. As long as they are warm, I imagine there will be more hurricanes and of the same strength.
Wherever a Category 5 hurricane hits it will destroy everything. It will absolutely destroy Gavelston and put in underwater if it hits there. The city is just an island.
Since we have had two hurricanes like this, there is no reason to think that more would not be coming. I would like to know why the Gulf Waters are so warm. Is it because of Global Warming? If it is we can expect that every year these hurricanes will be wiping out all life along the Gulf Coasts during hurricane season. A portion of the United States will become uninhabitable and a source of oil will be completely cut off.
These two hurricanes are going to severely damage the oil industry and make the continued presence of US troops either impossible or absolutely necessary (from a right wing perspective). Consider the vulnerability the United States will now experience with a large portion of it’s oil wells and oil refineries destroyed and or badly damaged. Consider the winter and the economic impact on people and businesses not even remotely affected by the hurricane. Almost all airlines are in bankruptcy, freight lines will follow, transportation will be greatly curtailed in the delivery of goods and people.
What is most dangerous is that at this time of National Emergency we have so many incompetent people who have been appointed to serious agencies like FEMA and Homeland Security. The only competent entity to handle these emergencies is the military.
It seems the military is going to get involved in the daily life of everyone soon. There may be an actual need for the military to take over given the incompetency of the people who run our nation. They are not just the heads of agencies, they are the people from directors to secretaries who have been selected for reasons that have nothing to do with ability.
This nation no longer rewards people with skill, but people who have the appearance of skill and the clout to get the job. Not get the job done….just get the job.
The weakest most vulnerable part of this nation is it’s incompetency. Bush has done everything he could to appoint incompetent people at every level. This was happening before he arrived as president, but now it is out of control. These two hurricanes and the war in Iraq are exposing the institutionalization of incompetent people. George Bush is a incompetent president with very little experience, He has modeled the American government after himself. The competent people were driven out. Zinni, Bunnington…there are so many that we have never heard of. The United States is a house of cards.
This is either going to turn the US into a nation that cares for itself by removing itself from foreign political intrigue or it will turn the US into a military monster that conquers oil rich nations under some invented phony rationale
I don’t mean to be doom and gloom. But it seems that the structural strength of the nation has been invisibly deteriorating, eaten away in termite fashion, invisible and made known only when a stress is placed on the structure and it gives way too easily revealing a long developed unseen weakness as witnessed by the collapse of governmental response in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. These hurricanes are making it clear both in reality and in metaphor that we have very little structure holding us up. It’s been eaten way by the preponderance of corruption and the millionaires who have bought there way into positions of authority, rather than earned and learned their way to these positions.
Typically the Military steps in, in most countries when the politically corrupt governors of a country can no longer govern due to their incompetence. I don’t think this is about to happen, but it could if the situation deteriorates a lot further than it is now. And that is possible.
Apart from the last para, your scenario is absolutely feasible.
You forget to mention that the entire global economy will be severely affected if the scenario plays out.
Why the problem with the last paragraph. The military IS in New Orleans…. bush’s mercenaries are in New Orleans…. The military and the mercenaries are killing AMERICANS…. Police State/Martial Law is in effect in New Orleans. Sven, what am I missing ???
Note my post 9/18 when depression 18 was in the 37 mmph range:
My letter at the same time to David Icke: “David,
Why do I see storm 18, turning into a monster hurricane, and heading for Texas.. Wiping out a major city, and Texas becoming the next state to fall under martial law. Hunch ?? Hope I am wrong.
Keep up the great work, xxxxx PEACE !!”
I do hope that I am wrong.
from this kind of military activity to a Pentagon coup.
Most of America is armed. Troops are armed. A coup would be unsupported.
Coups depend on the absolute loyalty of the miltary. That in turn depends on an officer class economically or socially dependent on the ‘family’ of generals. And they still need to bring the soldiers along.
Look what happened in Russia to bring in Yeltsin.
But if you are saying that a large number of General Staff of the pre-Rumsfeld era are extremely disgruntled, then I agree. And I also believe they would be on the side of the people. The only reason a military coup could take place, is if those disgruntled generals, who still look to Ike as a distant mentor, saw a coup as the only possible option in preventing the destruction of the country by the total incompetency, profligracy and illegality of the administration.
I was’t saying there’s going to be a military coup. That’s not going to happen anytime soon. I am just saying that the conditions will make it necessary for the Military to take a more active role in the everyday life of an America that seems to be unstable. ANd that in time it would be natural for the Military to take over more and more of the functions of a incompetent government. I don’t think it would be a coup, but a transition.
But I don’t want to be too alarmist. I have already gone to the edge of that. It’s just a possibility, that’s all I’m saying
As a sidelight to this discussion: I heard once from a reliable source that “the military” were on some sort of alert status and ready to prevent Nixon from doing anything foolish in the days after the so called, “Saturday Night Massacre.”
As to the source; I regret that he died recently of natural causes, so I am unable to give you any further details.
Just to clarify, <not snark>
From 1973 until 1974, Haig served as Richard Nixon’s White House Chief of Staff, during which he played a large “crisis management” role as the Watergate scandal unfolded. Authors Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin speculated in their 1991 book Silent Coup: The Removal of a President…
In 1981 Alexander Haig was appointed as Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State but resigned in late 1982. He was criticized in 1981, after the March 30 assassination attempt on Reagan, for asserting before reporters that “I’m in control here” as a result of Reagan’s hospitalization. The quotation became seen as an attempt by Haig to exceed his authority. The full quotation, which has often been overlooked, is:
“Constitutionally, gentlemen, you have the president, the vice president and the secretary of state, in that order, and should the president decide he wants to transfer the helm to the vice president, he will do so. As for now, I’m in control here, in the White House, pending the return of the vice president and in close touch with him. If something came up, I would check with him, of course.”
At the time the news of the Radford spy ring reached the President, the popularity of the military with the American people was very low. Nixon took no action against Moorer so as not to further tarnish the military’s image. The full story of the spy ring was not revealed during Nixon’s tenure. Moorer later steadfastly denied to Congress that he was personally involved. In a subsequent interview with author Len Colodny, he admitted having seen some of the “stolen” materials, but said that he had learned nothing new and had returned “the materials to Haig”. Nixon, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman believed from the beginning that Haig had some involvement with the ring, as evidenced by their Oval Office discussions, but they never made any attempt to investigate him.
If Moorer is truthful in saying that he returned the purloined documents to Haig, then Haig had prima facie evidence of the spy ring and he apparently did nothing about it. This is very odd for someone supposedly loyal to the President, a President by whom leaks were considered acts of disloyalty to him and to the nation, a President who had prosecuted Dr. Daniel Ellsberg for leaking the Pentagon Papers. The story of Moorer-Radford raises interesting questions: why did Nixon continue to trust Haig enough to make him chief of staff, and did the military play any role in the downfall of Richard Nixon?
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A military Coup is a thought, but seems like incompetency is a problem there, as well. I agree with the divison you hint at, as well…. In the Military, I could see a civil war of sorts being an issue in the military. In the public any revolution would run into a civil war as an obstacle. This country is divided for a reason.. The people who put this plan together are brilliant. United We Stand, Divided we Fall, and a falling we will go.
Add this to an economy supported by smoke and mirrors, hence an upcoming depression. America more than ever needs a leader. One that can call shith, shith. A spade a spade, war crimes, war crimes. One that could simply say, it ain’t over, till WE say it over. Is it too late, I hope not. The house of cards is a crumbling, and the media ignoring this, allows further crumbling. Patriots need to unite, or kiss their pampered asses good-bye.
It is truly amazing how an idiot can put together a staff that is a mirror image of himself. Bush really put his fingerprints all over this administration. A bunch of worthless sycophants just like their boss and his family.
An overextended military, a couple of natural disasters, debt without end. We are headed for more trouble guaranteed. On the bright side we will be seeing at lot more Medal of Freedom ceremonies. According to Bush everyone is doing “a heck of a job”.
Its freaking scary.
situation of the US, though, I wonder whose military will step in π
Excellent question: “though, I wonder whose military will step in” Thanks to Katrina, it is FACT that foreign troops are within our border. I like your thought, “one man’s conspiracy is another man’s business plan”, my thought is: “when the conspiracy theories make more sense than the government’s fairy tales; America we have a problem. Regardless, AMERICA WE HAVE A PROBLEM(S), EEEKK
a solution π
First, I would address the media, treat the treasonous bastards as such. The dirty deeds done by the media, allows the public to be clueless as many are. The public needs the truth.
Second arrest and try the bush administration’s key people. American history since 2000 should be enough proof.. Treason and war crimes come to mind.
Third arrest and try all 100 Senators, Treason and War Crimes the charge, American history from 2000 on the evidence. Too many 98-0, and 98-1 votes against American Values.
Allow them to sing, follow-up on the accusations. Sadly a venture into the House of Representatives is needed. A peak at the governors of the states would be needed. Then the Supreme Court, as well as lower courts. Then there is the military, many should be tried for war crimes and treason. Then there is intelligence(wink wink), let these guys sing…. Oh boy, oh boy. Then more corruption in the media, government, intelligence, courts are exposed, and a round and around it goes. The incompetency and corruption runs sooooooooo deep, it seems overwhelming. Yet, I would start with the first three ideas, allowing the subordinates to run the country while the festivites begin. Hell, let the secretaries run things, while these folks are being tried. Then let the punishment fit the crime, let the punishment send a message to the rest of them. Hold elections with papertrails, allow the media to do a public service and give equal time to the candidates. The media would be expected to dive into the history of candidates, and report what they really find. Hold the media responsible for their actions. Then a 2×4 over the general public’s head, awakening them to the fact that America has issues. Suggesting to them that they should study the history of the political candidates, and forget the stats of their favorite QB, Center, Outfielder, or Goaler for awhile. Sounds like a lot of work, but beats kissing our freedom and our asses goodbye.
I could go on for hours on this subject, but tossed this out for now… Time to get ready for leagues, drink a few beers, have some fun, and possibly compete at the foosball table, or catch a few dances. All by last-call for alcohol….
Regarding the governors of states, could you please drag Mitt Romney away first? Thanks.
Should I have the Finnish Hakapelita standing by`
just happen to own a pair of reindeer fur boots.
Their favourite tactic is a massive aerial canned beer drop, followed by cropdusters of the Finnish Sprut Squadron spraying pheromones over a wide area.
This is followed a few hours later by an invasion of Finns in fur boots wearing ‘Make Love Not War’ t-shirts.The Capitol could be in our hands by Tuesday, without a shot being fired – though not metaphorically of course.
Oh no – my adjutant just pointed out that the invasion will follow within minutes of the drops and spraying, as American stamina and motivation in the horizontal mambo department has been calculated as “short to immediate”
wouldn’t happen to involve lutefisk..?
try not to let the enemy know our secrets. But no, we’ll be using birch essence – known for getting people frisky…
Remedial education for those who missed MakeLoveNotWar 101.
Hey, I just happen to know that the median IELT in this country is like, a whole 7 and a half minutes…
Excellent observations, let’s hope the September 24th in Washington DC makes a difference. Sadly Doom and Gloom is settling in on America. What comes around, goes around…. America may be getting what she deserves.
America’s hidden past is coming to light… America will be quite shocked with what is coming her way… Sad, quite sad.
One only needs to see who benefits from Katrina and future events in America. Look CLOSELY at who is benefiting from Katrina. Look closely at who is benefiting from the Iraq war.
I have to agree. If there is a God, she is really angry at GW Bush right now. Instant karma’s gonna get him. Too bad the rest of us are in the way.
I’m still basically an optimist, don’t ask me why. I see see the whole house of cards coming down too, but somehow I keep thinking there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve gone back to basics, though–watching out for my family, and taking everything a day at a time.
I am hoping everyone will see the seriousness of the upcoming economic/other crisis, and yes world wide, and begin now today to prepare for this, and also prepare for a natural disaster themselves.
Once we are through with hurricane season, we then enter into all the winter possibilities of weather problems plus shortages of heating fuel and gas.
Seems like what my generation expected/predicted in the 70’s is happening now and doesn’t look like it can be stopped from the domino effect.
to repeal the tax cuts. Unbelievable.
Yeah, and at some point we will have to consider that demise of our country may well be by design.
Unconscious design is design nevertheless. Not repealing the tax cuts is akin to Hitler invading Russia.
And more specifically if the US is “busted” then we, here in the US, would have little to no influence over the “Robber Barons” currently running rampant world wide.
Not that the US is doing much to contain them under this administration, or to put it more bluntly, it’s more like they’re aiding and abetting the robber barons.
Somehow it would seem this all has to work to the advantage of the robber barons or they wouldn’t be allowing it all to happen.
I agree the outlook is not very hopeful, but before we all get too spun up we need to remember that this nation has been through equally challenging times before – look at the economic, social, and environmental devastation of the dust bowl, followed by the depression. In the face of that disaster, the country took a definite swing to the left – in fact, the Socialists were actually a viable third party during that time. So I wouldn’t give up completely on our countrymen/women yet – if we get through some of these hurdles we might end up with our social fabric reinforced and patched in all the frayed, weakened places. But we still have to see how this all plays out – the 2006 election will be crucial. If the Posse Comitatus law is weakened, I’d be getting concerned. If the press goes back to sleep, my worry meter will go up. If Bush goes up in any poll I’d worry. This kind of widespread governmental incompetence, greed, and fecklessness is the kind of situation that leads to a dictator riding in on a white horse to save the day, as was discussed in a diary recently… But we have to see how this all plays out.
As the saying goes, the Chinese ideogram for “crisis” is made by combining the words for “danger” and “opportunity…”
I think your right. America is not all bad. But the good are not permitted to surface. Economic collapse seems to be the only way for the coontry to get fresh people in. It just that there is a lot of pain going through a depression.
The ketchup is actually the best in the world.
The Ketchup is what I was referring to when I said America is not all bad.
Socialist parties have been growing like crazy lately, especially in the last month.
Supposedly, socialists and socialist parties are larger, better organized, and more experienced than they were in the late 60’s. I have no idea what information that is based on, but its definately possible.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens over the next 10 years. Socialist groups may see huge gains both in membership and in credibility among non-members.
Meanwhile, the Democratic party is having a legitimacy crisis, the republican party is pissing off everyone except the extremely rich, the Greens (nationally) haven’t yet decided what they’re doing, and neo-nazis have started partolling the borders.
danger and opportunity indeed.
All of Bush’s “work” is simply aimed at nudging along the Rapture…are you afraid that you won’t be one of the “Chosen Ones?”
Can you imagine being stuck for all eternity with Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Phyllis Schlafly, and the rest of the Christo-fascists? No thanks! I don’t want to be chosen. I want to be Left Behind.
or at Kos indicated that some scientists, when looking at the decay of the Arctic ice cap this summer, think that it has reached a point where it is irreversible. Since the existence of the polar caps have had a moderating effect on our climate for thousands of years, their deterioration would give one cause for concern. Add to that the now growing hole in the ozone layer in Antarctica, and other environmental disasters like the aftermath of Katrina, and the chaos that Rita is surely bringing to the Texas coast, and we are definitely in trouble my friends.
As these natural disasters become more and more part of the normal annual cycle, the entire South Eastern coastline becomes a less tenable place to reside. The petrochemical industries that supply much of the east are obviously threatened. The economic consequences are hard to overestimate.
If there ever has been a leadership vacuum in this country to fill, it is now. Democrats need to play thoughtful, decisive roles in the days and months to come. The 06 elections will be extremely critical to the future of our country. By that time our domestic situation could be radically different than now.
Our relatively short history has shown that Americans have been a resilient people. Looks like we are going to have ample opportunity to find out if we still are.
They have a right wing weatherman on Fox who said in Tony Soparano style that this was very normal. It’s all part of a cycle n’ dat.