People, you are doing the right thing, and the media, at least ours, is noticing:
The full headline of the paper is: “Hurricanes, Iraq War: Bush in trouble”
Keep it up! We support you from far away places!
People, you are doing the right thing, and the media, at least ours, is noticing:
The full headline of the paper is: “Hurricanes, Iraq War: Bush in trouble”
Keep it up! We support you from far away places!
Thank you Jerome! Great Cartoon! The Whole World is watching!
and Le Monde has another big article about Cindy Sheehan on page 2.
Right on, Jerome!! Thanks for the support!
thanks for support from overseas!!!!!!!!!!! It is necessary to have the world onboard for this movement.
Merci, mon ami! (and for that other post across the way, too…..)
I suppose the world is watching, but what about the eyes that matter- those blind eyes…..?
Thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you! I’ve been talkin’ to BooMan and many others from the blog … everyone is having a great, great time. Did you see the photos from last night’s party at the bar in D.C.?
Have they said how many people they think are there Susan?
I just talked to Jerry — he’s in the march — they’re estimating the march is several miles long and that it’s at least 300,000 people.
He said over and over again that the crowd is mostly young people. He’s going to interview some of them and see what brought them to the march and where they’re from.
Merci beaucoup,Jerome. We are trying.
Is your press publishing pictures and/or vidoe of the march itself?? I cannot find ANYthing that shows pictures of all of the people at the Washington Monument…..this is so godamned frustrating!!
I am with you all in this struggle as well. We are all relying on your constancy and determination to put an end to this barbarism. So don’t ever give up!!
Italy is behind you…
Thank you gilgamesh–I hope you are well -and your mother too.
You’ve made front-page splash on the Website of L’Unità:
The censorship here is COMPLETE!
C-Span is showing the 5 people left in the elipse and not the thousnads at the march and every other station is showing W landing in Austin — and they just said on MSNBC: “well, you know he was born and raised there.”
I am soooo pissed off!
Deep breaths. I’m about ready to give up and watch my Sex and the City DVD that Netflix just sent me.
Oh, maybe that’s not such a great idea with the 3yo awake now!
Deep breaths. The truth will prevail one day. Don’t despair.
I was so totally done with it all at 3:30, and got ready to spend three hours watching football, but NOOOOOOO, fucking ABC decides to show Notre Dame vs. Washington (I am a Virginia Tech fan….hey, they’re only ranked 4th in the country..I thought they might actually get on TV)
I HATE living in Texas during football season!!
</crazed college football fanatic>
Hmm.. the disappearing photo??
Photos? Hell, I was just waiting for you to circle back to the beginning.
Absolutely no fricking coverage here. Well, I think I will go downtown here and stir up some trouble. WIll keep Susan posted if anything newsworthy happens. Shall we start calling all the MSM and let them know how “single issued” they are. They did mention Cheney out of surgery and showed Air Force One landing in Texas. Wonder if the next stop is Crawford to check on the ol ranch? God the media makes me sick. Later guys!
Unfortunately,of course it is complete censorship,we know who owns the media here, and it ain’t us.
for civil liberties numbers “100,000”
Anti-war protesters pass along Whitehall in
London during a demonstration against the
conflict in Iraq, Saturday Sept. 24, 2005.
AP Photo/Matt Dunham
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
you have to factor into this that the marches are always underestimated. I remember the first anti war march (of this conflict cycle) where the Beeb were saying 200K, there was a guy with a bullhorn from sky news that we passed who was shouting ‘we’ve counted 400K’
Jerome has a very good diary at DKos.