Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Oh, gosh!
I put this up a little before six and was so sleepy, I didn’t even say HI!
(And now, I have to run off to work)
Have a great day – everything’s on the house!
Hi katiebird! I’m popping in quick before work too. Some flowers for the cafe … in honour of all the wonderful BTers who went and marched this past w/e, for representing those of us who couldn’t, and for all the excellent diaries w/ photos and reflections: Thank you guys!
Blackeyed susans
Hope everyone has a great day. :o)
What absolutely georgous pictures!!! A great way to start a day… thanks, Olivia.
Yes, beautiful. Thanks.
Good morning Katiebird and Olivia :o)
I’d like to leave a word of thanks to Olivia and all of our friends up north who came out to protest. It’s a shame, for the U.S., that so many Canadians would take to the streets to protest an American war before many Americans would, but still, I feel a shift. We are making a difference. My wife’s 86 yr. old WWII veteran Grandfather told me so himself while spending some fine moments talking with him yesterday.
I’m leaving to go home to New York shortly. I hope to be able to put up a diary of my impressions from the 24th if you guys can stand another one :o) I’m grabbing a cup of coffee to go as I head out for home. Thanks Katiebird :o)
One more thing…..I miss Infidelpig
Peace :o)
Of course a diary from you would be FANTASTIC. And I’d love to hear more from you about your thoughts on Sunday touring the momuments that you alluded to in the diary yesterday.
And yessiree.. the Ipig is sorely missed!!
Good morning all! My father, a WWII veteran sees clearly the folly of this war and this administration. I should have him write a piece to post here.
I would so absolutely LOVE to read anything he has to share!!
We’re looking forward to your diary, btw.
(And I miss IP too…do you think maybe Diane or Shirl have heard from him?)
Helloooo everyone!
Ipig is fine, I missed a call over the weekend but prior to that he was doing very well.
Yes I want to see a diary from Supersoling as well, as soon as you can, SS…
Oh yeah, Supersoling, please write a diary. Hurry and get home so you can write it. 🙂
You are making a difference! You guys are my new heroes. Can’t wait to read your diary.
well now super, that just put a big ol’ gator smile on this ol’ wrinkled sunburnt face ; )
I miss being around, so I thought I would drop in for a quick Hoooowwwwwwdddeeeeee, and then back to converting more people from the Bushie’s, into the light …LMAO
I’m in a “Hot-Bed” of them here on the Atlantic coast, and in the past week and a half, I’ve managed to convert about 6 so far….they even said they were sorry, and I said, “So Am I” ; ) LOL…but now let’s move on, and get things right.
So glad to hear from all here, and beleive me I’m missing you guys/gals as well.
I got a chance to catch a lil’ news over the weekend and was looking for any Boo Shirts in the crowd, but ya know, the media just did’nt seem to give a lot of coverage to that protest….go figure..; )
Any-who…I was shore a look’n for any of them thar Boo-Shirts to be carted off to the hoose-cow…LOL
I’ll try to get a chance to check back in with you folks again, and hope to actually catch someone online, in live time….Hoooooooooooo Laaaaawwwwwd…that would be sweeter than a freshly stole melon in the heat of da night…. ; )
Take care all, and miss’n ya…..peace be with you all, always….
Get’em Pig!…great to see ya, brief as it is!
Peace bro
LMAO…I got’m in my cross-hairs bro…. ; )
great hear’n from you man….peace
Funny story: My older son got up this morning and wanted to wear his Booman t-shirt to school so badly he started to wash it by hand! (I guess it’s laundry day at Chez Cabin today).
OMG! CG, that is so funny!! So did he get it washed or will he need to wait until tomorrow?
I hope I get to meet your boys some day — I’m raising two of my own and can only hope they turn out as well!!
I convinced him that it would be clean by the time he got home, and reluctantly wore his other favorite shirt…what a guy.
I hope we get to meet you and yor boys too! That meetup in Austin idea sounds good to me.
CG, what a great experience to share with your boys. They get to see democracy in action.
Since Hurricane Andrew has blown into our lives, laundry day is everyday!!!
And I bet you’re loving every minute of it! Enjoy it while it lasts, because it feels like it takes about 10 minutes for them to grow up and be young men…
I’m really glad they came with me, and that everyone (Supersoling especially) was so willing to spend time talking with them about things. I think they did get a great deal out of it, and it’s (the war, protesting) been a topic of discussion around here for the last few days.
My copy of Bayou Farewell by Mike Tidwell arrived yesterday after being on back order for weeks. (from Powells, of course) I could not put it down yesterday. I can’t wait until the first Froogy Book Club meeting. (how about Froggy Book Worms?) I haven’t seen anything about it in the last few weeks, I hope it’s still a go.
Tidewell is an excellent writer. This book is a goldmine of knowledge about the bayous of Louisianna and the Cajuns who call it home. Excellent choice for our first book.
Oh, yay! I guess Powell’s got in some new copies. When I host the cafe this Thursday I’ll ask for a vote on our date to meet. I’m thinking late in Oct? What do you think?
I like Froggy Book Worms!
Hi Kansas, Oh, I’m so glad you started this! Late in October sounds great. OOooo, maybe I’ll play around with some images to go with Froggy Book Worms and will be sure to be here on Thursday. Glad you like that.
The book is outstanding. I dragged out the Atlas and am just poring over it, trying to find the locations Tidwell talks about. I’m worried about some of the people he writes about, I wonder how they fared in Katrina and Rita. I haven’t even finished yet, and could go on and on about it. There will be so much to talk about, I don’t know if I can keep my mouth shut until then. (of course, that’s always an issue 😉
I’ve also wondered about the people and places featured in the book (no atlas, so I’ve been Googling locations).
I’ve read through the book once, but I want to go through it again and take notes, maybe do a little research. (I know, I do put the “anal” in “analysis.”)
So far I’ve only seen Tidwell show up on the TV screen once during Katrina/Rita coverage. I’d think he’d get a little more airtime, but I guess that would interfere with nonstop video of correspondents not having sense enough to come in out of the rain.
Well, I found Leeville, it’s south of New Orleans. Tidwell captures so much of the area, it adds dimensions to the issues involved with Katrina (and Rita). I am surprised his name hasn’t been bandied about more. The encroachment of the Gulf on Louisiana’s bayous is a serious issue that effects us all (in surprising ways). I’ve already been doing research… so I’m worse than you. I only got the thing yesterday and am not finished with it yet and I already have almost a dozen links to explore. Excellent book.
I’m thrilled to hear that you’re liking it so much. I am just about to start reading it, too. Maybe your “good review” will encourage some others to join the club.
Hope y’all are having a better start to your day than mine has been. Family stess. Sigh.
Sorry to hear that… Hope that your day improved…
Good ribbet morning, ladies & gents.
The Seattle forecast is for one of these for much of the early part of the day.
![Image Hosted by](
The mist is pretty, but we’re now several months without a significant rainfall. I’d sure like to see some white on the mountain tops.
Today I work on a special order of custom equipment for a buyer with Parkinson’s disease. I need to accommodate weaker strength and a hand span that can’t open up as wide as able-bodied peoples’.
In a way I’m surprised that the disabled have had to fight as much societal resistance and indifference as they have. We all start out disabled–heck we need chaperoning 24/7 for the first years–and we all gradually lose function beginning in our 20’s. Everyone with a family or friends is close to people who have reduced functionality.
Moreover, anyone who does physically demanding activity for either hire or recreation, such as dance, music and singing, athletics and skilled manual labor is destined to lose perception, mobility and reaction time with age–in some cases early in middle age. From that perspective, society should have been far more accommodating out of pure self-interest than it was until progressives began forcing the issue with government policies.
The accommodations I’m doing for this buyer will pay me back because it’ll let me extend my potential customer base to some elderly and other physically weak users who wouldn’t ordinarily think to buy.
For all you Buffy fans, guess who visited me in a dream last night? Spike! Only he came as his real self, James Marsters, instead of the character. We were driving in a car and talking. Wish there was more!!
Spike and Giles stop by the cafe for a cuppa.
Major Stress around here too, accompanied by his commanding officer, General Frustration. 😉 (And General Panic is rumored to be in the vicinity…)
Gooserock, that sounds like a wonderful project. If it works out, you might want to consider taking out ads in some of the senior publications in the Puget Sound area; it could grow your customer base.
Supersoling, you know the rule: you can never be too rich, too thin or have too many 9/24 March Diaries! Looking forward to your words (and pictures if you’ve got ’em!).
Time to get myself stirring — had to kick the spouse off the computer so I could get on. He’s home again with an ear infection this time, so I need to make sure he gets his ass to the doctors. (This is why I never needed kids; he’s enough of a handful!!!) Men…can’t live with ’em, can’t figure out where to hide the body if you shoot ’em… 😉 (Nah, I’m still crazy about the guy…which probably makes me just plain crazy!)
Have a great day, everyone… 🙂
Corporal Punishment!!
This is terrible. Now I find myself taking my lunch breaks at the computer. Has someone invented a Computer Tray like TV trays? Computer Dinners?
Ads–Can’t use a major increase in business any time soon. I’ve never had to advertise and don’t anticipate needing to. It’s a very low volume art that’s complicated and tedious to learn no matter how cheap the equipment I make would be. What many of us find is that if one maker reports a spike in inquiries, most of the others do too. But it turns out that the same 15-20 people were contacting all the makers.
If the market demand supported mass production, people like me wouldn’t be able to get started at the budget or student-product end. We’d have to come in as top-end master craftsmen selling only to the rich, which is where progress in economic efficiency is sweeping every small enterprise towards, as the gigacorporations take over serving the common people in quantity.
If I had my preference it would be to work directly in a field such as adaptive technology or else (whatever the term is) super low budget or micro-economy technology. But I flunked out of school spending too much time being a hippie artist. The maddening thing is, if I’d stayed in engineering school, I’d now have the analytical training for scientific study of the craft and its gear which is just becoming possible in the last few years. Mother’s revenge!!
before I read your “Corporal Punishment” line…I’m so tempted to take him over the knee (and I outweigh him, so I could do it…if we ever wrestled, I could probably take him 2 out of 3 falls…)
Wasn’t sure your situation and if you were looking to increase your workload by that much — sounds like WoM (Word of Mouth) works better for you in your line of work. As the daughter-in-law of a disabled person though, I have a more than passing interest in the subject of adaptive technology; I’ve thought about getting my butt back to school and see if I learn more about adaptive Web design, though it’s a subject that’s usually just mentioned in passing in most classes. I look at these sites that use Flash to present their information, and think of the people who can’t see or hear, and thus all those whistles and bells are completely useless to them.
Okay, getting off my fat ass and my soapbox now… 😉
Hi all, I’m home safe. I made it in 5 hours flat, not bad, and I love the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn :o) It’s the perfect road to wake up on after a long ride! If you enjoy really driving like I do, and you happen to be in a lowered Chevy shortbed with a corvette engine, you like driving the Belt Parkway :o)
I’ve already gotten email from a reporter here asking for an interview and she’s on deadline so I need to get on that pretty soon.
Here though is my most pressing matter. When I walked in the house I found my youngest daughter Allie crying and holding in her hand the hamster she got while I was in DC. Sadly the hamster, who she named Teeny, had died. Man……. Poor baby. So you see I have to tend to my family now. My existence begins and ends with them.
Glad you made it home safe!
Poor baby. Take care of you and yours. First thing is first and all that.
I returned to find that Danni had been voted as Class Rep 🙂 Whoot!
and definitely ready to continue on.
Made it home safe as well. Rather bouncy flight that had me whiteknuckling it. While a freeper had his fun. But I shut his piehole up as we disembarked and it was good to see that others were tired of that crap too. That after a rather hinky experience escort to the metro. My husband said it was intimidationt called “passive detterance” but now we’re thinking it could have been cause due to the slight scuffle over someone trying take my flag while I was on my way to witness the protest. Of which I could not get to because people were being turned away from that.
I can not begin to share just how much of an impact you all have been. I’m somewhat overwhelmed by all that has transpired. Deep thoughts…
I have so much more to learn and to do. We must continue. We must do everything we can.
Peace! I love you all.
I have to get some groceries in this damn house. I had no goodies for the kid’s lunches. Ah… life – but…not all is back to normal. 🙂 Now it’s all so much more different and there is now a path to follow and complete.
After the groceries, of course.
Ha! I read that wrong at first. My mind scanned over the “L” in Public. Then thought of those “Good Bush and Bad Bush” signs at the march 🙂
I just emailed you a few seconds ago, actually. I’m playing catch u on emails, just now able to thank the PastorDan’s for the gift package and such… and now homework moutain to “hike” LOL
Heh, I totally grossed out my 13 yo kid… threatened to show him the big blister on my pinky toe. Just saying the words “pinky toe” freaks him out. I think he’s more upset I named it “BrotherBlistspar” 🙂
I want to let it be known far and wide…
Democrat/Liberal men are by far the hottest, sexiest, smartest, funniest men in all the land. Their company, time and attention is THE BEST!
Hooray for the BooMEN!
… but don’t forget the BooWOMEN, who totally rock! You guys are all a wonderful bunch – funny, cute, intelligent, and wise, wise, wise. A lot of excellent people hanging out at BT, I have to say!
That goes without saying but we can say it again and again… BooGoddesses 🙂 (((Olivia))))
Speaking of hanging out – anymore BooTribbers in their undie shots??? LOL Poor Booman! 🙂
The biggest laugh I’ve had all day. I can’t imagine walking in and finding a man lying on the floor like that. Why didn’t he take the couch – anyone know? And speaking of undies: Why did he have to take his shorts off? Interesting … and hilarious!
is that the couch was a pull out bed.
I’m just glad Tribbers had a place to crask 🙂 I was kinda worried that Tracy might get a scare arriving so late and finding a man in her room LOL
But he did have a booman shirt on. 🙂
When you catch your breath, check the Sharks website for the schedule then email me; the spouse and I freakin’ owe you a game, our treat! (He saw your pic and said you were cute — he must be paying me back for calling Keith Olbermann my imaginary 2nd husband… 😉 )
Hey there!! Owe?? Nawwww… but I could use a hockey game and some hockey friends at some time!! 🙂
Shark’s site sucks so I go to 🙂 Best Shark fan’s on eart 🙂
He thinks I’m cute??? Did he get hit in the head with a puck at some point in his life??
Hey!!! Did you see the photos of the rubbings and the time around that from BrotherFeldspar? I forget which diary it was in. We were all there for you and Chocolate Ink. 🙂