Why not? They’ve taken ‘control’ of everything else.
Washington’s New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change
by Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa
The important debate on global warming under UN auspices provides but a partial picture of climate change; in addition to the devastating impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on the ozone layer, the World’s climate can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated “non-lethal weapons.” Both the Americans and the Russians have developed capabilities to manipulate the World’s climate.
more below:
In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) as part of the (“Star Wars”) Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilising agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.
While there is no evidence that this deadly technology has been used, surely the United Nations should be addressing the issue of “environmental warfare” alongside the debate on the climatic impacts of greenhouse gases…
The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction:
“Owning the Weather” for Military Use
Looks like a War Room to me.
Does our government and military have this capacity-to hide behind ‘nature?’ Can they create such scenarios to practice on us? On the world for control? Just asking.
I have seen this cropping up repeatedly and in different forms. Some people speculated that a string of earthquakes in the Middle East were caused by the US. Now hurricanes. The answer is, no, we are not able to do this. All that is happening is that all the predictions regarding global warming are coming true. We are screwing up the climate unintentionally and globally, not intentionally and locally.
Simply put, the entire human population on earth is not generating enough energy to be able to affect hurricanes in the way you imply. There are two major forms of energy represented in a hurricane: the kinetic energy of the wind and the release of potential energy from condensation. The latter is the larger number–it is HUGE…much larger than the knetic energy component. But I don’t know the theory behind calculating it (though see below for more). Now, as far as the kinetic energy component, that is simplly E=mv2 (mass times velocity squared). The mass of the air being moved by a hurricane is (no pun intended) MASSIVE. That can be easily calculated based on the size and height of the hurricane (giving you the volume of air) multiplied by the average density of the air. The velocity is the wind speed. Plug in those numbers and you have the SMALLER componant.
Now, more detail from NOAA:
Precipitation energy:
So, the energy in an AVERAGE sized hurricane is more than 200 times the entire world-wide electrical generating capacity. So if you wanted to, for example, boost the strength of a hurricane by 10%, and assuming 100% efficiency (an impossibility) you would need to generate 20 times the entire existing world-wide electrical capacity just for that single action.
But there is also the kinetic energy:
So the raw energy needed is way beyond anythings humans can do right now. But the other thing is how to deliver that energy. How could we transfer energy we generate into the storm? Short of giant fans I can only think of one way–heating the ocean water. That can transfer energy into the storm, but the transfer at each stage would be very low efficency, so you’d need EVEN MORE energy to accomplish it and you’d need some pretty massive way of heating the ocean water. I can’t even imagine better than 50% energy transfer in such a huge project, so I suspect that to boost a hurricane 10% you would need around 40 times the entire energy produciton capacity of existing human civilization. If we could generate that kind of energy, believe me Middle East oil would suddenly become unimportant.
Of course we ARE doing this kind of thing on a global scale using solar energy. We are turning our atmosphere into a more efficient collector of solar energy, stored as heat, which then gets transferred to the ocean waters, which leads to more storminess. So global warming is the only way humans have of bumping up storm energies.
Intimidating numbers to be sure. I could not easily be convinced that it was possible to create a hurricane from scratch for exactly the reasons you state. But, given the complexity of weather systems, and what we are starting to learn (do we have any predictive ability?) about chaotic systems, it doesn’t seem unlikely that sufficient amounts of energy could be generated and/or directed to tip a system in one direction or another. Think of how small one piece of straw is compared to a camel!
Doubtful. We are still talking about large amounts of energy and no real way to focus it. And if we could focus that much energy in one area, it would be very obvious.
My wife studies climatology. Real in depth stuff (Lorentz transformations, computer modeling, etc). She laughs at the idea we could do this. And again, I want to emphasize that there is no reason to invoke this kind of explanation since we already know that global warming will cause exactly the kind of increased storminess in the exact areas we are seeing. We already have an explanation. Occam’s razor. Don’t needlessly complicate the theory when a simpler theory will suffice.
I’m not sure if what you mean by “we could do this” is the same thing I’m referring to. I agree that we are talking about massive amounts of energy. However, anybody familiar with chaos theory is also familiar with the term sensitive dependence: “a slight quantitative difference in starting state can lead to major qualitative differences in long term behaviour“.
As for Occam’s Razor, that only goes so far. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not actually convinced that anyone intervened in the gulf’s weather system, but what is Occam’s explanation for the blips in the link I posted above? Seagulls passing gas?
Greater radar reflectivity within the storm at those particular points. Could come from a number of reasons. One is the radar software wasn’t working so good. Another is “Stuff Happens” either by chance or whatever.
My wife loves to watch the doppler effect radar on the Weather Channel. Various blips come up all the time. We’re talking compter-based systems here–software glitches, crashes, etc can create anomalies.
I don’t put much past our corrupt government. But this is just plain impossible. Again, I can even refer to my wife who specializes in climate studies. She thinks the very idea is laughable. And she is well aware of chaos theory since it originated in her field.
We need to focus on the stupidity of our government in ignoring global warming and ignoring the warnings of the giant hurricane bearing down on the US. I have encouraged everyone to write letters to the editor complaining about the incompetance and callousness of the Bush administration when it comes to Katrina. But I don’t encourage putting too much credence in internet rumors that are scientifically unlikely. There is so much to focus on that is perfectly plausible.
do we have any predictive ability?
Yes, in that we can predicte chaotic systems are stable globally, in that iteration will cause successive points to land on a particular geometric figure, and unstable as to sucessive point-to-point mapping is a ‘surprise’.
Because of Sensitivity Dependence on Initial Conditions, tiny change in input morphs to massive change in the output, no predictive ability is possible. That Hurricane could either grow into a Cat 5 or dwindle into nothing from the beating of a butterflies wing in Mexico (Edward Lorenz paper.) You can’t assign probablities, tho’ people have and are trying, for … well … technical reasons (Hand Waving Alert! Hand Waving Alert!) So when you write, “sufficient amounts of energy could be generated and/or directed to tip a system in one direction or another” is true in the theoretical sense but not in practicum.
This really creeped me out. It’s making the rounds on the tinfoil-type sites. radar time-lapse for Rita. The theory is that the red dots are directed microwaves. Idunno, but I love a good conspiracy theory (they’re fun when they’re theories, but not so much when they’re reality. God bless your soul MLK).
I saw this also and it is curious- My thought was submarines or naval ships waiting to bring aid, until I put my tin foil hat on…