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About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
For all you who use “Heh” in your posts:
so maybe the shrub is asking for devine guidance, albeit from a “pagan” source, every time he thinks he’s being funny?
Oh no you don’t. No pawning that schmuck off on Pagans.
He’s a Christian problem.
Pardon me. That’s “Christian” problem.
Back in June I posted a Weekly Diary Roundup that profiled diaries that I thought deserved more attention than they initially received. I only did it once and then real life chaos ensued.
I was wondering if someone who has free time on their hands would be willing to take this project on? I’d be willing to help out with semantics. There is so much great stuff written here, this gives another chance for everything to get read and discussed.
Tough job. There are so many quality diaries here.
Great idea…but like Catnip said, tough job.
Someone want to explain to me why nobody is reporting this? I mean, the guy almost made it into a stadium packed with 84,000 people in middle America.
What’s really going on here? Why the cover-up?
With no further information I’d guess the victim was white and either Christian or Jewish and that it will be put down as “suicide” (Fox wont be using the homicide bomb label). No doubt some mental or emotional problems will be found.
If you knew that even before reading the spate of articles to come out, then you’re even better than me! A a rarity, indeed!
Yeah – not sure what’s up with the ’emotional problems’ stuff.
Drudge had just linked to a pic of the dude with a big, frothy beard – a la Osama and company – but now it’s gone. The only other pic I can find shows the dude with a very small beard.
Man, operation cover-up is working hard to suppress this…
Seems to confirm the ’emotional problems’ tag used by the Uni President:
Death by explosion? Whew…
Just a lucky guess.
Saw this dude on C-Span last night. He was giving a speech on his book at Hillsdale College – yes, that Hillsdale College. His book, A War Like No Other, seems fascinating.
And I have to tell you – this dude seems so smart – I mean actually, genuinely smart – but all of his online stuff, and even a lot of the titles of his books are just from wingnut land. God is Warrior Chief. In Praise of the Ultimate Penis Warrior. All that stuff.
Here’s the thing – I knew about the Hillsdale School of Fascism. I knew about the Hoover Institute – where the screen said he was a paid propagandist. But to listen to this dude talk – you would swear he was a liberal. He actually, truly, seemed to grieve for the dead – killed in this senseless war on Iraq.
It was so bizarre to see him on tv – liberal, nutjub, liberal, rushbo, liberal, hannity – back and forth, over and over again. It was like watching an academic version of Fight Club.
This dude has some serious brainpower. I don’t care how wasted his brain is on acting tough and fighting to make sense in all the inherent contradictions that is modern conservatism. It was wild to listen to him just go on and on with Greek and other names – some very difficult to pronounce – tens of them – hundreds of them, and all their relationships to one another – who died where – how – when – why. Unreal.
Here’s one example of his flip-flopping: He would talk with deep anguish about the results of ‘total war’ – the type of war the U.S. is now fighting in Iraq – razing villages, killing all the men, women, and children, and even animals, torture, etc. And then in the next sentence, he would say that this wasn’t necessarily something to shy away from – just something that we should expect in war.
I’m tellin you man – deep, deep personality split disorder going on with that dude.
I feel like I could almost read this book, but all the right-wing nutjobedness – don’t think I could hack it. Not to mention the split personality disorder thing…
We need your help with the BooTrib PlameGate Project. Check out that link for the first part of the action items.
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The week’s guests listed in order of appearance, M-Th. (Everything subject to change.)
Selected Entries:
this needs a BooSwarm. LOL.
BooMan, I’m shocked…you still haven’t had jiacinto show up yet…but all the Casey/Schumer operative regulars are there…
You should bring up Casey’s position on stem cell research with Desroko…(he took StemPAC out of his sig line after it was pointed out to him that his sig line was an oxymoron promoting Casey AND StemPAC atthe same time)…
TV Alerts
* Ex-Pres. Clinton on “NickNews” (Nickelodeon, SUN, 8:30 pm). (Via Hotline)
Next week’s guests in order of appearance M-Th. (Subject to change.)
TDS: Martha Stewart, Rosario Dawson, John Hodgman, Richard Clarke
TCR: Ex-Sen. Bob Kerrey, Rev. Al Sharpton, Matt Taibbi, Tim Robbins
Letterman: 11/18: Sen. McCain
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James Carroll op-ed
(too busy to write a diary!)
is in full-swing!
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Tampopo has a new diary up regarding the 12 Days of Justice Protest.
We need your help to defeat scAlito’s nomination!
The focus is narrowing, but WE STILL NEED HELP!
Specifically six more writers to take one of the daily diaries.
It is far too quite in those threads, I know you’re lurking there wondering how you could help. Just ask!
And please recommend the diary while you’re at it. Thx!
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