Some people are taking great joy in the fact that Tom DeLay’s likely replacement as majority leader, David Dreier of California, is rumored to be gay and refuses to deny it.

It’s an interesting situation, but I don’t understand taking joy in it. Although Dreier’s record on gay-issues is mixed-to-poor, he is against the ban-all-gay-marriage amendment. I certainly don’t want to see him denied his rightful promotion because of the bigotry of his compatriots in the GOP house.

If he is denied the position because he won’t deny he is gay, that will be a good time to hammer the GOP for institutional discrimination, but it won’t be a happy development.

Meanwhile, Chris Bowers has an interesting quote about what to expect in a DeLayless House leadership:

In American politics, centrifugal tendencies are everywhere. Asked to contemplate a House of Representatives without the leadership of the great coordinator, Tom DeLay, a Republican strategist with close ties to the White House commented: “It would be complete and total chaos. The House would descend into ‘Lord of the Flies.'” (p. 137) link

David Dreier’s gayness and Californianess could contribute to the ‘complete and total chaos’. Let the dominos fall.

Update [2005-9-28 16:13:12 by BooMan]: They threw Dreier over. They screwed him. I hope the Log Cabin Republicans are taking note of this development. Dreier looks like he’s had his guts ripped out. You look the other way on the GOP gay-bashing and they’ll stab you in back. If this were a public sector job it would be against the law to deny Dreier his promotion. Fucking bastards.