Our regular host for Wednesday seems to be missing so I am posting this today and I want to suggest you all read this diaryabout my idea for a DC Protestor Book…
Our regular host for Wednesday seems to be missing so I am posting this today and I want to suggest you all read this diaryabout my idea for a DC Protestor Book…
Helooo everyone, cafe is now open for business, come on in and visit a spell.
Geez! I picked the wrong weekend to be away from the computer! I have only scraped the surface of the diaries from the protests, rethuglie indictments, etc. and I’m already feeling overwhelmed.
Y’all are AMAZING WRITERS! I have a lump in my throat from all the emotions that are flying off the screen as I read your words. Thank you to everyone, this is truly a great haven of peace-fighters.
‘Afternoon ribbeters and ribbetrixes. The Sound is Pugetting along normally but there’s some long-hidden sunshine in Texas for once!
My favorite cat of all time, Richard Parker, was run over and killed yesterday.
He came to us while we were vacationing two summers ago in the Alexander Valley winemaking region. The gardeners came to tend the yard of the house where we were staying, and with them, they brought a little tiger kitten they had found at their previous job. About four weeks old, abandoned, starved almost to death, covered with stickers and shaking like a leaf, he entered our lives.
Well, he grew up to be a fine, handsome cat, just like the tiger he was named for. He had a wonderfully goofy personality – he would follow me everywhere I went, preferably between my feet; if I sat down, he would flop into my lap; in the shower, he would poke his head in, debating the wisdom of plunging ahead. But he always had incredibly poor cat skills. Although I did finally teach him how to groom himself, this was a cat who managed to fall off the kitchen counter and break his leg(!). The other cats HATED him, I think because he never knew how to behave like a cat around them. While they worked diligently, eliminating mice, rats, and gophers, Richard Parker frolicked in the yard, chasing flying insects, running from leaves. He also guarded my bed like a pitbull, running the other cats out of the room, so that every night for two years, he could assume his favorite sleeping position: curled up on the pillow next to my head, purring, with his face buried in my hair (I think it must have reminded him of his mother, it made him so ridiculously happy).
Now, perhaps inevitably, like his namesake, he’s suddenly gone.
thanks for that moving tribute to Richard Parker. Hugs to you, I know how hard it is to lose a companion.
Thanks, Man Eegee.
My favorite cat of all time
Babaloo, that is heartbreaking. I am so sorry.
It’s hard enough to lose a pet when they die of old age but it’s even harder when they are suddenly taken from you. But I’m sure that you will enjoy your memories and I hope you will soon feel up to going out and giving another animal a fine and loving home.
I’m so sorry for your cat and for you and all those who knew him. I know what you are going through, it happened to one of ours several years ago and we all wept for him for many days. Hang on to the good memories and remember that he had a great life with an ‘owner’ who truly loved and cared for him.
I am so very sorry for your heartbreak. :*(
Please let us know how you are dealing and healing with this loss. I know what my two kids would say… “time to save another rescue kitty”
but that time will arrive when you are ready. Take time to heal and remember now. Take care.
Oh, Babaloo, I’m so sorry. It’s amazing how much love we can share with our animals and it just hurts so bad when we have to say goodbye. Hugs to you…
Oh-I am so sorry that you lost your kitty- sounds like a very,very sweet baby cat.(i get stremely gooey when it comes to baby pets) So, I just told my one remaining kitty,that a friend lost his kitty today , and she came running over to comfort me.
SORRY -oh dear- really sorry.
Well, I’m going to console myself this evening with a little old-fashioned rabble-rousing. After all, what could be more therapeutic than heckling Arnold Schwarzenegger and his “fat-cat” donors???
This diversion is going on just down the road from me and is simply irresistible.
Joining the teachers, firefighters, nurses and police officers will be supporters from the 500+ member Lamorinda Democratic Club.
Hah! Get ready to rumble!
Sounds like fun!
now I’ve gotta go finish that half gallon of Dreyers Light Vanilla that’s in the freezer…can’t have that in the house, and don’t want to just throw it out… π
I have lost so many kitties suddenly in my life, I should be callous by now but I am not. It seems to me that it is the really special ones that are taken without warning. It is almost like that is part of their spirit’s journey — they come in as oddballs, make their impression and then drive it home with the drama of their leave-taking.
My very first cat, Missy, arrived on our doorstep on a snowy night and that’s hard to do in the Deep South. She never seemed to understand that she was a cat and made her fatal mistake by warming herself next to the radiator fan in my father’s car. She dragged what was left of herself up to me and died in my arms. My mother was really pissed about the stains this left on my nightgown.
The best cat I ever had, Strider (because he was a Prince in disguise), simply disappeared one night. He could fetch a ball, swim in ponds to catch frogs and chased us down if we tried to drive off without him. He loved riding in cars and sticking his head out the window. I covered the neighborhood in Lost Kitty signs to no avail. I never learned what took him from me.
And Patchwork, the tiniest little runt with tuffs of black and orange randomly scattered over his little body. Rejected by his mother, I fed him personally and he thought he was my child. One morning he was dead and I paid good money for an autopsy. I couldn’t understand why he had come into my heart and then left without saying goodbye. The vet informed me that his little stomach was malformed and he’d never got much nutrition even tho it was delivered with a loving hand.
I learned, slowly, not to let my cats be outdoor cats. My current kitty, Lil’Bit (cause she is a tabico and has a little bit of all kitty possibilities spotted all over her) was discovered in the back of an abandoned truck. Her paws have never touched actual earth. She went from that truck to my apartment where I fed her with Ensure and scrambled eggs to another truck and another apartment. She also doesn’t know that she is a cat; she thinks she is my two-year old child. She is now as old as I am — in cat years — and when she goes I will grieve like I have lost a child. For now, she is my perpetual toddler — even tho her joints are paining her.
I believe (because I chose to believe) that we are facilitators for certain animal spirits, that we assist them onto higher planes of incarnation by our love and, finally, in our grief at their passing. In his next life, Tiger will be someone’s human child because he has known your love.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s amazing, isn’t it, how totally they own us.
Not sure if you saw this in the photo diary of mine. BrotherFeldspar, Tracy, SuperSoling, and Ryan found your dog at the FDR memorial π
I’m still floating from this photo taken by my brother Ryan.
A hockey friend wrote the below when I shared it with him. “Azzie/Azul” is my nickname to many friends… I’ll answer to Damnit or Janet π
“Azzie–Looks you were perambulatin with the instigatin elite. While Bush was ruminatin like a louse, you was fumigatin the People’s House. You folks recognized how Bush had horrorized and moralized while the poor were getting traumatized and ostracized. He say Iraq, and you say a crock. The man keep jiving while you be testifying–2,000 close to dead while the man sleep in a 4 poster bed. It don’t take no prestidigitation to crush no midget nation. It’s the corporate prostitution versus the incorporate Constitution. Liberty? You can’t rape her, cuz it say so on the paper. Let them neo-con ghosts push terror…we already livin in the Post Bush Era! Peace out baby.”
Janet, I hope you have seen my diary on making a book project out of the DC protestor diaries, please post your diary over on Village blue if you wouldn’t mind, I am trying to get all of them together in one body of work….Military too, Brother, anyone else I have forgotten.
Hey there, please feel free to take any picturs or writings I place here and add them or whatever π
Right now I’m playin “ketchup” with email, writing, and family. π
Wow, it really is a Toto. One of the best dog friends you can ever have–provided you’re not an idiot.
Great company in that photo above!!
I was just about to take my morning shower when I looked out the bedroom doors (which go out to a 2nd floor porch) and saw this scene. Thanks to the advantages of living deep in the woods with no neighbors, I just ducked outside to get the shot before the light changed or some bird flew through the spider web. (Should the photo fair have a naked photographer category?)
Where do you live? I hate you. I think.
(with the pure evil of envy)
Southern Indiana, which is hilly and heavily forested. And the land is relatively cheap because it is too hilly and the soil is too crappy to be farmed or developed.
Wanna hate me some more — we’ve got 40 acres of woods and we share most of our property line with two owners who live elsewhere and an 800 acre camp. I do have one actual neighbor but their property line is 1000 feet away from my house and their house is even farther away.
But I’m in just as red as state as you so you won’t have to really, really hate me.
The spider saw YOUR fly (undone) π
Beautiful pix!
We’re just coming into spider web season here too. With all the wooded country roads hereabouts, on misty fall mornings when I drive Mrs. Gooserock to her paying job, we’ll seem rows of them strung from trees, and if the sun comes out, that same diamond sparkling from the backlight.
I’m guessing you probably have a lot more opportunities to get these shots than I do.
This web was fairly unusual in that it was so high up (about 25 feet) and very big (I’d guess about 2 ft or more).
Of all the spider webs in our woods, I especially like the ones that are built on the forest floor and catch the morning dew.
Shhhhh! I’m just lurking here today. < slinks away >
It’s slinky it’s slinky
what fun for a girl and a boy
it’s slinky it’s slinky
the worlds most popular toy π
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh π
what fun
I can understand a dog doing it, but a wabbit!?!? “Aye, that’s nae ordinar-ry _bunnie!”
Our late great giant Toto dog, lover of musical instruments (though frustrated because he could only chew them), and Defender of the Family Against Slinkies.
We had to stop this as he got older out of fear for his teeth.
Shycat’s new foundation– Defenders of The Family Against Slinky Murdering Pets–is NOTHING sacred?
else the slinky could go the way of the unicorn and Piltdown man.
But,but,wasn’t Piltdown man a hoax? and unicorn a myth?
Might I be mixing Piltdown up with something else?
Geez, Gooserock. I only have X amount of energy!It’s getting real hard to focus on which damm issue is the higher priority. Which is what the bastards want. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
How the hell can I support the Protection Of Slinkys Act- when I am so distracted by the Brownies, Rummys,Bu$hitters,and Deflays?
Damm ,I miss California! Rumble indeed.