UPDATE: Vote on favorites below

We’re starting a book club in which we will read the same book and discuss it, starting with Mike Tidwell’s BAYOU FAREWELL. It’s already getting rave reviews from BooTribbers who have started reading it. The books we choose will be ones that illuminate the news that interests us and the issues that concern us. Those of us who are buying our copies are getting them from Powell’s, USING THE LINKS ON THIS SITE, as a way to raise a little income to support the Trib.

Okay. . .

  1. DATE:  How does the 4th Saturday of each month sound to you? Weekends are low traffic times here, so this might be another way of contributing, by increasing visits and page hits.

  2. Thanks for participating in the planning, Froggies. And by the way, anybody from any site is welcome to join us. Please do invite your friends from DKos, My Left Wing, Liberal Street Fighter, Village Blue, etc.