The real story about Tom DeLay’s indictment in Texas goes far beyond the corrupt acts of a single individual. DeLay’s intervention in Texas state legislative elections was part of a concerted, nationwide Republican plan to control our government through political gerrymandering at the expense of black and Hispanic voters. I observed this process first hand as the expert witness for Democrats in the court cases challenging Republican congressional gerrymandering, not only in Texas, but also in Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan.

By pumping money into state legislative races in Texas, DeLay engineered Republican control in 2002 over a previously divided state legislature. He then guided Texas lawmakers into breaking precedent by rewriting mid-decade an established congressional redistricting plan. The DeLay plan thwarted the will of voters by drawing districts to guarantee Republican victories and take over five Democratic seats. To this end, DeLay and his allies cynically and knowingly destroyed the voting rights of millions of African-Americans and Hispanics in Texas.

In the Dallas County area, the plan demolished a 60.5 percent minority district and scattered its voters into five Anglo-dominated, Republican districts in which they have no chance to influence the outcomes of elections. In southwest Texas, DeLay’s plan removed some 90,000 Hispanics from Congressional District 23 to ensure that it would elect a Republican opposed by Hispanic voters. His plan dismantled seven other congressional districts across Texas in which African-American and Hispanic voters critically influenced election outcomes, submerging these voters into heavily Republican districts in which they have no influence.

The big corporate interests behind Tom DeLay knew full well what they bought in Texas. They bought our government. Absent DeLay’s gerrymandering, the Democrats, not Republicans, would have picked up congressional seats nationally in 2004, putting Democrats in a much better position to regain control of Congress next year.

To change these practices in our country I am running as a Democrat for Senator from Maryland. This race matters to the entire nation as Republicans have targeted Maryland’s open seat to help keep their majority in 2006. Check out the ideas on my website: