Check this out from DNC Blog via Suburban Guerrilla.
At 10 a.m. the phone rang, and while I usually only get calls from the press, this one was different. A man identifying himself as a lifelong Republican was on the line. I began to prepare myself for whatever harsh words he was about to unleash, but to my surprise he said, “I need your help.” So I asked him “What do you need?”
In the wake of Katrina, Forrest King took in six evacuees because he said it was time for Americans to come together and help one another. He went on to say he had an elderly woman in his care, she had no medicine, and no one from the state or federal level would help him. He said that the Republican Party had abandoned him. He said the last thing he ever expected was to be calling up the DNC asking for help but he had no one else to call.
I explained to him that I was in the communications department in Washington, DC and didn’t know what I could do for him. He said just get me medicine and help for this woman, she’s dying. I knew I had to do something, so I called the state party in Massachusetts and spoke with the executive director. I told her the situation. She placed a call to a case worker in Senator Kennedy’s office. I continued to call the state party and Kennedy’s office throughout the day for updates.
When I spoke with Forrest, I heard the desperation in his voice when he talked about his frustration with the administration. But his patriotism and his ideas about how Americans should help one another had really affected me. I was invested in helping him, in making sure this woman he had taken in was OK, and in providing him with assurance that I hadn’t abandoned him as his party did.
I called Forrest that afternoon after receiving word that an ambulance had been sent and the elderly woman was safely at the hospital. He answered saying, “I’m on my way,” mistaking me for a case worker. He said he couldn’t believe how quickly he received help and that he was actually on his way to the hospital. He later told me that the doctor who admitted the elderly woman said she should have never been placed in a residence and that bringing her to the hospital when he did, had probably saved her life.
When Forrest first called, he identified himself as a Republican. But above all he was an American who invited other Americans who lost everything to share his home. I am proud that as a fellow American and a Democrat, I could help him. I understand the anger Forrest has expressed towards the ambivalence of his party to help in a time of need.
I was fortunate to see dedication and compassion from my fellow Democrats to help him and other Americans in this time of tragedy. I feel my reaction to this man’s plight truly reflects my core values and priorities as a Democrat. The health and well being of our fellow Americans is a moral responsibility that I will never shed. Thank you Forrest, and welcome to the Democratic Party.
Great story!
Ain’t that the truth, tho?
Republicans have been telling their voters for years “We don’t need no steenkin government! We believe in self-reliance!” At the same time they’ve rapidly expanded the govt, “to protect the American people” (that is, they funnelled govt money to certain select corporations who in turn buy Republican politicians).
The Republican Voter has been had. The rulers never believed in terrorist threats or any of the claptrap they’ve pushed during the campaigns. In fact, they’ve been betting strongly against it, and pocketing the difference.
It took a hurricane to expose them. A disaster too big to spin or dodge.
The Republican politicians are just lucky it didn’t happen closer to the election. They have time to recover politically.
If we let them.
The one Republican man in this story had his eyes opened — but only because of his first-hand experience. How can we reach the rest of them? How can we avert the real disaster before all the Republican voters experience it first hand?
How can we reach the rest of them?
$5.00/gallon gas, and natural gas prices that increase by 70% in a single year.
Sadly, that will take many people who probably didn’t vote Republican under financially.
Too true.
Then we’ll end up with the hard-core Republicans upset because some poor person in an underinsulated house is going to get $330 to help with heating this winter, while they have to heat both their regular house and their lake house with their own money.
But then again that’s just the (incredilby loud) minority of the Republican supporters. There are a huge number of poor and middle class Republican who will feel the pain, too.
And maybe that will be enough. Enough to show them for once and for all that their interest and those of the well-to-do Republicans really are miles apart.
(and about that time, the Dems will have mastered their brilliant “we’re republicans too!” campaign message)
This was bound to happen-people who thought that the Republicans were on their side have just had a rude awakening,and it is not going to get any better.
As I told one of my- frothing -at- the -mouth- Repug-former-friends–‘ You have nooo idea what is going to happen to you and all the suckers that fell for this nonsense,if you make less than 200k a year, you are a total sucker to vote for ANY Republican, they will suck you in and spit you out’.
And so it goes.
People like being stroked, and that is understandable. But the HATE AGENDA always backfires– right in your own face,eventually.
I have been waiting patiently for this to happen since last November,because, at that time,there was no talking to anyone.Sometimes, you just have to sit back and try to pick up the pieces.
AND THAT – my friends, is where the Dems are failing,falling,and FUCKING around- how many opportunities missed does it TAKE? Unless you are in the same pockets.
Don’t just tell your “frothing -at- the -mouth- Repug-former-friends”. Yell it from the bloody mountaintop!!!!!! Your an idiot if you think the tax cuts that have bankrupted the country are yours!!!!!!! Its the $200,000 dollars plus crowd thats laughing in our faces. Its a society for christ’s sake, you don’t bankrupt peoples children to feather your own nest. That sucks! Just roll back the tax cuts and we will pretend this incredibly rude shit never happened.
I was never a Repug– but I had some people that I thought could see the filth– but no– and that is why I bide my time. There is a time– and it is here- but it had to smack people in the face first.
don’t get too cocky all you dems out there. Just pause for a moment and examine the condition of our party.
Do I have to list ALL of the failures and missed opportunities?
How about — Oh lets see- approx 22 dem votes for roberts. Or, what about all the support for the credit card industry. Need I go on?
Tragically, the beauty of the human response in the posted story is easily offset by the numerous mistakes, errors,and greed of OUR leaders. I suggest that either we clean up our closets before we take on the phonys in our house or Maybe we just forget the traditional democratic party and get down to the start of the formation of a new, honest and people focused party.
And if we can’t get our crap together pretty darn soon we can kiss 06 goodby and probably 08 as well!
While I am truly disappointed in the way the national leaders have led the party, let’s not forget that “the personal is the political” – as Janet reminded us earlier this week. This guy, a Republican, had a personal experience that may change the way he votes next time.
Also, if we want the party to be more progressive, we will have to take the party over. That is what the religious right did to the Republicans. If we, progressives, take over the party it will reflect our views.
Want to take over the Texas Democratic Party?
Send five committed and qualified Democratic voters to each Party Precinct caucus at 7:15 PM on the day of the Party Primary election. Each has to have voted in the Democratic Primary. They will then determine the delegates to county caucuses who determine who goes to the State Convention. The party will then belong to them.
The Republican religious right did that to the Republican Party two decades ago, and with Bush in office and Karen Hughes attempting to convince the Middle East that her “Christian” Faith is the reason the Muslims should respect America, you can see the results. They have been recruiting similar people to run for office ever since, and the Republicans now hold all the state-wide elective offices.
I think Ashcroft and Roy Blunt are the result of a similar process in Missouri.
Fantastic story – that actually brought tears to my eyes. How sad that a lifelong Republican finally realizes the Democrats are the ones that won’t let him down, that he can turn to in a crisis. But it wasn’t the Democrats – it was one brave soul at the DNC who stuck a neck out to help a fellow human being. Is that so hard to do? We should all be capable of at least that. But some just can’t do even that, and that’s tragic.
Someone has to determine likely future need, plan for the problem, place the resources into place, and then people of good will (often with some training) can plug into that already prepared infrastructure.
Everything except the people of good will who wish to handle the immediate problem in front of them is a function of government and has to be paid for by all of us.
The Republicans can recognize the need for military and security, so they allow government to do all those things for the military. They do not recognize social needs, so they object to government attempting to place the structures into place. Then they laud the military for its success and complain that the government can’t do anything else correctly.
As the story shows, since the Republicans do not believe in government they simply assume nothing can be done for that sick woman, so they do nothing except as individuals. When those individuals are each overwhelmed, who do they turn to? There is no one. The grasshoppers did not set up a system to help when Winter arrived, unlike the Democratic ants.
Government supports a corps of professional people who foresee future needs and prepare for them. That is the great sin of appointing Brown to FEMA. The have been replacing government professionals with politically connected amateurs. The Bird Flu situation is another of these. The Republicans proposed cutting the budget of the CDC to pay for Bush’s extravagant and guilt-based promises to rebuild the Gulf Coast.
While it is true that the ability to see the need, to emphathize and respond, are more characteristic of Democratic attitudes and actions, let’s give credit where it is due: to the writer who took it upon herself to act, and to Senator Kennedy’s office.
There is no substitute for good people in staff positions who can prioritize and respond. Senator Kennedy obviously has them, and we are all proud and grateful.
Responding to constituents is an important if often overlooked function. I recall vice president Gore’s staff acting on my request for something far less important to a person’s life, yet it was probably did have a role in helping someone get better. An elderly woman who was a member of the Gore’s church in Virginia and a big Gore supporter was very ill in the hospital, and her doctors were worried she wasn’t going to make it. I requested a get well note from Al Gore be sent to her, and within 24 hours, Gore’s staff got it done. The woman proudly displayed that letter, and she did recover, and is alive and healthy right now.
A good staff reflects on the people who hire them, and the party those officeholders belong to.
understood that a life was in the balance. I think this story ought to go out to every Democratic Representative and Senator in DC. and the State Legislatures as well. We love to tell folks that the GOP cares about corporations, while we care about people. This example says a lot more to me than mere words. My hats off to him, and to the former Republican who lent a hand when it was needed.
Told ya so!
“Tres bizarre!” I posted this earlier this afternoon as a comment on the Open Thread.
Great minds. . . ?