I found a political quiz thanks to a link over at Progressive Bloggers so I rushed over to take the test, of course.
I’m a “socialist”. Quel surprise.
How about you? Take the quiz at OkCupid.com.
My results:
Social Liberal 76% permissive
Economic Liberal 5% permissive
Economic Liberal 5% permissive
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
loc: (99, -169)
modscore: (3, 46)
raw: (543)
I’m somewhere near Ghandi which is where I usually end up on these tests. That’s okay with me!
I am right between Stalin and Darth Vader.
Just kidding.
Between Ghandi, and (gasp) is that Hillary?
Social Liberal
(80% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(6% permissive)
You are best described as a:
I was wondering if that was Hillary down there too. Old pic. If it is, she’s practically breastfeeding me. Ewww.
I’m sitting on Hillary’s shoulder. My wife better not catch us like this, LOL.
I’m between Hillary and Gandhi, too, solid Socialist, and that’s odd because I just don’t think Hillary is that liberal.
83% social permissive and 8% economic permissive.
My proposed law was that nobody would be allowed to have an income from any combination of sources that was more than 20 times the poorest person in the country. Certainly incentive to really “lift all boats.” 😉
Me too. 80% and 8%
Wow! I ended up in the same corner with y’all. Interesting that out of 300,000 Kerry beat Bush by over 88,000. I liked most of these stats:
43% pro-choice
27% pro death penalty
36% pro gun control
28% against the war on drugs
15% for the war on Iraq.
We’re just a bunch of commies. Sssh! Don’t tell anybody!
No. We’re a bunch of socialists. Get that straight.
I always find this test and the descriptions of the results here very interesting and tremendously useful in life.
Social/Economic Liberal, AKA Socialist, ie: square on Ghandi
Another quiz The Political Compass
Econ: -7.88
Soc Lib/Author: -7.85
Left of Ghandi
…though it’s sort of left-biased is one of the best I’ve ever seen. I come out at -9.13 on economics and -7.64 on social libertarian.
But I’d like to see a really nuanced quiz of 100 to 150 questions and that has some means of providing a curve of all those who take the quiz. I mean, on the Political Compass, I’ll wager that 90% of people who take it show up in or close to the left-bottom quadrant.
…though it’s sort of left-biased is one of the best I’ve ever seen. I come out at -9.13 on economics and -7.64 on social libertarian.
Kind of a biased statement, considering even the Green party in the United States is only rated as “Left Leaning Centrist” (slightly to the left, and slightly down based on a real chart like the one below) on a world scale and most Dems are moderate right wingers.
Americans fail to grasp just how right wing their politics really are. It is the test catnip put up that is really skewered. The political compass is closer to the truth.
Note that John Kerry, as Liberal as Americans try and pretend he is, would be somewhere around Tony Blair and Paul martin (moderate right wing) on the chart, and Hillary would be somewhere between Kerry and George Bush.
It is plainly apparent that most of the “first world” countries are trending right and authoritarian (Because of corporate influence), but the difference is most countries are little more moderate in their “right wing politics” than the USA currently is.
…the American spectrum. My complaint for many years is how what used to be considered far right in the U.S. is now in the center of the skewed spectrum. And you’re certainly correct that Americans don’t generally know just how rightist much of what they consider a centrist or even left viewpoint is when compared with Western Europe’s. The East is different, depending on whether you’re in Poland, say, or the old DDR.
However, I doubt very much that the Political Compass can be considered world scale – it’s primarily a western model with distortions – what, for instance, is the Dalai Lama’s or Saddam Hussein’s position on legalizing marijuana? Or abortion? Their placement on that graph is purely imaginary, and their answers (not to mention the Pope’s, Mugabe’s and Sharon’s) to questions like: “When you are troubled, it’s better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things” are purely imaginary.
While you are correct that they had to make guesses on some of the peoples positions on certain questions, you have to consider that the answers can usually be found in “similar votes”, policy statements, and interviews with the media, and can be extended to a degree to establish the “likely” correct answer. There is enough info out there to take a reasonable educated guess.
And you’re certainly correct that Americans don’t generally know just how rightist much of what they consider a centrist or even left viewpoint is when compared with Western Europe’s.
I hate when people call an American Dem or Republican a “Centrist”. The FAR LEFT wing of the Dem party are “right leaning Centrists”.
It plays right into the hands of the radical right redefining the USA political spectrum. When people call HRC, McCain or Lieberman a centrist, they are helping the far rights agenda. Call them what they are. Moderate right wingers. And be relentless about it if you want to reclaim the true left spectrum.
I am a “right leaning Centrist”. I like moderate “Liberal” social policies, and moderate “Conservative” fiscal policies, which means my politics lie somewhere between the Greens/Naderites (socially Liberal) and the the left half of the Dem party (fiscally Conservative).
Right now the FARRR right, (Like bush, who is as far right as Thatcher was) is about as far to the right as the communist party is to the farrr left.
I suspect that the poll that showed Hillary as a “socialist” was likely commisioned by her or her supporters…
Think about it. Why else would her face even be on there? She is “push polling” herself as a Liberal.
I doubt there are any people out there in BooTrib land (or even at the dKos) that would consider her as even part of the “left side of the Dem party”, nevermind as a socialist? lol
She will portray herself as “left” until the primaries are over, and “right wing moderate” if she wins the primaries. But we already know she is a right wing moderate. I hope she loses (I hope all of the right wing moderates lose in the Dem primaries), so the grassroots wins.
The real problem? There really are no real LEFT wing candidates to support in all of the names that have been thrown out there so far.
Econ: -5.75 (curious–I’ve done this before, and come out past -7…)
Soc Lib/Author: -7.49
Hi Gandhi. Hi Mandela. Hi Dada.
You are a
Social Liberal
(86% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(8% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: On Ghandi.
And I’m “Azul” 🙂 in the blue 🙂
Damn some of those questions… and I know some who would be on the extreme opposite of me.
Thanks for the test, teach! 🙂
I’m a Socialist, too. Have been since I was a teenager. No wonder so many of us are fed up with Democrats who keep sidling to the Right, not to mention the Rupublicans who’ve falled off the edge. It was an interesting test, because I, too was thinking of the folks whose answers were opposit mine.
Kinda what I figured out at the March. I’m not a Democrat, I’m a Liberal. 🙂
Because that’s what I am.
Social Liberal: 83% permissive
Economic Liberal: 5% permissive
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
I’m just barely off Hillary Clinton’s power suit and fully on Gandhi in the “famous people” view. Works for me.
We scored exatly the same. I wonder how close our responses really were.
hutzpah to come out in Ghandi’s corner. Since I have no real non-violent tendencies I have to think they fudged a bit on the questionaire. But wait, maybe if Bush wasn’t in office I would not be so violent?
Ok, you know I had to wander on down to one of the other positions….the What Sexual Position are you one.
Apparently I am the boring old Military(?)Position, which if I recall correctly looks alot like the missionary position. Maybe it’s just when I’m having sex with MilitaryTracy. Well, now, that just slipped out. Sorry Tracy.
Too damn funny! 🙂 ((((Second Nature))))
WTF is “military” position? Did it say? Or did they mean “missionary”?
No, it said “military”. Sounds like it would be at gunpoint or in a bunker, but it sure looks like the missionary position to me. Or maybe I have dyslexia and it really did say missionary. Just take it yourself, DJ….something tells me your results won’t be quite as boring as mine.
The “military” position would be where you get screwed by the entire Bush administration. I’d avoid that one.
one of the other TESTS. TESTS. Not positions. D’oh!
Social Liberal – 81%
Economic Liberal – 15%
Best described as socialist.
economic liberal 10%
social liberal 75%
and what is Hillary doing there?
The “Which evil dictator are you?” quiz was fun, too.
With an ego score of -1 and an ideology score of 1, I ended up as (cue national anthem, please):
Given the choices in the quiz, that may be about as benign as you can get…
Me (it’s all about me!): social liberal 71% permissive
economic liberal 6% permissive
A socialist, I am
What’s it mean if the screen goes blank and then a dot pops up, flashes brightly and then goes away? Then it pops up somewhere else a different color, flashes and goes away again? After doing this a few times it pops up and a long frog tongue flies out of the bottom left hand corner and zpas the dot before it can flash and disappear again.
What’s that mean?
It means you’ve obviously had too much to drink. Try again tomorrow. 🙂
You are a
Social Liberal
(73% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(28% permissive)
You are best described as a:
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (87, -82)
modscore: (17, 44)
raw: (2141)
My results: (sittin’ right there on Hillary’s shoulder)
So do you think for the Repub/Capitalists is says “You exhibit a very poorly-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic inequity”? Hey, the truth hurts.
I ended up over there by Gandhi also-no surprise.
Social Liberal 90% permissive
Economic Liberal 3% permissive
I am sitting right there under Ghandi’s chin, near his heart. . .and that couldn’t be a better place to sit, in my opinion.
Thanks Catnip. . .seems we are so far pretty much related to each other on this site. . .LOL
Yet another Ghandi:
You are a Social Liberal (86% permissive) and an
Economic Liberal (5% permissive)
You are best described as a Socialist. You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
And in very good company it seems.
My results;
Social Liberal 91% permissive
Economic Liberal 1% permissive
You are best described as a: Socialist
My little dot almost fell off the bottom right hand corner… better throw me a life line folks.
(Must be a genetic “flaw” as my grandfather always voted for Norman Thomas.)
Hey, why am I a button on Hillary’s lapel? This can’t be right!
Looking at these results, I’m starting to think that “Hillary for Prez in ’08” invented that quiz so y’all can feel good about voting for her. 🙂
Are we absolutely, positively sure that’s Hillary? Kinda looks like Sandra Day O’Connor too. (But it doesn’t seem like a completely appropriate place for either of them to be residing)
Socialist here too. I even answered some of the question from a conservative point of view I thought. It’s getting crowded here on Hillary’s left shoulder :o)
I am a
Social Liberal
(75% permissive)
and an…
Economic Liberal
(10% permissive)
You are best described as a:
Socialist, who exhibits a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believes in economic fairness. loc: (93, -150)
modscore: (6, 45)
Chances are half of those who chose socialist are not really socialist –but I’m glad they chose that option.
There is practically nothing eminating from the left that is socialist with the possible exception of calls for universal health care — and I practically never here that discussed either. But those “political quizes” always tell you are a socialist just because you believe citizens should have something approaching equal rights with corporations. If you believe corporations have more rights than individuals you are a moderate I guess.
I almost posted a diary on Kos this morning but then remembered how people react over there when you criticize Markos. I really, really, really am tired of the way they shape their opinions there –everything is in reaction to Bush and the right. The right doesn’t like Miers? Fine, then Kos must like her. If the right changes their mind, Kos will oppose — but if Reid and others vote for her, then he’ll say it’s OK.
When you are completely bankrupt in your political ideology then all you do is react. That is why most of the so-called liberal blogs do the community a major disservice — just as our Congressmen are not leading, the blogs are not leading. It’s all cheerleading and no substance. Look how Kos and Atrios avoid trying to survey their audiences concerning the issue of an immediate pull out of Iraq. But Kos, almost every week, posts a poll about who should be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2008. Tell me, how is this different than what CNN does?
There is practically nothing eminating from the left that is socialist with the possible exception of calls for universal health care — and I practically never here that discussed either.
The disconnect seems to be along the lines of what people believe in and want (socialist policies) and what they’re actually getting when they elect Democrats(Democratic policies that seem to veer too much to the right).
I’d bet you’ll find many more identifiable Democrats at a site like dKos than you’ll find here at BT. I think that affects the overall tone and character of each site as well. Socialists tend to be more forgiving, supportive and compassionate while those who are more centrist seem to be more defensive.
Just my 2 cents.
Social liberal 60% permissive
Economic liberal 16% permissive
Another useless quiz. I tried taking it and the site slowed down so much that it wouldn’t connect after a few pages. I don’t think it liked how I was answering. It’s full of presumptions and has few answers that represent my thoughts and feelings on things. There isn’t a check box for “don’t care”. As an example of psychological testing it’s laughable.