I love Ductape. He’s as articulate on gardens and cuisine as he is on current events and world history. His diary on the Indiana Taliban is currently the most linked post in the blogosphere. Ductape can be infuriating with his relentless on-focus criticism of America, and Americans. I once called him a gadfly. But as a great admirer of Socrates, that is a compliment. Yes, Ductape, as loveable as he is, has many detractors. Fortunately, he likes to collect his critic’s most savory ripostes.
RedTard- blogcritics.org
IMO – terrorist plain and simple. He is an Al queda operative who should be put in a cage on gitmo
Skinner- conservativeunderground.com
My favorite…”In Defense of Holocaust Deniers”
drdon326- democraticunderground.com
I always thought that “The Enemy Within” was just a metaphore for liberalism, that is, until I encountered Ductape Fatwa. He should be in an orange jumpsuit for sure.
limewireayane -peopleforchange.net
ductape is either a commie, al queda, or a deep cover mole.
windansea- conservativeunderground.com
Tells you something about this asshole doesn’t it. He’s really serious.
GabysPoppy- conservativeunderground.com
Ductape is a commie, a terrorist, and he drinks blood too. He drinks Capitalist blood. He eats unborn babies too.
J97- conservativeunderground.com
A terrorist with a sense of humor!
Nephilim- conservativeunderground.com
He ain’t nuthin’ but shit.
Jim Sagle- democraticunderground.com
You are a dumbass. Fuck you and your condescension about us “benighted sheeple.”
hamletta- dailykos.com
Untruthful, damaging bullshit.
John Locke- democraticunderground.com
no better than the neocons and no different than Timothy McVeigh.
space- dailykos.com
a turd in the punchbowl…if DF were Joe Hill he probably would have killed himself rather than get put to death.
nothingshocksmeanymore- democraticunderground.com
A compost pile of fecundity.
Feanor- dailykos.com
despicable and literally mentally ill.
Addison- dailykos.com
Out of gratitude to Ductape for gracing Booman Tribune I thought I’d give everyone a chance to write their own testimonial to Ducky (as Susan likes to call him).
I suppose you can show him some genuine appreciation or you can offer your best immitation of what a close-minded impatient ‘crusading’ American might say. Either way, I’m glad Ducky is around to make me think twice about my assumptions and to offer his unique and wise insights on all facets of life.
Your last sentence says it all for me; which is why we sent a search party to Gitmo looking for him after posting this.
Congrats “Ducky”, how does it feel to be eulogized before your expiration date? :-
Hey DF — if you’re mentally ill, I don’t want to be sane!
We are the lucky ones as Boo says, to have you posting here!! Keep on keeping us on our toes!
As I was telling my son yesterday, if you don’t exercise it, your brain gets weak and a gibbery (he’s six).
A tip of the hat to one of the most erudite writers on or in the blog-o-shere.
I’d be willing to give up my FP status for Ductape. That’s my testimonial.
or else I may have to withhold your payment for myself.
OMG. I just had an orgasm.
(Did I say that out loud?)
and I hope it’s catching. ;>o
You’re going to make me say it again? Okay, then: I love Ductape, and I’m so glad Ductape’s back!
Ductape Fatwa — Number 51 on the people fucking up America — with a bullet.
Hmmm…his detractors from the right-wing sites are considerably more clever in their testimonials than are the ones from dailykos. Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.
“I read Ductape Fatwa’s blog because God told me to do so.”
It won’t last. I am humbled. Thank you.
Props for the unauthorized reproduction diary are thanks to Indiana Green at progressiveindependent.com
I noticed it attracted a troll. Congratulations, BooMan, I think that means you have arrived!
Now I will go and pretend I am not all choked up and get to work on writing some over-wordy rant of prose so purple that it will make Albert Jabara jealous and if I am really lucky, make somebody think.
Should be worn as badges of honor. I know both from other sites, and they can’t hold a candle to you or your posts. I have followed your posts elsewhere for a long time. Admire your patience and ability not to let things get to you.
I remember you from DU, and it is their loss that you post elsewhere.
Ducky’s ” relentless on-focus criticism of America, and Americans” is — for me — a cold shower.
It sobers me up. It wakes me up. It’s as unpleasant as falling in the snow naked. It’s bracing. It’s enlivening. It’s worth the discomfort. Every word.
although my dentist tells me I’ve been grinding my teeth. I say it is a natural response to fending off Bush’s imperialism and Ducky’s anti-imperialism at the same time.
I think Ductape brings a lot of value and a lot of prejudice to the table at the same time. Sometimes productive, some times not. Like all of us.
As a Canadian I have as many anti-American sentiments as many, but I also can see more than just broad brush statements as Ductape makes in comments vs. diaries. Yes, sometimes we do need a jolt, but others, it’s just being prejudiced and painting all American’s as he/ she (always thought Ductape was a she) feels they should be painted… sometimes deserved, sometimes not.
Ductape, you don’t engage in debate, you engage in absolutes in your comments and I’ve seen it time and time again. It’s not a discussion, it’s “you vs. them”. And it’s the tactic of the right. Flippant comments that paint broad brush strokes and don’t advance the issue at hand… other than how you want it advanced.
So, I will praise Ductape when she done good and spoke truth to power and condemn her when she is just being beligerent. Like I would with anybody. I don’t put anyone on a pedestal. Because no one deserves it.
I am in the minority here and that’s fine. Life is not black and white and not all American’s, or all American military or government are blood-thirsty animals… for example, you can praise Jefferson for what he did right while still condemming his owning of slaves. Yes all are responsible for the gov’t, but that means Ductape too. And you too Boo. All American’s are.
Whatever, she brings more value to the site than I do so I should probably just keep my opinions to myself.
But freedom of speech and all… so I’ve said my peace and will now exit not so gracefully.
gad·fly Pronunciation (gdfl)
They made Socrates drink hemlock. So, your reaction is neither suprising, nor wrong. But it is always a mistake to ostracize your gadflys.
There is a difference between a provocatuer and someone who actually thinks the worst about American’s without thinking the worst about humanity in general. Not all about America is horrible and sometimes shit just happens because people are human. The same goes with every other country on the planet.
I’ve been there Boo, I’ve seen it in Canadians from the far left who hold the US gov’t and military with nothing but contempt… no matter what they do. But won’t hold the same mirror to others. Yes, the US is the most powerful country on the planet and should be held to a higher standard, but that doesn’t mean that the US is inherently evil. Individual people and institutions are, and that is what Ductape misses in her comments… not necessarily her diaries, but her comments.
I am farther to the left than 80% of this site. And I have MANY MANY MANY Anti-American sentiments, but I also can see in shades of grey and understand that humanity is fucked up and people are part of humanity and people run governments… so every gov’t is fucked. The US just has the loudest pulpit and the biggest guns right now. So they deserve the most scrutiny.
In terms of ostracizing her, well if she doesn’t care about ostracizing people who are on her side by her flippant, insulting comments, then why should I care? Seriously. I care about her insightful and penetrating diaries, but why should I go beyond that?
Like I said, I’m in a minority on this one and am fine with it.
He has always been what he is. Some things he has posted have irritated, some have not. The ones that irritate me usually tweak my conscience, I would rather not go there.
The unique thing about Ductape is that no praise is needed really. He has a truth to tell, he tells it. You can like it or not like it, agree or not.
We need people like that really. Ones that irritate and tweak.
Well, I can’t speak for your conscience, but since I ain’t a Yank, calling you all evil really doesn’t say much to me other than – okay, if you say so. yeah, the whole world is fucked, America just happens to be in the spotlight right now. Not anything new, it’s been humanity’s MO since the beginning… and all empires and their subjects thought they were top shit & could do no wrong… nothing new. So yes, the diaries which bring NEWS and FACTS to the American public are outstanding and a public service, the comments spouting her own prejudices against Americans are not.
“I don’t put anyone on a pedestal. Because no one deserves it.” No one? 🙁
Ductape’s diaries are an example of many great diaries I find here, and why the frog pond remains my favorite hangout.
Keep’m comin’ DT!!!
Sometimes funny.
Sometimes thoughtful.
Sometimes insightful.
Sometimes moving.
Sometimes like kicking a hornets nest.
Whatever it is, just keep’em coming Ductapefatwa.
That’s what the First Amendment is all about – Freedom of expression that should be protected!
I recognize on your list an old nemesis :: hamletta. I prefer DTF any day!
Comes to mind our Prez in his speech on the WOT did NOT mention the Madrid bombing, I guess Spain is not on board of the greatest coalition ever in Iraq.
I was utterly surprised to find Bush mentioning the murder of Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands and he used the word Submission in relation to the Islam. Theo van Gogh has been very controversial, before calling Muslims goat f..ckers, he was anti-semitic and had to stand in Dutch court for it, which is very uncommon.
Just nice to find out whom Bush’s heroes are and what country is not worth mentioning. My hero would have been Hirsi Ali, the Somali refugee who came to the Netherlands, furthered her education with an university degree and is now a prominent member of Dutch parliament. Bush chose option for death.
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i think i can speak for the women (and the guys too, yo madman!) at Our Word when I say thanks to ductapefatwa we found out about this horrid bill. and we heard it here at boomantribune. so kudos to both of you for being on the right side in the genderwarz.
and please believe me. after we heard. we passed the word around.
we’ll have a lot of battles like this in the reproductive rights wars in the near future. they sort of overplayed their hand this time. they made a mistake, they showed their true intentions.
ductape. i would also like to thank you for posting the link to S.H.A.P.E. in houston on your home page. i’m going to make an anonymous donation there in your name to benefit katrina survivors. thats how much i appreciate what you’ve done.
thank you.
and you too booman.
thanks so much.
Thank you. But you should make your donation to SHAPE in the name of Farai Chideya, whose excellent list of Red Cross alternatives I shamelessly expropriated, with a credit, of course. 😉
There are many people, some affiliated with orgs, some not, conspiring together to do what they can. They can all use money, and if you don’t have money, they can use time, or brains, or brawn, or something you have in the garage, or any combination of the above.
Immediately after joining BooTrib, I sent an email to DTF, inviting him to come play in the Pond. We’re not friends or regular email buddies. I had to google to find an email addie for him. I had to explain how I used to read his topics and comments on a news junkie forum before the invasion of Iraq, how I remembered him being flamed from that site by demented cries of “Terrorist sympathizer!” and “Traitorous Scum!” I expected him to be a provocateur…
I wanted his voice, stirring up shit, messing with minds and provoking outrage. I was actually being a little subversive; DTF was insurance against the Pond turning into an echo chamber or a KosKlone(TM).
I had no idea the rascal was going to end up being LOVED around here. LOVED! I’m so glad he’s here making BooTrib the kind of place where radical POV’s are not only considered but appreciated and admired.
I’m sticking with my assumption that he’s secretly Tariq Ali-I mean, have you ever read both of them live bloging and the same time?
I am thinkin–Koufax Award this year.
That the Booman reads the diaries and critiques them. It gives a great warm fuzzy feeling to know that Ductape, a prolific writer, has a spot in the Booman’s heart! Keep those fingers working Duc!
No matter what “you/me/I” do, 20% of the people that we make contact with will not like us. Ductape has really worked his 20% over though thoroughly. They have been over the river and through the woods and the Big Bad Wolf ate grandmother and her house! Then he ate the horse that knew his way to carry the sleigh and they ended up pushing it back through the white and drifted snow!
suffering and injustice, and–right word, BooMan–relentless in hectoring those inflicting suffering and injustice on others.
Gotta love this guy.
Ducktape: Hated by both the right and the left equally!
DTF is right up on the top of my list of favorite bloggers along with Driftglass and The Rude Pundit.
Anyone with the creativity to have a user name that smacks the Bushco administrations propaganda of fear of terrorism gets bonus points right up front!
Sometimes I’m irritated, sometimes I smile, but DF always makes me think?
Is there any greater compliment to a progressive than the ability to make people think?
Like Spiderleaf, I thought Ducky was/is a girl-type. Whether girl, guy, or light being from another galaxy, I read the posts with great appreciation and look for more diaries on the list. We’re lucky to have Ducky here in the frog pond.
Ducky is under the personal protection of the Finnish Hakapeliita – fuck with him at your peril. We have spoken.
Off-topic, but did you get my email?
Yep . see your inbox…
For a little while, I thought I knew Ductape in the real world, for it was hard to imagine that two people of such ferocious integrity and magnaminity could exist. So while Ductape’s mood may be sombre, mine is made lighter by his presence.