Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Regulars are in their regular spot next to the bar.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the previous Cafe).
May the 4’s be with you
That one was getting crowded. We’re lively today!
was about my intentions to run for office. lol
thank you all for your support in this endeavor.
GDW, I didn’t see that diary until it was closed, but wanted to say – good for you and good luck!!
I have recently gotten to know one of our county commissioners pretty well. And his story about getting elected might be encouraging to you.
His career has been as a union glassworker with our local public school district – completely blue collar. The commissioner from his district was convicted of fraud – but wasn’t backing down from running again for his seat. A long time state senator joined the race, but it seemed clear that he just wanted an elected office where he could sit out his time waiting to retire. This friend of mine decided that he wanted someone in the position who was honest and really wanted to represent the people of his district – so he decided that he needed to run for the seat. And he WON!!! He mostly did so with the help of legions of kids and families with whom he had worked as a volunteer coach and supporter of all the neighborhood youth sports teams. On top of all that – he is the most honest and ethical elected official in this community. What an inspiration.
So you can do it too. And we’ll all help any way we can.
Couldn’t find your diary on running for office in the search option here, and I seem to have missed it. Could you post a link to it? I’m interested.
Gabriele, it was in today’s earlier cafe: LINK:
has brightened your path ghostdancer, it does my heart good to see your next steps on your path.
wado my brother, the wolf spirit will be with you.
I took a Mental Health Morning from work, only been in the office for an hour or so. I think I’ve done more in that time period than the rest of the week. It’s amazing what some outdoor reading and “Me-Time” does for the soul.
Cheers to you all!
NYC subway — what the hell is this? Weapons of mass distraction??
Sorry to contaminate the Cafe with this question. But seriously, WTF?
This is complete and utter bullshit — are ya’ll watching this press conference??
They say they can’t corroborate the threat, and then they FBI guy comes on and says that they have DISRUPTED the operation, but that he cannot talk about it because it is all classified.
No arrests, that is not true.
This is fucking crap, worse than crap. Definately worse than fucking.
Your wills ee hieghtened police presence for the forseeable future.
The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
The Bush Regime pull this crap out every time the lemmings and the media start to wake up.
It’s all bushshit. It’s “terra uhlert propaganda”
Here’s Photbucket’s statement about the problem that the two feuding providers have caused them.
They don’t say, however, how soon it will be fixed. Cross our fingers that it is in time for the Photo Fair. For those who want to have a backup plan, imageshack is working okay.
Thanks for the heads-up.
I haven’t been able to get in to PB since last night. Man, I hope they get it fixed soon…I’m way low on the learning curve still.
hell dada…put the clothes back on those ladies in your photo’s,,,and it won’t “kick the bucket” ; )
could’nt resist that one….peace bro
You can make a blogger account and make a free blog.. you can then post photos there for free… and if anyone want to send me photos or anything art related for my art site let me know.
Hey dean. Just wanted to congratulate you again on your blog. It’s really taken off. You’ve posted some really inspiring pieces, and I’m amazed at how diverse they all are. Good stuff!
Thanks a lot olivia. It’s been tricky with the pace, I had an influx a little while ago, so I posted one each day, but now it’s a little slower, so I had to move back to one every two days. But it is a lot of fun. I love to see people from all over comment too.
Wow. I’ve been here a while, but never had time to come in for a drink. I love a little frog poop in my coffee.
Syria, Iran, Iraq. Allies of convenience did the * say? Three of them? I suppose they’re another one of them axiseses.
Well, yeah, somebody named Primordial Ooze would love a little frog poop in their soup. Hey! Welcome to the Cafe. And I love the word “axiseses.” Axiseses of Evilses. Now let’s see what Spellcheck does with that.
I like to keep in touch with my roots!
Wow! You got a FREE 4 just because you didn’t complain about the poop.
Welcome to the Cafe.
With the Froggy Bottom Photo Fair coming up…
I figured this diary was appropriate:
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Looking forward to checking out your pics!
Conneticut man, i was just coming here to rec. your diary….a must see for all!!!!! Very powerful!
I got it in my Email today. When I clicked the link my daughter came running up thinking it was a music video. She was left speechless after seeing it, as was I.
It really puts 2000 in perspective.
Great diary CT!
Evening all. Just checking in after a full day of crawling around on the floor and retrieving toys pushed under the couch. Man, I thought that I was tired after a full day of teaching.
Well, with teaching you got to go home and veg out (to some extent) at the end of the day…now you ARE home!
I was always amazed at how a half-hour trip to the store suddenly took 4 hours to complete after the kids arrived…
Well I seem to recall that when Lisa Simpson became President, Bart conned her into making him the Secretary of Keepin’ It Real. Maybe, Harry Reid-like, I can advise GDW to nominate you for this important post.
Whoops, wrong reply button. Shift wisecrack down one message.
That is a huge shift. It takes forever to get going anywhere. If it’s both my husband and I, we’re fine. If it’s just me and Andrew, I have to decide if the trip is really that important.
I can’t believe that I go back in a month and a half. I will be very jealous of the 35 weeks of leave my husband gets.
With four kids under the age of 8, it was years before I was able to shave BOTH legs on the same day!
Welcome to the journey. It’s a sweet one.
I’m not anywhere close to that. You must be tremendously patient!
Not patient, just catholic. My husband came from a family of nine kids and I from a family of 8 kids. Any fewer than 4 just seemed too small!
They are no longer under 8, they’re all in their teens and early twenties…I really miss picking up the toys from all over the house. No…really!
Second Nature,
I know exactly what you mean.
An odd fact about me is that when I was 8 years old, I was the oldest of 7 kids (eventually there were 8 of us)
I’ve been a very good worker today…what’d I miss at the cafe? I did see that GDW is running for President and he picked out his whole cabinet, but apparently I am not enough of a crony to get a position (sob!)…
And primodial ooze likes poopy coffee…hmm…welcome to the cafe!
Well, I had a pretty clever comeback, but I replied to TeacherToni instead, where it makes no sense whatsoever. Only one thing left to do: make fun of my own mistake! Hah! You idiot BroFel! /makes “L” on forehead
See what watching hockey does to your brain cells… 🙂
Hockey good, especially if player look like Brendan Shanahan.
If only! Do you know when my beloved Leafs will be on TV this season? Try never!
I’ve heard tales, wonderful tales of an extraordinary land, a land that lies to the north, where hockey is, like, the national sport or something. A land with universal health care, sensible gun control, and a national network that shows hockey, like, all the time. Sounds like a magical place.
… I have to say I was shocked – shocked! – I tell you, to find out that you call the Leafs beloved? How can this be? Say it isn’t so! Not the Maple Laughs … ;^)
(PS. I just finished watching the Habs beat the Rangers WHILE listening to the junior team – Ottawa 67s – on the radio at the same time. I SO LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR! WOO HOO!)
My Red Wings will not have the chance to whomp your Leafs at all this year, but we play Nashville about a billion times. Nothing like a rivalry dating back…what 5 years?
The Leafs aren’t doing that bad yet… They are only in 9th place in the East right now. lol
1. * Montreal
2. * NY Rangers
3. * Tampa Bay
4. New Jersey
5. Buffalo
6. Florida
7. Washington
8. Ottawa
9. Toronto
And it was a good one too…but I think I need to be, you know, head of the FDA or something…Plan B and Xanax for all?
I hope everyone will go and check out latest diary I just posted, called “Biological Weapons used in Anti-War March?” from an article I found on Aljazeera.net!
I’m going through an enormously stressful time, too much work, too much travel, and too damned much conflict. Ever feel like the Scarecrow with half your stuffing kicked out?
Send me your good thoughts that I may return home safe and sane. With most of my stuffing.
Stop the feeding frenzy on your soul, remove the negative people from that frenzy, for they do you no good, only harm.
It will be hard, only at first, and don’t worry about the cracks in your heart. You need to stop trying to cover them up, for they are what lets the light out, and lets the world see the true light within.
Be strong, and move on….peace be with you always.
I work with lawyers…
Thanks for your wisdom. It does a body good.
then you must have even more light within, to keep out the darkness ; )
be at peace.
You have my sympathy…traveling is a bummer. There is nothing like your own bed. Hope you get there soon, with all your stuffing intact.
Sending you warm fuzzy thoughts of the comforts of home.
So sorry about the lawyers…not that there’s anything wrong with lawyers, mind you, but some of them can be, uh, stressful, can”t they?
Any Zionist spies in here? I feel sorry for them.
The Philippino spies are getting all the attention.
When is Boo going to frontpage some thoughts on why and wtf is Israel doing spying on us?
…and on the media whitewash thereof?
…and on the 300 nukes Israel currently holds and is inflaming the Arab world with, not to mention spurring a regional WMD race?
What’s up Tribbers. Hope you guys are having a good week.. one more day left!
Go Red Sox tomorrow!
Holiday weekend coming up here in Canada. So a nice long weekend to come.
The Bosox will come out like cornered dogs and retake the momentum over 2 games at Fenway…then they will stomp the White Sox in a rather anticlimatic game 5.
Right on!
Froggy Bottom Photography Fair!
This Saturday & Sunday (October 8 & 9)
Read all about it!
Hi Everyone!
If you do stop by the new Fair Diary, please recommend it. I’d like it to be visible for as long as possible. I think the previous ones have fallen off the list pretty quickly.
I figured I’d got straight to Le Roi himself.
I asked him this directly on the FP:
Hey Boo,
L’il off topic (or is it?), but I was wondering when you intend on frontpaging some thoughts on why and wtf is Israel doing spying on us?
…and on the media whitewash thereof?
…and the potential linkages between the Franklin & Traitorgate scandals
…and on the 300 nukes Israel currently holds and is inflaming the Arab world with, not to mention spurring a regional WMD race?
Franklin plead guilty today and it doesn’t appear to be news here.
see Oui’s diary.
BooMan’s Place 24/7.
Just started my day, had to read what the world has been up to first, here @BooMan of course!
Many, many interesting diaries.
Expecting the announcement of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize at 09:00am GMT – in 2 hrs. Bono is considered a candidate, I myself doubt he will get it. Must be tough decision, first of all to find a single outstanding person working for World Peace. A first prize in the WOT would be much easier, many candidates a 52 card deck would not cover.
Perhaps a woman who leads in the Islam movement like Malalai Joya, Afghanistan candidate elected to office, or Hirsi Ali, an outspoken Dutch politician who has made some impact, unfortunately helped by murder of Theo van Gogh.
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The nemesis of the Bush administration and John Bolton, has received the Nobel Peace Prize.
It’s the second time President Bush has been snubbed, President Jimmy Carter was awarded the prestigious prize in 2002.
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Anyone watching cspan and the katrina/Dem fest going on right now. all about an independent commission on Katrina,,,,,
Why don’t they put it on stilts?
This works in Cambodia: Every year the Mekong River floods out about half the country. People put their first floor on piers above high water and run around in boats.
They could let the Mississippi flood and silt the wetlands back into shape, and make the whole city twice as interesting as it was before . . .
And if the new buildings are to be hurricane proof, they really are going to think up some new designs. Pay more attention to aerodynamics . . .
If we follow one of the links here and go to Powells, is everything we order associated with booman, or just the particular book that was linked?