That’s enough….

Shown repeatedly today on CNN was footage of an Iraqi home receiving a tank round from about 10 feet away.

War whore, pretty, blond, Blue Eyed, American Jennifer Eccleston has been to Iraq 5 times covering the war in Iraq. She reported that when genius American Captain Carabine decided to send a tank round into a “suspected insurgent hangout” what came out of the hangout were women and children, bloody, burned, dead and dusty. She made a point of noting how all dusty they got from the tank shell. There was almost no commentary on the inferior Iraqazoids who were killed injured and displaced.

CNN showed footage of the tank shooting a round of artillery from about 10′ away from the house. This is war! They chimed, after something like this you just have to get up and “move on,” said Jennifer with a tight smile.

I guess this is what American people want to hear.

CNN showed the people in horror exiting the home, no weapons, pleading don’t shoot, carrying their dead bloody children, limping and crying.

Jennifer said she wonders how long she can keep going on like this before HER number is up. She wondered about HER number right after showing the innocent …(and they are always innocent because the US is a predator nation invading a sovereign country illegally)…dead children and living wounded exiting the house. She wanted to make sure she could get this on camera, so genius child killer Captain Carabine let her set up her camera prior to sending the tank shell into the home of women and children. I guess it wasn’t THAT urgent that they get the insurgents right away, they had time to get a good camera shot and now I’m am sure that Jennifer is happy her story got on CNN. Is the Captain by any chance having an affair with this reporter? Inquiring minds…..
American soldiers are dumb, trained morons. That’s what they are and they keep proving it over and over again. Dummies trained them. After watching this I don’t care about these American Troops and the excuse the are just doing their job.

Many of the soldiers like killing people. That should be obvious by now. There’s plenty of video and photos of soldiers posing admidst the dead bodies, torturing, raping and killing. This captain is an idiot. American cruelty comes from the top but its expression is encouraged among those who are already cruel and those who have been trained to be cruel. I have had it with excusing American Troops. They are awful, they are incompetent, from the general to the private and that’s the norm. And that’s the damn truth.

What they are doing is cruel, pointless and stupid and you cannot escape being cruel, stupid and pointless simply because you are under order to do so. If you do stupid cruel things, you are stupid and cruel. There is no escape from that. That’s why so many people go crazy when they come back from a war and cannot reconcile themselves to what they did. If you act cruel and stupid it is part of your history, it becomes part of who you are. It is too late, nothing can change what you have done and emotionally you are fucked. It takes a Houdini to work through this kind of thing.

Jennifer Eccleston partner another comely CNN War whore lamented the previous night that she didn’t have her night scope on to catch a humvee being blown up….”she knows it sounds crazy but that’s what she does for a living”. What she does for a living is stupidly putting herself in danger so she can gratify her horrible perversity in promoting and witnessing human suffering.

That’s what the troops do; most of them take orders to promote human suffering. I could not believe they showed this more than once on CNN. I thought for sure it would be pulled because it made Americans look bad. What I didn’t understand is that CNN and it’s audience thinks it makes America look good.

You don’t think we should blame the troops? Tell that to the Iraqi’s who are being killed everyday for nothing like the Iraqi people in the house that Captain America Carabine blew up. Whoops!

There may be some good troops in Iraq. But they are the ones who are trying to get out of there, they are the one’s that are objecting. American troops can no longer be forgiven and the United States people can no longer be forgiven for supporting this Predator Nation, the United States of America. We are the dumbest people on the planet Earth. It all isn’t George Bush’s fault; he is merely our representative to the people of Earth. This war is ultimately all of our faults.