(Such a good discussion going, so many comments I decided to put up part II.  You can also use this for the overnight cafe if you wish.)

As most of you know we have had a tradition on this site of periodicaly posting a “Tell Us About You” diary.  Well today I want to change that a little and have a ‘Tell Us why you came to booman tribune ‘ diary and then add to that some questions in view of some recent discussions we are having?

 1.  Why did you come

 2.  Why do you stay

 3.  Are you happy with the site

 4.  What problems do you have with the site

 5.  What would you like to see changed

Also please take this chance if you have not done so to ‘tell us about you’ as well.

I will start off by saying I came to Booman for the civility and tranquility and the possibility I would have the nerve to post without fear of attack as I often felt on ‘other’ sites.  The community of spirit that has developed was a bonus I had not anticipated but welcome and love dearly.
I find myself now in the ‘fear of posting’ dilemma; other’s said they felt the same so I thought we need to get this out on the table and talk about it as it is affecting some members on this site.

Please join me in the discussion!!