Progress Pond

The Accidental Activist: Mid-Michigan Vigil for 2000 War Dead

I’m not feeling all that much like writing.  We all go through patches, I suppose.  So, if you clicked here thinking you were going to get some long, perhaps entertaining, perhaps boring, recitation — some slice of my life — sorry to disappoint you.

But I have to write this.  We — the American community — do need to take action to try to stop our President and his bullshit war.  And I need to co-opt your bandwidth for five minutes.

I know there are some Michigan posters on here.  I am reaching out to them.  My local anti-war group will be holding a Peace Vigil to honor the fallen soldiers in Iraq when their number grows to 2000.  The vigil will also beg our fellow citizens for the sanity of peace.  If you are anywhere near mid-Michigan, please consider joining us at this vigil.
Because this protest will be dependent on the date when the 2000th U.S. soldier is killed in this pointless waste of life put in motion by our President’s lies, it is somewhat difficult to coordinate.

Nonetheless, if you live near mid-Michigan, please join us.  Let your voice be heard.  Let your actions speak of your desire to end this senseless violence.  For those of you outside this geographic area, I believe the protest will be co-ordinated nationally with Goldstar Families for Peace and other groups. Check in your area. Update from Cabin Girl — get information about a vigil near you here. Thanks CG.  

E-mail me ( if you want details about the protest.  Plans are to use an e-mail tree/phone tree to notify individuals when the 2000th death is reached, and the protest is arranged.  Having recently banded together with Kossacks and Tribbers and Wingers in D.C., I can tell you that connecting in this way to oppose the war, is a great experience, and an admirable use of your time.  This is a non-violent, non-partisan event, designed to honor the fallen, and encourage peace.  Now.

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