Our South Seas Adventure pictures courtesy of Paul Gauguin and in honor of our very own Secondnature who has written this very excellent diary Here’s your stinkin community.
Come on in and splash in the very large and diverse frog pond.
Our South Seas Adventure pictures courtesy of Paul Gauguin and in honor of our very own Secondnature who has written this very excellent diary Here’s your stinkin community.
Come on in and splash in the very large and diverse frog pond.
Well it certainly is lovely here, luau will be starting shortly, pot luck, bring your own food and refreshments.
Looks beautiful, Diane.
My oldest son emailed me from Costa Rica today and I imagine it looks alot like the picture above where he is. Right now he and his wife are at Arenal hoping to see the volcano become active. They are taking a self-directed driving tour around the country, which scares the heck out of me! Hopefully they won’t be kidnapped by slave traders or get caught up in a coup d’etat or something equally as melodramatic as what’s been going through my head. He spent a semester there when he was 15 (9 years ago) and now he thinks he knows his way around the place!
I’m getting hungry..hope that fire is ready.
What else can be said of such lovely scenic views.
The musical “South Pacific” will always be very special.
Re: Froggy Bottom Cafe~Southseas
South seas…
A little Hut. Not one overlooking the ocean BUT right on the ocean.
… at BooTrib! Oh, and guest of course ;o) I think we all need to get away on a little BT retreat. Seems like we’d all benefit from some face-to-face communication considering all the misunderstandings and upsets that are going on right now.
Is that on the ocean enough, c-man? :o)
I have my little bag packed. . .what day, what time and where? I’ll be in the nearest hammock under a palm tree sipping something cool and refreshing.
Over here. I’ve got a spot all picked out. Climb on … watch that drink!
We could probably fit a few BTers on this thing. :o)
I had found some similar pictures of Huts “on the ocean”… But when I went to put them in the comment they busted out the marigins on the preview… Didn’t have time to resize them so I just used my words.
Yes! That is exactly what I am talking about!
I think the fire is definitely ready. . .
Food is looking good. . .
And so are the dancers. . .
Is it just my impression, or is everybody on the site a little batshit loopy today, myself included? I’m sitting here with a big old goofy grin on my face, like my dog
(he’s the one with the droopy ears).
Is it the anticipation of indictments getting to us?
I know it’s only a day or so past a half moon, so it can’t be that. Solar activity is quite low as well…
Even Booman is posting pictures of ALF and commenting on the female herb…
Any hypotheses as to what gives?
Where’s the picture of ALF? I missed that…
It’s in Boo’s reply to the first comment in this afternoon’s open thread. When asked for options in the poll other than male and female, Boo said “Like this?” and posted ALF, LOL.
Knoxville, I just looked at your pic and you could be my ex’s brother, you look just like most of the men in his family and coooool dog.
Roast Pig is nearly done,
and we have a fine pair of Hawaiian beers for you pleasure,
Grab a plate and a glass and enjoy the sunset
please tell me that you didn’t accidently serve us iPig for dinner….
Laughing hard!
We need to have Dood put Karl’s head on that roast pig. Apple in mouth optional.
Thanks so much everyone for all the wishes and emails and ecards and silly pics!This has been a great day ! I get to go play spa-gawd knows I need it..
It is fascinating and well,-touching-to get such sweet ness out of the ether.Thanks, again. HUGGLES
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday. I am lifting a shot of Bailey’s in your honor.
Another October Girl! I knew there was something special about you!!
Happy, Happy, Happy birthday, Shy!
It’s your birthday??!! Happy!!!
Feliz Cumpleanos, shycat! 😀
The ketch Igdrasil drifts across a Cocos Islands lagoon in 1936 in an article published in National Geographic Magazine, July 1939. Excerpted photo appears to be credited to owners Roger or Edith Strout, who left college employment in mid Depression to build the boat as total greenhorns and circumnavigate the world.
Igdrasil (“Tree of Life”) is one of the early replicas of Joshua Slocum’s Spray on which he made the first solo circumnavigation at the end of the 1800’s. The design, probably a mid 1800’s northeastern coastal oyster boat, has quite a following because of its legendary seaworthiness of balance and self-steering abilities.
This vessel is presently dry-docked in Puget Sound where Puget4 has visited aboard and fallen madly in love with her. She’s convinced that this vessel can take us to the spot on the globe that’s completely upwind.
I’m not an ocean sailor myself, but the glimpses I see of cruising magazines suggest that the world is becoming less secure for touring yachtsmen than it once was.
Yep, it’s late but figure I’d squeeze in before bed. Late night in the household — I’ll be sooooo glad to get the spouse back to his normal work, where he’s off at 3pm and we can have dinner at a reasonable hour (an hour where the food doesn’t just sit in my stomach for 8 hours!). Had a good dinner; baked chicken, rice pilaf and green beans. Now watching the 10pm news, and about to watch “Countdown” off the DVR.
Hope everyone has a good night…