Well Advanced Of General Public, Telling Them To Stay Off Subways Even While ‘HomeLand Security[?]’ Were Playing Down Threat!
The city’s rich and well-connected were tipped off to last week’s subway terror threat days before average New Yorkers, the Daily News has learned.
At least two E-mails revealing the purported plot were sent to a select crowd of business and arts executives early last week by New Yorkers who claimed to have close connections to Homeland Security and other federal officials, authorities said.
This Apparently is How Secret our ‘Intelligence’ is Under this Administration and the so called ‘HomeLand Security Agency’ that is Charged with Coordinating Intelligence between the Many Intelligence Agencies and Rate the Level of Information and Danger on the Credibility of Single or Combined Received Intelligence!
A second E-mail sounded a similar ominous tone: “As some of you know my father works for Homeland Security, at a very high position and receives security briefings on a daily basis.
“The only information that I can pass on is that everyone should at all costs not ride the subway for the next two weeks in major areas of NYC.”
Cop guards downtown Broad St. subway station Monday as New Yorkers’ nerves are frayed by terror warning.
“We’re briefing the mayor, ratcheting up security, talking about when to go public – and Homeland Security is downplaying the whole thing while their people are telling friends to stay out of the subways,” a police source said. “It’s pretty bad.”
Homeland Security officials confirmed that they were told about the early E-mail warnings.
“We have looked into them, but do not consider them to be of great significance,” Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke said yesterday.
“At best, they were based on anecdotal accounts of very limited information,” he added, declining to reveal whether the feds were investigating.
My, My, My Do I Feel Safer Now, How About You!!
If Wealthy and With the Right Networking You Too Can Run Scared and Save Your Arrogant Ass Faster Than the Lowly Peasents, So Only They Get Their Butts Blown Off!!!!
This is a Silent Honor Roll shown on the PBS ‘News Hour’, now Almost Daily, that was started at the Beginning!
As of Today, 10-13-05 there are 49 Pages with 5 ‘Honor Roll’ links per page!
If you take the Time to View ‘ALL’ the Pages/Photo’s and Information Instill This Thought Into Each American Military Face You See, ‘Try and Picture 30, 40, 50, 60 or More Iraqi Faces, Children-Women-Men, Killed for Each Of These Faces You Are Looking At’
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
If that is true than
The photo of the armed security. Their guns are out.
America is in a police state.
Wake up people and tell this country we don’t want a police state.
They are numbing citizens down with the constant display of armed guards, armed security, armed fill in the blank… and Americans just get desensitized to it and thus TOLERATE it and ACCEPT it.
Then when martial law comes into effect… The American’s will just yawn and look the other way.
Guns drawn… what is this some 3rd world country???
Poverty. Lots of it.
As Katrina showed you, the US already has quite a bit of extreme poverty.
In a few days, there will be millions of people who will entering the poverty class due to the bankruptcy bill, and the doubling of credit card payments.
In a few weeks, millions more will join them, as changes in the costs of heating their homes takes hold.
IndyLib has just written a very personal and informative diary about the situation many Americans will find themselves in regarding their ability to purchase medicine in 2006, just a couple of months away.
In a third world country, status is determined by whether the guns are protecting you, or pointing at you, whether you have enough money to purchase food at the store, or are begging in its parking lot.
In a very short time, Americans who have enough money to purchase food at the store will not only tolerate and accept those guns, they will be grateful for them.
Maybe this is way off-topic, but what exactly does the phrase “third-world country” mean? Other than the fact that the phrase refers to all the countries colonized during the last great state-sponsored colonial project during the 18th to the mid-20th centuries, wherein the colonies were progressively de-industrialized, made, at gun point (more often than not) to serve as producers of raw materials, and as markets for finished goods coming from the mother countries (great title for colonizers!!), what else does this phrase mean?
There are some “third world countries” with greater poverty than the US and some with less. There are some “third world coiuntries” with better health care systems than the US and some not. There are some “third world countries” with greater freedom of press (actually a lot more ) and some not. And so on. Merely to set them all up as some sort of lowest level–the nadir of all standards as it were– doesn’t make much sense, I think.
It is the Same Language used as ‘Unskilled Labor’, ‘UnEducated’ or ‘Under Educated’, ‘Blue Collar/White Collar’, ‘Menial Labor’ there are Many Examples of Demeaning those others want to Demean or Show They Are Above, Countries or Individuals or Even Regions!!
Yet in the End The People that Inhabit this Planet are All Indowed with Differant Gifts and Abilities of which the Majority have found and use in order to Survive and Live!!
While I also see what you are seeing, as to the showing of possible force coming from Armed Police/Military being seen on a Regular Basis, and Also the Dumbing Down of the Society.
Remember One Very Important Fact ‘For Martial Law’ you Need the Complete Support of the Military and Police!
And while I’ve thought it’s a Big Possibility, for a Looooong Time, they are Quickly Loosing the Support they Would Need, and I Mean Quickly!!
It’s still a Possibility, but that seems to be getting thinner, even if Using Mercenaries, Too Many Ex-Vets, Like Myself, With Guerilla War Experiance!!
Thank goodness we have the VFP and the other veteran groups to protect us 😉
And yes I meant 3rd world as in how you described. Thank you for the “assist” as one would say in the hockey world. 🙂