so it’s not a full moon, but people are asking me what I put in the coffee this morning! This place has been rocking with hilarity. Buncha comedians! Thank Hecate.
Speaking of midnight snacks, do you know the strange story of the only novel that Edgar Allan Poe ever wrote? It was The Narrative of Arthur Pym of Nantucket,in which a ship wrecked and three survivors ate the fourth man, a character whom Poe named Richard Parker.
Flash forward almost 50 years from when that book was published. A real ship wrecked, there were three survivors, and two of them ate the third one. Guess what his name was? Richard Parker.
And then there was another shipwreck. There was also cannibalism in that one and one of the victims was. . .uh huh, a man named Richard Parker.
Just for the record, my gender and sexual identity are both very squishy, not particularly well defined, and many people find them very confusing — which, now that I consider it, might just have something to do with how neurotic I am.
But it’s more fun to blame the GOP so I usually do.
Yeah, that would confuse me too. As it is, I’m pretty damn sure I’m a woman and straight, but I’m still confused as hell about my identity. Childbirth?…can do. Mom-stuff?…can do. Relationships?……uh, not so much.
A Rockefeller in Dutch Papua New Guinea in the sixties
Downed airliner Flight 571 for survival in the Andes mountains
Last year a German weirdo who advertised for a victim, ate him
This week sentencing a mental patient who killed his mother. Walked into a police station with a cape, turned out to be the skin … I hate the so-called art of deceased persons prepared for anatomy visible muscle tissue and organs.
Could we please change the subject in our café, or else … who started the subject of cannibalism?
That is most likely how aids developed in Africa by humans, the customs to consume brains of monkeys and after battle other humans!
Also, I believe, credited with being the originator of the Detective/Mystery genre in fiction with the story The Murders in the Rue Morgue and several other stories with the Auguste Dupin character…Kansas?
No, no no. Not bad. I think that is the coolest thing ever. The people who didn’t clean up their dogs’ crap are rude and despicable anyway, might as well make a statement with the little piles as well as call attention to them.
Hi, Olivia! Where you been, girl, you missed you some fun! How am I holding up? Well, I’m holding my sides and laughing my ass off, which sounds anatomically challenging but proves to be possible.
It seems these days I’m always missing out on all the fun stuff! I’ll have to go back up yonder to take a peak. I could really go for some of that side-holding-ass-off laughing tonight!
How many moons does Jupiter have? Or Saturn? Seems like there’d always be a “full moon” up there!
Oh, and that reminds me of a great item I heard on the Rachel Maddow show (I’ve gotten hooked on that show; it’s on at an unGoddessly hour here on the Left Coast, but thanks to the miracle of Podcasting I can catch up at any time of day!). Remember there was the 10th planet discovered out beyond Pluto? Some astronomers christened it “Xena”, after the TV “warrior princess”. Well, turns out that “Xena” has a moon! And those same astronomers have christened the moon…”Gabrielle”, after Xena’s “friend”/companion. (Gotta love nerd humor…)
(Incidentally, I always thought Gabrielle was hotter than Xena anyway; probably that long blond hair… 😉 )
Wow, busy day in the Cafe — I think we’re all just ready for a break from the Sturm und Drang of the daily news…
I think Shirl thinks Gabrielle is hot too. Not as hot as Xena/Shirl mind you…but a very close second. BTW…where are Diane and Shirl? Have we scared them away. Ladies?
I heard that, see I do read even when not writing….and I am taking a bit of a rest today, too much work the last week on this site and I am worn out….also tired from staying up too late watching cspan, which does have the best stuff on after 11:00 at night.
Seems like everyone is having a good time in the cafe today….good for you all….
It is fortunate that there is a lot of diversity amongst us as to who is HOT and who may not be quite so HOT.
Gabrielle, IMO is just cute as the dickens and has potential as HOT. . . but Xena is HOT, HOT, HOT!
So we will let that settle it. I am partial to the dark haired beauties. Have no clue as to why, but that is my preference. However, I would never let hair color keep me away from someone of quality.
Oh, come on. If we get to know how you lived with two guys in the snow, we surely get to be curious about whether you think blonds vs. dark haired beauties are HOT! Adds to your aura of mystery. . .
After all, if we are here, we aren’t reading the National Inquirer, are we?
I’m rather happy to be on deadlines again. I had been living on my laurels for a couple of years. But now there are all these 25 year olds doing great stuff – listening sometimes and challenging you the next – once again I’m faced with a new set of media technologies: again you ask yourself ‘Is it about content and communication, or is there something new in play?’
And again the answer is ‘No, content is still king’. And you find you still have something to say…
is sometimes with us, sometimes not. Hollywood’s Golden Age was during the Great Depression. What people need is hope.
When everyone has it good, a great selfishness and cynicism arises. But when it is bad – and it IS now bad, with so many threats on every side – there has to be a reason to struggle on. That reason is humanity. And honesty.
I am good with words, but, as I always say, there are two types of communicators – the ones who like the sound of their own voice, and the ones who want to communicate.
I’m serious now – I’ve been writing for a living since 1968 – not exclusively, but writing has been the springboard to everything else. I can get in front of 200 people and fuck with their minds, but I have to write it first. Perhaps, like Indy, I could run naked thru the town square, But I’d need a script 😉
Because someone is always going to ask you to explain your actions
O what a lovely mental image it is, the smartass Finn and the crippled American, skipping their naked way merrily across downtown, singing protest songs…
Nooooo…not Prancer! I can deal with the eating raw fish and swimming naked with your wife’s mother in law (think about that) but to kill and skin one of Santa’s helpers is just more than I can stand. And I’ve been so good this year…
we are all crippled in some way or another. There is no perfection.
I have known quite lot of quite famous people. I have never seen them as happier than me. Different, but not necessarily happier. One of my oldest friends – somebody you would all know – a music icon no less – spent a year of his life drinking nothing but Chanel No 5. What kind of fucked up life is that?
Let us dance naked across the town square – but can I hold a script? Not to protect my genitilia from exposure – but far worse! To protect my mind 😉
Tonight I met one of my oldest friends at the party – one of Finland’s great movie directors. He has been diagnosed with Altzheimers or however you spell it. He made a speech – everyone helped him along — filling in the gaps when he lost the thread. Gently, but not really knowing what was best.
Two days ago I heard an important client was in hospital having gone suddenly blind with – apparently – a virus affecting both optic nerves. It is so rare that they still don’t know what it really is.
Another movie director I met tonight who I haven’t seen in 7 years was clearly an alcoholic. That is a disease also.
Who needs perfection? We all just try to play the cards as dealt….
you know, in this medium we can dazzle everyone with our sparkling intellect and our charm and we can hide our disabilities, perceived or real. I’m able-bodied but slightly agoraphobic and have a terrible self-image. I would kill for some of Indy’s intellect and humor, or MilitaryTracy’s tenacity and passion, of DamnitJanet’s complete lack of self-consciousness….and on and on.
I know we just met, but you sure seem to have lots of good qualities from my pov. I’m moved to call you a particular name…I can’t quite remember…I believe it’s a Latin term…ah yes! Dorkus malorkus.
Seriously, I’ve worked to keep up with you today. And enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you. 🙂
I’m sorry about your friend. Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease.
I agree very much with your philosophy, which is why I keep right on raising the ante on my pair of 2s. I keep hoping it’ll turn out deuces are wild. 🙂
I had a really weird evening. I worked with a major media company in Finland in the Eighties and we had a reunion tonight – about 60 people for sushi in a movie studio and bring your own booze (or in my case, water and a spliff)
Great to see them all – we watched a lot of commercials and stuff from the period. A lot of top people – Tv channel bosses, directors etc passed thru this company on their way to current media power.
What I realised – seeing all the old productions – was what a lot of fun we had then. No crap, pure unleashed rebellious creativity with a lot of sympathy for the audience – but little pandering. A far cry from today’s lowest-common-denominator exploitation, target audiences, polling, or the-next-step-is-live-executions-if-you-go-the-next-step-up-the-realityTV-evolution.
It was truly a golden age. And now I’m gonna cry….
I had a really weird evening. I worked with a major media company in Finland in the Eighties and we had a reunion tonight – about 60 people for sushi in a movie studio and bring your own booze (or in my case, water and a spliff)
Great to see them all – we watched a lot of commercials and stuff from the period. A lot of top people – Tv channel bosses, directors etc passed thru this company on their way to current media power.
What I realised – seeing all the old productions – was what a lot of fun we had then. No crap, pure unleashed rebellious creativity with a lot of sympathy for the audience – but little pandering. A far cry from today’s lowest-common-denominator exploitation, target audiences, polling, or the-next-step-is-live-executions-if-you-go-up-the-realityTV-evolution-ladder.
It was truly a golden age. And now I’m gonna cry….
Maybe a dream, is a photograph of Poles – women. men and kids – totally naked, protest marching thru a city, maybe in America. I don’t remember where, when or what they were protesting. But I DO remember thinking “You can’t frikkin argue with THAT!”
No, that was me, protesting on the part of the Aggies being left out of the joke. They just don’t understand why anyone would ruin a perfectly good Aggie joke by substituting a Polish person when everyone knows it is all about Aggies.
(In case anyone doesn’t know, Texas A&M is the home of the Aggies. Also home of the BushI liberry. Aggies are famous for squeeezing their, uh, family jewels (males, at least), to be one with their men on the field during football games. And I’m not making that up. Ask a Texan.)
Now THAT’S a picture I’d like to see. Damn it…okay let’s include ManEegee in there so you don’t accuse me of being a closetted (2 t’s?) lesbian again. And Sven. And his wife’s mother in law.
I know the protocol, but I just don’t have the heart to unrecommend the other two cafes, they were just too damn fun!
You run a hoppin place, kansas. If I drank I’d tip one back right now and enjoy the evening. I could take the healthy approach of Sven and have water and a spliff.
I’m baaa-aaack. “Y’all just ain’t right” as they say down here. BTW, (to go back to something somewhere in one of the earlier cafes) sometimes when I go back home to Philly I’ll throw in a “y’all” just to drive the family crazy. “Folks” also works well, but I’m not sure if I picked that up here or in Missouri.
They also tell me I don’t pronounce water correctly anymore, since I don’t say “wooder.” They’re threatening to withhold hoagies, cheesesteaks, and tastykakes until I re-learn proper pronunciation.
While I didn’t make it over to the cafe earlier, I did contribute psychotic random mirth elsewhere on the site today, such as pointing out that you can buy lumber on eBay. Just trying to do my fair share…
Thank you, SN, even if I can’t take the credit for it. I feel like the proprietor of a comedy store must feel after a sold-out series of performances. And you, of course, were one of the headliners.
For reasons that most certainly be obvious to anyone having read the earlier cafes, I took a nap for a while, got up, picked up the kids, got them dinner and they are now ensconsed in their post-dinner TV-watching stupor….
Guess what? My 6 year old, Ethan, brought a note home that says he has been awarded a student of the month (they do these every month for all grade levels) and this month’s “theme” is COMPASSION. I am so proud of him, I could just burst. And the best thing is, the little recognition ceremony that they have for him is the 27th, the day my husband took off from work for his first dentist appointment in about 15 years, so he can come too!! How awesome is that?!
The two year old is currently yelling at me ’cause he wants more treats to give the dog — he has given him about 10 already…no wonder the dog is so fat and has problems with his anal glands, right? He is pitching a huge fit right now — I want treats, treats for the puppy!!
Fortunately, the ceremony is in the a.m. (freaking 7:45!!?) before the dentist appointment!!
I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall when he goes,I have been going to this same dentist since 1997, waaay before I met my husband and arrived at his office with 13 broken teeth and my jaw fractured in 2 places, and the guy who had put my head through a wall ( a story for some other day…or not) — he and I have been through a lot together, he is an AWESOME dentist and a great person…and he shares my same wicked sense of humour about many things. I have been trying to get my husband to go to the dentist, ANY dentist for 5 years, so this is a bit of a coup in and of itself!
How do you guys keep on top of 4-ing? Especially considering the huuuuuge number of threads in the cafes – all 3 today – AND the extras for IndyLib! 🙂 I can’t keep up!
is a wonderful thing. I have my prefs set up to use that after a thread reaches 40 comments. Email me if you want step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
In my official capacity as Thursday’s Hostess and Notary Public I hereby absolve Oliva of all 4ing duties on this day. All participants in this Thursday’s cafes are hereby to understand that she read you, appreciated you, admired you, laughed, cried, and now is so overcome that she can only stand back silently in awe.
(I’ll probably still try to keep up though. It feels so abnormal to not 4. Especially notice it when I’m at regular blogs, and I can’t 4 someone to let them know that I have read their comment.)
OK, I see your point.What we need is one of those “roll over” kind of things rather than a “hold it down until we get the right number”. Then it would be quite a bit faster. Personally, I’ve always wanted a color rating system – no numbersl and no particular meaning attached. We just get to assign a color rating. . blazing red, cool green, once in a great while: babyshit green/brown, . . .I know I didn’t get enough sleep last night.
I was just thinking the same thing. I think that I missed all the madness. When last I looked, this morning, people were talking about poop. Low and behold, that thread carried over to here!
Click on your User Page from the top menu bar, it should say [your UID]’s page
Click on Settings
Select ‘Comment Preferences’, the link is green right underneath
You’ll see a bunch of empty boxes, put the number 40 in the ‘Nested up to’ box.
Put a plus (+) sign in the ‘Dynamic Minimal up to’ box.
Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the menu and you’re set.
What does this do? It allows any diary under 40 comments to have the default setting of Nested view. Diaries with over 40 comments will have the Dynamic Minimal view and will show only the comment headlines until you open them individually. This helps alot with page loading, as well as allowing you to rate faster (test it out on a comment, you’ll see what I mean).
Scoop really does have alot of neat features once you start playing around with them. Glad to be of help, perhaps I’ll post a diary later on tonight/early morning so more people can see it.
I heard some really great thumpin’ blue grass last night at our renovated, art deco,Fargo Theater.
The Yonder Mountain String Bandfrom Boulder, Colorado. Click on the link for “Tour Dates” to see if they’re headed your way.
It looked to be a sellout crowd, 850, about 90% 20-29 yr-olds, but 800/850 of those young pups were a boogie-ing for a steady three hours. And I’ve never seen anybody out of their seats in that venue before.
Anyway, I very much enjoyed their (band and crowd) enthusiasm. Sure enough reminded me of some great good’ol days!!
Even caught a whiff of something… might just have been my imagination…
Get your butt to one of their concerts… I doubt you’ll be disappointed.
My sister sent an email asking how things were going; how do you tell a dyed-in-the-wool Republican that the country’s going to Hell and it’s all her fault? I settled for giving her an update on the spouse’s health crisis du jour and told her things were pretty dull otherwise (which is the truth).
Anyway, spouse is home from the transit wars, so we’re going to grab a bite to eat and go pick up his paycheck; one of these eras I need to talk him into going for direct deposit!
so it’s not a full moon, but people are asking me what I put in the coffee this morning! This place has been rocking with hilarity. Buncha comedians! Thank Hecate.
But now you are getting verrrry sleeepy. . .
Oh, the hell with it! Rock on!
May the 4’s be with IndyLib!
I’ll get you for that, my pretty! (And Gooserock’s little dog, too!)
Heeheehee!! I was going to be soooo disappointed if you didn’t see that.
Local time 00:45AM :: Across the Big Pond?
Serving A Midnight Snack?
I had to move out of the lunch room space, I finished the ... oops you caught me huh?
I call it my pre-emptive breakfast – light and easily digested – some delicious fresh milk added.
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Speaking of midnight snacks, do you know the strange story of the only novel that Edgar Allan Poe ever wrote? It was The Narrative of Arthur Pym of Nantucket,in which a ship wrecked and three survivors ate the fourth man, a character whom Poe named Richard Parker.
Flash forward almost 50 years from when that book was published. A real ship wrecked, there were three survivors, and two of them ate the third one. Guess what his name was? Richard Parker.
And then there was another shipwreck. There was also cannibalism in that one and one of the victims was. . .uh huh, a man named Richard Parker.
Hmm. Life lesson learned? Never go sailing with your good buddy, Dick Parker.
Yes, it’s better not to know Dick.
You do realize you just said that to a lesbian, which makes it hilarious x 2.
Aha! Now the tattoo not being as butch as it sounds begins to make sense…
Just for the record, my gender and sexual identity are both very squishy, not particularly well defined, and many people find them very confusing — which, now that I consider it, might just have something to do with how neurotic I am.
But it’s more fun to blame the GOP so I usually do.
Yeah, that would confuse me too. As it is, I’m pretty damn sure I’m a woman and straight, but I’m still confused as hell about my identity. Childbirth?…can do. Mom-stuff?…can do. Relationships?……uh, not so much.
If you do be sure to fatten him up first.
From memory ::
Could we please change the subject in our café, or else … who started the subject of cannibalism?
That is most likely how aids developed in Africa by humans, the customs to consume brains of monkeys and after battle other humans!
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Does anyone remember the song that Jeffrey Dahmer was singing when the police caught him?
“My baloney has a first name…..
it’s O..S..C..A..R
my baloney has a second name it’s……………..
Note to Mr. and Mrs. Parker wherever you are: Do NOT name your kid Richard!
Also, I believe, credited with being the originator of the Detective/Mystery genre in fiction with the story The Murders in the Rue Morgue and several other stories with the Auguste Dupin character…Kansas?
Damned arcane trivia…
Thanks to your comment this morning, my boys are busy plotting some sort of flag project..
so much poop, so little time…should I smile or duck? :{)
I am a really bad parent…I laughed and asked them which park they wanted to go to first!
No, no no. Not bad. I think that is the coolest thing ever. The people who didn’t clean up their dogs’ crap are rude and despicable anyway, might as well make a statement with the little piles as well as call attention to them.
Wow. I see you’ve been very busy today kansas! How your holding up? :o)
Hi, Olivia! Where you been, girl, you missed you some fun! How am I holding up? Well, I’m holding my sides and laughing my ass off, which sounds anatomically challenging but proves to be possible.
It seems these days I’m always missing out on all the fun stuff! I’ll have to go back up yonder to take a peak. I could really go for some of that side-holding-ass-off laughing tonight!
I can’t type or think tonight … meant peek. And above that, meant ‘how are you’ not how your… It’s been a long day…
Need your insight and contribution :: canberra boy
«« click on pic to enlarge
Australian Look Out
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
How many moons does Jupiter have? Or Saturn? Seems like there’d always be a “full moon” up there!
Oh, and that reminds me of a great item I heard on the Rachel Maddow show (I’ve gotten hooked on that show; it’s on at an unGoddessly hour here on the Left Coast, but thanks to the miracle of Podcasting I can catch up at any time of day!). Remember there was the 10th planet discovered out beyond Pluto? Some astronomers christened it “Xena”, after the TV “warrior princess”. Well, turns out that “Xena” has a moon! And those same astronomers have christened the moon…”Gabrielle”, after Xena’s “friend”/companion. (Gotta love nerd humor…)
(Incidentally, I always thought Gabrielle was hotter than Xena anyway; probably that long blond hair… 😉 )
Wow, busy day in the Cafe — I think we’re all just ready for a break from the Sturm und Drang of the daily news…
(Incidentally, I always thought Gabrielle was hotter than Xena anyway)
DO NOT say that in front of Shirl.
I think Shirl thinks Gabrielle is hot too. Not as hot as Xena/Shirl mind you…but a very close second. BTW…where are Diane and Shirl? Have we scared them away. Ladies?
I heard that, see I do read even when not writing….and I am taking a bit of a rest today, too much work the last week on this site and I am worn out….also tired from staying up too late watching cspan, which does have the best stuff on after 11:00 at night.
Seems like everyone is having a good time in the cafe today….good for you all….
Hey!!!! I heard that!!!
It is fortunate that there is a lot of diversity amongst us as to who is HOT and who may not be quite so HOT.
Gabrielle, IMO is just cute as the dickens and has potential as HOT. . . but Xena is HOT, HOT, HOT!
So we will let that settle it. I am partial to the dark haired beauties. Have no clue as to why, but that is my preference. However, I would never let hair color keep me away from someone of quality.
And why the heck would anyone want to know this?
. . .(mumbling off to stir the cauldron. . .where did I but those bat lips?)
don’t you mean but those pat lips?
hehehehe. . .I’m pretty sure I would remember where I put “pat lips”. . .I sort of tend to keep track of those things.
Oh, come on. If we get to know how you lived with two guys in the snow, we surely get to be curious about whether you think blonds vs. dark haired beauties are HOT! Adds to your aura of mystery. . .
After all, if we are here, we aren’t reading the National Inquirer, are we?
You are obviously all so intoxicated by the current potential for frog-marching.
Nice though it is – let’s all be gentle with each other, OK? The last thing I need at the moment is ‘Star Wars – Attack of the Crones’
Attack of the Crones! You’ve got me laughing again.
I can’t promise anybody’s going to calm down. I think maybe we’ll all just collapse around the bubbling cauldron and start snoring.
Good to see you, Sven. Sounds as if you’ve been really busy with exciting new stuff.
I’m rather happy to be on deadlines again. I had been living on my laurels for a couple of years. But now there are all these 25 year olds doing great stuff – listening sometimes and challenging you the next – once again I’m faced with a new set of media technologies: again you ask yourself ‘Is it about content and communication, or is there something new in play?’
And again the answer is ‘No, content is still king’. And you find you still have something to say…
Thank God for that. I find that the older I get, the more I have to say. Of course no one listens, but I still have lots to say.
is sometimes with us, sometimes not. Hollywood’s Golden Age was during the Great Depression. What people need is hope.
When everyone has it good, a great selfishness and cynicism arises. But when it is bad – and it IS now bad, with so many threats on every side – there has to be a reason to struggle on. That reason is humanity. And honesty.
Somehow, I have trouble imagining you at a loss for words, Sven…
I am good with words, but, as I always say, there are two types of communicators – the ones who like the sound of their own voice, and the ones who want to communicate.
I’m serious now – I’ve been writing for a living since 1968 – not exclusively, but writing has been the springboard to everything else. I can get in front of 200 people and fuck with their minds, but I have to write it first. Perhaps, like Indy, I could run naked thru the town square, But I’d need a script 😉
Because someone is always going to ask you to explain your actions
O what a lovely mental image it is, the smartass Finn and the crippled American, skipping their naked way merrily across downtown, singing protest songs…
While wearing reindeer fur boots. You two are a sight, aren’t you?
Nooooo…not Prancer! I can deal with the eating raw fish and swimming naked with your wife’s mother in law (think about that) but to kill and skin one of Santa’s helpers is just more than I can stand. And I’ve been so good this year…
I will run thru Exton naked with you, whenever the client says OK… 😉
As long as the client doesn’t put us on a big screen…;)
we are all crippled in some way or another. There is no perfection.
I have known quite lot of quite famous people. I have never seen them as happier than me. Different, but not necessarily happier. One of my oldest friends – somebody you would all know – a music icon no less – spent a year of his life drinking nothing but Chanel No 5. What kind of fucked up life is that?
Let us dance naked across the town square – but can I hold a script? Not to protect my genitilia from exposure – but far worse! To protect my mind 😉
I’m confused. Drinking Chanel No.5? And is genitilia the name for really small genitalia?
Is, as everyone knows, the uncircumcized version…from the noun ‘gentile’ 😉
Damn, you’d be a killer Balderdash player…’cause I don’t know if you’re bluffing or not. It sounds so PLAUSIBLE.
especially verbal ones, are my true métier. Or was it metièr, Or metiér. Oh frick the French…
I’m not hung up about my disability, Sven. I make jokes because it often helps ease tension.
As to the script, well, you can hold as many as you want but I’m afraid your mind might already be over-exposed. 😉
That’s why I’m joking about it.
Tonight I met one of my oldest friends at the party – one of Finland’s great movie directors. He has been diagnosed with Altzheimers or however you spell it. He made a speech – everyone helped him along — filling in the gaps when he lost the thread. Gently, but not really knowing what was best.
Two days ago I heard an important client was in hospital having gone suddenly blind with – apparently – a virus affecting both optic nerves. It is so rare that they still don’t know what it really is.
Another movie director I met tonight who I haven’t seen in 7 years was clearly an alcoholic. That is a disease also.
Who needs perfection? We all just try to play the cards as dealt….
you know, in this medium we can dazzle everyone with our sparkling intellect and our charm and we can hide our disabilities, perceived or real. I’m able-bodied but slightly agoraphobic and have a terrible self-image. I would kill for some of Indy’s intellect and humor, or MilitaryTracy’s tenacity and passion, of DamnitJanet’s complete lack of self-consciousness….and on and on.
I know we just met, but you sure seem to have lots of good qualities from my pov. I’m moved to call you a particular name…I can’t quite remember…I believe it’s a Latin term…ah yes! Dorkus malorkus.
Seriously, I’ve worked to keep up with you today. And enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you. 🙂
See, that’s why I’m so in awe of you. Who knew you could speak Latin of all things. You made short order of me today. Work? Psssh.
I’m sorry about your friend. Alzheimer’s is a cruel disease.
I agree very much with your philosophy, which is why I keep right on raising the ante on my pair of 2s. I keep hoping it’ll turn out deuces are wild. 🙂
7 card stud. 2’s and 9’s are wild. Betting intervals as usual. Math no help at all. Pure luck. Best played totally zonked with very low stakes.
The rules of all games simply have to be agreed by the players. There are no rules except participatory consensus…
I had a really weird evening. I worked with a major media company in Finland in the Eighties and we had a reunion tonight – about 60 people for sushi in a movie studio and bring your own booze (or in my case, water and a spliff)
Great to see them all – we watched a lot of commercials and stuff from the period. A lot of top people – Tv channel bosses, directors etc passed thru this company on their way to current media power.
What I realised – seeing all the old productions – was what a lot of fun we had then. No crap, pure unleashed rebellious creativity with a lot of sympathy for the audience – but little pandering. A far cry from today’s lowest-common-denominator exploitation, target audiences, polling, or the-next-step-is-live-executions-if-you-go-the-next-step-up-the-realityTV-evolution.
It was truly a golden age. And now I’m gonna cry….
I had a really weird evening. I worked with a major media company in Finland in the Eighties and we had a reunion tonight – about 60 people for sushi in a movie studio and bring your own booze (or in my case, water and a spliff)
Great to see them all – we watched a lot of commercials and stuff from the period. A lot of top people – Tv channel bosses, directors etc passed thru this company on their way to current media power.
What I realised – seeing all the old productions – was what a lot of fun we had then. No crap, pure unleashed rebellious creativity with a lot of sympathy for the audience – but little pandering. A far cry from today’s lowest-common-denominator exploitation, target audiences, polling, or the-next-step-is-live-executions-if-you-go-up-the-realityTV-evolution-ladder.
It was truly a golden age. And now I’m gonna cry….
don’t tell me Sven has a twin brother!
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
How will we know which one is the evil twin? O_O
Runs a Sauna!
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
whatever n/t means….
Uh, IndyLib said that should be bare with me…
Oh my god, I’m now the naked mascot of the frog pond. What have I done.
I think we need pictures. That frog is getting kinda old now anyway.
Look at the straight girl asking for naked pictures of other women! What else don’t we know about you, SN?
Um…ah…er…Isn’t it about time for Countdown to start. Gulp!
My mom called me to tell me how great Keith was tonight…I think she’s been blogging again!
Don’t worry, Tracy and I were running around in sequined gunnysacks with no teeth and shotguns last week…
Come to think of it, Damnit Janet and Brinnaine were with us!
Now I know I’ve been missing out on all the fun!!!
Maybe a dream, is a photograph of Poles – women. men and kids – totally naked, protest marching thru a city, maybe in America. I don’t remember where, when or what they were protesting. But I DO remember thinking “You can’t frikkin argue with THAT!”
The Poles were protesting the ethnic slur in Dood’s light bulb joke diary this morning!
No, that was me, protesting on the part of the Aggies being left out of the joke. They just don’t understand why anyone would ruin a perfectly good Aggie joke by substituting a Polish person when everyone knows it is all about Aggies.
(In case anyone doesn’t know, Texas A&M is the home of the Aggies. Also home of the BushI liberry. Aggies are famous for squeeezing their, uh, family jewels (males, at least), to be one with their men on the field during football games. And I’m not making that up. Ask a Texan.)
I can’t imagine a group of women I’d rather run around with clad only in sequined gunnysacks, armed and toothless…
Or, um, something more complimentary than that.
Now THAT’S a picture I’d like to see. Damn it…okay let’s include ManEegee in there so you don’t accuse me of being a closetted (2 t’s?) lesbian again. And Sven. And his wife’s mother in law.
FYI: You keep saying things like that about Sven’s wife’s MIL and you can feel quite safe that no one will ever try to pry that closet door open. 😉
from WaPo’s front page:
I know the protocol, but I just don’t have the heart to unrecommend the other two cafes, they were just too damn fun!
You run a hoppin place, kansas. If I drank I’d tip one back right now and enjoy the evening. I could take the healthy approach of Sven and have water and a spliff.
::puff, puff, pass::
Guess I’m gonna hafta go see what I missed – when I wasn’t working at work today, I was busy writing tomorrow night’s jazz jam…
I’m baaa-aaack. “Y’all just ain’t right” as they say down here. BTW, (to go back to something somewhere in one of the earlier cafes) sometimes when I go back home to Philly I’ll throw in a “y’all” just to drive the family crazy. “Folks” also works well, but I’m not sure if I picked that up here or in Missouri.
They also tell me I don’t pronounce water correctly anymore, since I don’t say “wooder.” They’re threatening to withhold hoagies, cheesesteaks, and tastykakes until I re-learn proper pronunciation.
While I didn’t make it over to the cafe earlier, I did contribute psychotic random mirth elsewhere on the site today, such as pointing out that you can buy lumber on eBay. Just trying to do my fair share…
Sorry, no Bela this week. 🙁
Several weeks ago I got multiple requests for women vocalists so I’m trying to get that off my to-do list. But I haven’t forgotten Bela.
Make you a deal – can you wait 2 weeks for Bela? That way I can use the “Bela (Fleck not Lugosi)” line since it’ll be Halloween weekend…
As long as I can be obnoxious and compile a complete listing of every Bela Fleck show I’ve ever seen… 🙂
Thank you, SN, even if I can’t take the credit for it. I feel like the proprietor of a comedy store must feel after a sold-out series of performances. And you, of course, were one of the headliners.
pshaw…you guys are just so darn fun to talk to. I might never leave the house now!
Please, I’m still working on them. I’ve got 25 left on each one that I haven’t seen.
What a day!
Last call for Survivor!
I’m on it!
For reasons that most certainly be obvious to anyone having read the earlier cafes, I took a nap for a while, got up, picked up the kids, got them dinner and they are now ensconsed in their post-dinner TV-watching stupor….
Guess what? My 6 year old, Ethan, brought a note home that says he has been awarded a student of the month (they do these every month for all grade levels) and this month’s “theme” is COMPASSION. I am so proud of him, I could just burst. And the best thing is, the little recognition ceremony that they have for him is the 27th, the day my husband took off from work for his first dentist appointment in about 15 years, so he can come too!! How awesome is that?!
That is so cool, Brin. You must be so proud of the little guy.
It reminds me of that darn Hallmark commercial that always makes me cry. Ok, they all make me cry.
Thanks, SN — no crying though, k? 😉
The two year old is currently yelling at me ’cause he wants more treats to give the dog — he has given him about 10 already…no wonder the dog is so fat and has problems with his anal glands, right? He is pitching a huge fit right now — I want treats, treats for the puppy!!
His Boo Aunts & Uncles are so proud!
Way to go Ethan!
Yay Ethan!
But if your husband hasn’t been to a dentist in 15 years, are you sure he’s going to be there? The dentist might have other plans…
Yeah, like paying off his boat with the money your husband is going to owe.
Fortunately, the ceremony is in the a.m. (freaking 7:45!!?) before the dentist appointment!!
I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall when he goes,I have been going to this same dentist since 1997, waaay before I met my husband and arrived at his office with 13 broken teeth and my jaw fractured in 2 places, and the guy who had put my head through a wall ( a story for some other day…or not) — he and I have been through a lot together, he is an AWESOME dentist and a great person…and he shares my same wicked sense of humour about many things. I have been trying to get my husband to go to the dentist, ANY dentist for 5 years, so this is a bit of a coup in and of itself!
That is great! Cheers to Ethan and his mom!
Boo Aunts and Uncles — you all are the best!
whatever n/t means…
Me too, for I must away to take sustenance and reality television, lest I become famished and more intelligent.
Thanks to everyone, though, for such a fun cafe day. I will be 4ing you all for weeks in gratitude.
n/t = nt =no comment, used as a courtesy for those using minimal viewing of comments…means entire comment is contained in Subject Line.
See Here for a list of common net acronyms and abbreviations and other common terms.
How do you guys keep on top of 4-ing? Especially considering the huuuuuge number of threads in the cafes – all 3 today – AND the extras for IndyLib! 🙂 I can’t keep up!
I know! And haven’t you noticed how the 4s are so much heavier when they’re for me? It’s just awful. ;p
is a wonderful thing. I have my prefs set up to use that after a thread reaches 40 comments. Email me if you want step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
Thanks Man E! How’s Bud these days?
In my official capacity as Thursday’s Hostess and Notary Public I hereby absolve Oliva of all 4ing duties on this day. All participants in this Thursday’s cafes are hereby to understand that she read you, appreciated you, admired you, laughed, cried, and now is so overcome that she can only stand back silently in awe.
This means you, too, IndyLib!
I feel free … free I tell you. Thanks kansas.
(I’ll probably still try to keep up though. It feels so abnormal to not 4. Especially notice it when I’m at regular blogs, and I can’t 4 someone to let them know that I have read their comment.)
I wonder if it would be possible for Booman’s programmer to reverse the order of the rating options.
I think that would make the process much easier. Especially since the only choices that are ever (ever) used are none/4/0. As far as I know.
It took me awhile but now I guffaw in admiration for this Einsteinian brilliance of yours Kb. Yes! That is the answer. No rating means a 4!
hhhmmm? Now, I’m stumped. I’m sure I’ve got a brilliant plan, but I’m not sure I understand the details??
How does no rating mean a 4?
Are you saying leave off the “None”, which is the default now. Have a default value of 4, no “none” at all.
I think that’s actually your brilliant plan, and it is brilliant.
Oh great, then we would just punish (the very rare odd-ball/troll) instead of rewarding people. But how would we know people had really read stuff?
Read the stuff?
Read. the. comments?
Who would do that?
Screw the words!
Here’s how it works:
It takes 4 minutes to give 4’s to 98 comments (assuming that you’ve already read them — if you haven’t, go back and read them & forget the rest).
Then it takes 4 minutes to find and read (and appreciate) and rate, the 4 comments that were posted while you did that.
Then it takes a minute to find, read and rate the 1 comment that came in while you were tending to those 4 comments.
So, if you don’t keep up before the 100 mark, it’s going to take you 9 minutes to rate all the comments.
Here’s how it works:
It takes 4 minutes to give 4’s to 98 comments (assuming that you’ve already read them — if you haven’t, go back and read them & forget the rest).
Then it takes 4 minutes to find and read (and appreciate) and rate, the 4 comments that were posted while you did that.
Then it takes a minute to find, read and rate the 1 comment that came in while you were tending to those 4 comments.
So, if you don’t keep up before the 100 mark, it’s going to take you 9 minutes to rate all the comments.
‘scuse the swearing.
OK, I see your point.What we need is one of those “roll over” kind of things rather than a “hold it down until we get the right number”. Then it would be quite a bit faster. Personally, I’ve always wanted a color rating system – no numbersl and no particular meaning attached. We just get to assign a color rating. . blazing red, cool green, once in a great while: babyshit green/brown, . . .I know I didn’t get enough sleep last night.
Read the Comment Preferences by Man Eegee about 10 lines down.
Once you follow that, the ratings take as you select them.
Like magic.
And the whole layout changes. I think it’s very cool.
Read the Comment Preferences by Man Eegee about 10 lines down.
Once you follow that, the ratings take as you select them.
Like magic.
And the whole layout changes. I think it’s very cool.
Now we know why these threads are so long! Hehehe.
Which issue do you believe has been the most damaging for him?
War in Iraq 69%
Hurricane Katrina 17%
Rising gas prices 14%
Hey excuuuuuuuuuse me while I kiss the sky!! 🙂
And I’m having dinner with Jimi Hendrix (DVD) … and my own spaghetti.
Damn what busy beavers you all have been 🙂
Good nighty – xoxoxo See you tomorrow crazy peeps! 🙂
115 comments in the THIRD cafe of the day?
I’m on my way out the door, but if anybody wants a new cafe, you can tell me now or start one of your own. Self-serve!
Thanks for coming, one and all.
No, go, have fun! We’ve got too many half-filled bottles to leave now.
I was just thinking the same thing. I think that I missed all the madness. When last I looked, this morning, people were talking about poop. Low and behold, that thread carried over to here!
This Dynamic whadjamacallit is so great!
I can now spot new comments with ease!
I can instantly 4!
Thanks Manny!
And what? hmmm?
alright! alright! I changed the rating to a four! Geez, you didn’t have to beat it out of me, ya know!
I hope this helps!
What does this do? It allows any diary under 40 comments to have the default setting of Nested view. Diaries with over 40 comments will have the Dynamic Minimal view and will show only the comment headlines until you open them individually. This helps alot with page loading, as well as allowing you to rate faster (test it out on a comment, you’ll see what I mean).
OK, I opened another tab so I could follow your instructions while I did it.
I’m impressed, I didn’t even know that link was there.
(Now I’m going to refresh and see how it looks)
It’s looks strange at first, but soon you’ll be zooming through long threads picking out the new comments and 4ing with ease!
I’ve been eavesdropping. Wow, Manny you do rock. At first I hated the way it looks,but the ease, the ease!
Will you guys kindly consider yourselves 4’d, 8’d, even 12’d? Manny you can have a 16. Even with the new system I’m all rated out.
And now I’m really walking out the door. Chow, as my dog says.
have a great night, thanks for hosting a hilarious day in the cafe
For heaven’s sake! Do you mean the rating takes as you set it? I don’t see a rate all button.
This is terrific & I actually like the look, it’s much cleaner.
Thank you so much!
I think you should make these instructions a Diary.
Sleep tight! You’ve had one of the busiest Cafe’s that I can remember. Excellent hosting.
You rock! Damn that’s nice…looks wierd but it really speeds things up…waaaaay coooool – Thanks
Scoop really does have alot of neat features once you start playing around with them. Glad to be of help, perhaps I’ll post a diary later on tonight/early morning so more people can see it.
That would be great. I can’t wait to read about it.
Thanks, always fun to learn something new… and time saving!!!
Glad to be of help. I chose 40 for me because it worked as a changing point from the two views, but you can change the number to whatever you like.
I’m calling it a night too. Thanks again Manny.
See you all tomorrow – TGIF!
Have a great night, see you tomorrow 🙂
Goodnight, I’m fading too. But I can’t stop looking at this. It’s so cool.
I wonder if it could wander up to 200 comments (that would make nearly 400 for the Cafe today)
I had that thought too! But, I have to get up in about 6.5 hours!
The only draw back is that you can’t tell at a glance if you missed rating someone.
I didn’t realize that of all the 4s I’ve passed out, I missed rating this wonderful comment.
Thanks again!
I heard some really great thumpin’ blue grass last night at our renovated, art deco,Fargo Theater.
The Yonder Mountain String Bandfrom Boulder, Colorado. Click on the link for “Tour Dates” to see if they’re headed your way.
It looked to be a sellout crowd, 850, about 90% 20-29 yr-olds, but 800/850 of those young pups were a boogie-ing for a steady three hours. And I’ve never seen anybody out of their seats in that venue before.
Anyway, I very much enjoyed their (band and crowd) enthusiasm. Sure enough reminded me of some great good’ol days!!
Even caught a whiff of something… might just have been my imagination…
Get your butt to one of their concerts… I doubt you’ll be disappointed.
you’ve all been today. Puget4 and I have had to be busy in the shop and there’s barely been a spot to jump in as we passed by.
I blame it on the photo fair.
I’ll repost my sunset photo from a few days ago in case anyone feels like winding down slowly.
to say “good night” as well.
My sister sent an email asking how things were going; how do you tell a dyed-in-the-wool Republican that the country’s going to Hell and it’s all her fault? I settled for giving her an update on the spouse’s health crisis du jour and told her things were pretty dull otherwise (which is the truth).
Anyway, spouse is home from the transit wars, so we’re going to grab a bite to eat and go pick up his paycheck; one of these eras I need to talk him into going for direct deposit!
Have a great night, everyone…
New Diary is now posted!