I am so freaking tired of reading that the “Israelis (the Jews) did 9/11” To those you simpletons that do not live in New York: the WTC had a staggered work day. Yes, the Mossad informed Israeli businesses of impending terror attacks when the USA dismissed them the Intelligence from Israel – there is video available regarding this, I just use your favorite p2p to find it. Modern Hebrew takes alot of verbal cues from Arabic, since they are related languages.
Don’t you ever get tired of blaming Israel/the Jews? The Arab World has the Same problem: taking responsiblity. I guess you have to say that the US is merely a proxy Army for Israel since the Administrtaion is Judenfrei… It’s easier than saying the Oil Companies are running the show.. oh, gee… American Big Business is being given a hand job by Bush, Cheney, et al…
As far as I am concerned, the our Govenrment is responsible siscne it dismissed the PDF regarding ObL. and dismissing the use of planes as weapons..
The Yankees are out of the World Series race – care to blame a Jew for that?
RoaringGirl, I too am tired of hearing that Israel/Jews did 9/11, but I haven’t read it on the BooTrib — granted I’ve been too busy lately to spend much time here. Is your diary a response to something on this site?
This was in response to a post response saying that the WTC was done by the US and Israel. it is the same early bullshit I endured on a WTC-terror yahoo group. Jews were warned. Jews did it. I am really tired of people who leave their brains at the vending machine. I have my own doubts about 9/11, but ya know, I would rather not be called a kook, so I keep them to myself
except to say, I read tarot, and when the same cards appear, attentionmust be paid, and I thought the assassination of Mahmoud a few days before was a signal for something to go down. – I thought this BEFORE 9/11
so, there, my own little kookrant
some say a few more, got text messages. Maybe that’s where the people who called Willie Brown and Salman Rushdie to warn them got their information, I don’t know.
But if anybody was supposed to warn all the Jews they really screwed up, because about 500 Jews died, and around a half dozen of them were Israeli citizens.
People who associate crimes against humanity and various doings, covert and overt committed by US-funded gunmen in America’s little pitbull in the Levant with Jews.
I can’t think of a more insidious form of anti-Semitism.
Below are some useful Jewsish links 😉
Jews Against the Occupation
Not in Our Name Project
Israeli Heroes
Let me ask you: when talking about “US funded gunmen” why only Israel? why not the Catholic hired guns of South America, Central America; the Mulsim hired guns of Pakistan? I’d include Saudi Arabia, but the US is their hired guns, so to speak.
Seems to me, that only one group gets the scrutiny. this fear of the Jew goes way back into history. Hell, in some Arab lands, Blood Libel is taught, and the Protocols are read as if they are fact.
oooh…. big scary Israel a land with deliberately drawn indefensible borders…
Here is the problem with a few of the groups whose links you have posted: for an Israeli to be against the occupation of Egypt (Gaza was occupied by Egypt until the Six Day War, and you know, no one cared. the West Bank was occupied by Jordan until that same time, and no one cared. No one cared about the Palestinean UNTIL Israel occupied those pieces of Jordan and Egypt. Egypt and UNRWA created the Stateless Palestinean, for Egypt, unlike Jordan refused to grant the Palestinean citizenship. And UNRWA did and said nothing. ) is to be against the very existance of Israel. since the Arab League sees Israel as occupied.
Kush kadeef and the rest of the withdrawl took courage, but I will not be surprised to see Egypt roll back in. See, I trust the Pharonic Authority about as much as a cobra trusts a mongoose.
Abbas is the first Palestinean to actually govern – Arafat was an Egyptian. Abbas equates Zionism and Nazism see here Trust a man such as this to bring peace? While I pray for it, I have my doubts.
committing atrocities in Central America, etc.
Hosni and Abu Mazen are both US puppets, change, progress, peace, in the ancient lands will come when US (and its various poodles) are removed.