With all the doom and gloom coming out of Iraq, it’s hard to keep track of all the “compromises” and “good work” and “freedom building” that is being done to the Iraqi people. In this particular case women and their status under the new Constitution.
It ain’t pretty. Once the most secular nation in the Arabic middle-east, Iraq is now being turned to sharia law and women’s rights and freedoms, once enjoyed openly are under attack.
“There’s little talk about it because women have already lost,” says Juan Cole, a history professor at the University of Michigan who has studied the draft constitution.
Yanar Mohammed, Toronto-based head of the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, says there will be no question of women living by secular rules when the constitution is passed.
“The first part of the constitution, called `principles,’ determines that sharia will be the foundation of every law written in the constitution, and anything that contradicts it will not be allowed,” she says.
Of course Bush says the US stands for women’s rights, but perhaps only if it doesn’t conflict with religious freedom?
It would appear so…
“They are frequently harassed,” she says of women in the post-Saddam era. “Their lives are restricted in ways they have not been used to.”
Mohammed says the die is already cast for Iraqi women’s rights — and for the future of democracy in the beleaguered country.
“We used to have a government that was almost secular. It had one dictator, and now we have almost 20. Most of them are mullahs who think of women as forces of evil.
Of course I’m not surprised, the neocons are always willing to trade women’s rights, equal rights and freedoms for their own narrow gain and dogma, but I haven’t heard one Democrat say this is unacceptable for Iraqi women and NOT what a democracy is about… of course the US didn’t have the right to impose by the barrel of gun, “democracy” on Iraqi’s to begin with, but the lack of outrage as to what is happening to women in that country is inexcusable on the part of Democrats. Jesus freakin’ Buddha opposition party, the situation over there is so fucked up that it is turning into a theocracy on the verge of civil war and you aren’t hammering Bush and Rumsfeld about it on a daily basis? Proposing solutions? Talking about equal rights and justice?
And so it goes… the Dems don’t speak out about women’s rights in Iraq for the same reason they are willing to compromise with the anti-choice fundamentalists… we are all expendable in the name of corporations and power, some of us noticeably more so.
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Not that I will add much, just thought I’d throw in a couple of links that may have relevance.
The first one is for an old diary entry over at the orange place by our own Sirocco; Saddam was a force for women’s rights.
The second one is UNIFEM’s gender profile page on Iraq.
Finally, from IRIN News:
not add much, pshaww… this is great additional sources/ information. Thanks ask for adding them.
not surprising, might be part of the strategy… get the constitution in place, disgusting tho it is for women’s rights, etc. and then move on to Iran or Syria because ‘the Iraqi’s can take care of themselves… well except for their oil, we’ll still be guarding that… with Blackwater’s help of course… we love us our mercs.’
I swear all I ever heard from MSM was the federalism complaint. This is disgusting bush would take a state beholden to satan at this point. The next Medal of Freedom award will be given by the Iranians to George Sharia Bush. He’s doing more for their screwball religious wacko way of life than anyone since the Ayatollah.
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I just read it. It’s depressing. Not your diary, sweetie – the fact that this is happening in Iraq. Perhaps Canadian media are more willing to cover this because the topic of sharia law has been an issue in Ontario and around the country recently.
With reporters barely able to even leave the security of their hotel rooms in Iraq due to the extreme violence, I’m not surprised this isn’t getting more attention.
a good observation, the Star has been covering these issues quite frequently since the issue with sharia law in ON… man McGuinty didnt know what he was getting into evidently.
The one thing that struck me, not to toot my own horn or anything, and it could be entirely coincidental, but I had never seen Juan Cole quoted in the Star until recently… after I sent Haroon S (the editorial page editor) a link to Juan’s piece “Fisking the war on terror”… who knows, he said he’d read it and low and behold Juan is quoted in Olivia Ward’s piece… however they found him and decided to use him though is a-okay with me… he deserves more press.
whew… /end tirade…
He is one important resource – that’s for sure!
Thanks for the diary, S. (I had to go search for something to link, now that I’ve been shamed into posting by ask ;^)
According to the following WaPo editorial written by Paul Wolfowitz in March of 2004 – it would appear the Republicans are most certainly supporting the rights of Iraqi women. Doesn’t seem like we should have any concerns, given the strong support of Paul, Jennifer, Tom – and yes, George himself, as demonstrated in the link and quotes below.
Given the current atmosphere in Iraq, it was particularly nice to see that they’ll allow women to serve as police officers, prison guards and security officers. Judges? Not so much.
Well, if they keep starving Iraqis, they won’t have as many women to worry about I guess.
that’s our catnip… always looking on the bright side 😉
when you put it that way… I’m going back to bed.