After reading, re-reading, and partially digesting (I really can’t fully stomach it) Judy Miller’s article on her grand jury testimony, I am convinced she is still protecting the administration.
It appears to me that she is going to be a hostile witness when she testifies in Scooter Libby’s trial. Even so, if she was primarily interested in protecting Libby she could have done a better job of it. To see why, let’s start with the heart of the matter: the appearance of the words ‘Valerie Flame’ in Miller’s notes from her second meeting with Libby on July 8th, 2003.
At first, one might think that Miller is protecting Libby against the charge that he outed Valerie Wilson by giving her the name ‘Valerie Flame’. But her testimony about their prior meeting, on June 23rd, 2003, makes it very clear that Libby had already outed Valerie Wilson by telling Miller that Wilson’s “wife works in (the) bureau.” Libby’s defense that he didn’t use the name fails for the same reason Rove’s defense vis-a-vis Cooper fails. Wilson only had one wife and her identity was easily determined.
No. Miller was protecting something or someone else. As the following account (of the same incident) makes clear, she had other sources:
Mr. Fitzgerald asked if I could recall discussing the Wilson-Plame connection with other sources. I said I had, though I could not recall any by name or when those conversations occurred.
Her insistence that the Valerie Flame portion of her notes did not derive from her conversation with Libby is hard to believe. At first, it seems that she is looking to protect Libby. But her testimony about their June 23 2003 meeting, and other testimony about her July 8th meeting makes it clear that Libby’s fortunes were sunk the moment Miller agreed to testify. She had no reason to continue to cover for Libby. Let’s take a look at what she says about the June 23rd meeting at the Old Executive Office Building:
This testimony cuts two ways. It makes it clear that Libby brought up Wilson’s wife long before Wilson wrote his column. It makes it clear that he shared classified information with Miller. This testimony is almost certainly enough to prove several instances of perjury in Libby’s prior testimony. Yet, it still contains the elements of a defense against the charge that Libby knew Valerie Wilson was undercover. Miller asserts that it is possible that Libby wasn’t sure that Valerie worked at the CIA, let alone that she was working there with non-official cover.
This little piece of devil’s advocacy is rendered absurd by the context of the conversation. First, let’s watch how Judy described how she first heard about Wilson at the June 23rd meeting:
…My notes indicate that Mr. Libby took issue with the suggestion that his boss had had anything to do with Mr. Wilson’s trip. “Veep didn’t know of Joe Wilson,” I wrote, referring to the vice president. “Veep never knew what he did or what was said. Agency did not report to us.”
Soon afterward Mr. Libby raised the subject of Mr. Wilson’s wife for the first time. I wrote in my notes, inside parentheses, “Wife works in bureau?” I told Mr. Fitzgerald that I believed this was the first time I had been told that Mr. Wilson’s wife might work for the C.I.A.
Miller acknowledged that the context of the conversation led to the indisputable conclusion that the word ‘bureau’ referred to a bureau within the CIA and not the FBI. So, there is your smoking gun. Libby could not have been confused about whether Valerie worked at the CIA. There was no reason to mention that Wilson’s wife worked there except to call up the question of nepotism. How else could it possibly be relevant? Miller was bending over backwards to give Libby the benefit of the doubt when she said he may not have been sure that Valerie worked at the CIA. She also shaded her testimony by refusing to admit that this conversation was related to Valerie’s role in her husband’s trip.
And she shaded her testimony the same way when it came to these same points in her second meeting:
I said I couldn’t be certain whether I had known Ms. Plame’s identity before this meeting, and I had no clear memory of the context of our conversation that resulted in this notation. But I told the grand jury that I believed that this was the first time I had heard that Mr. Wilson’s wife worked for Winpac.
Let’s work through this piece of testimony slowly. At the first meeting, Libby told Miller that Joe Wilson went to Niger. He told her that his wife worked at the CIA. In the intervening time, Joe Wilson published his article. Now, Miller would have us believe that Libby may have only been speculating that Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA, and that Miller had not ascertained (in the intervening fifteen days) whom Wilson’s wife was.
I find all of this very implausible. It was at this second meeting that Libby supplied Valerie’s division or ‘bureau’ within the CIA. Again, what possible relevance would that have? Fitzgerald asked her, and this is what she said:
What, exactly, did she think Libby was hinting at by bringing up Wilson’s wife for a second time and providing her bureau, in the context of debunking Wilson’s article? Miller doesn’t say. Instead she attempts to minimize the significance of the exchange by noting “My notes do suggest that our conversation about Ms. Plame was brief.”
She could have stated the obvious: that Libby was raising the issue of nepotism. Why didn’t she?
Perhaps Libby wasn’t initially aware that Valerie had anything to do with sending Wilson on the trip, and his point in bringing up her job in the CIA was a part of a broader attack on the whole agency for trying to cover their asses over the failure to find WMD. Maybe he was suggesting that Wilson was biased because his wife was in the CIA, and the CIA was smearing the White House with ‘selected leaks’, and disassociating themselves from the pre-war intelligence. That is what Miller’s notes and testimony suggest.
From their first meeting:
Now, let’s look at an odd factoid about the placement of the words ‘Valerie Flame’ in Miller’s notebook.
and this:
Mr. Fitzgerald asked if I could recall discussing the Wilson-Plame connection with other sources. I said I had, though I could not recall any by name or when those conversations occurred.
So, let’s get two things clear. Miller says she cannot remember where, when, or who gave her the name Valerie Flame. Well, as for when she wrote it in the notebook, we know it was before Novak’s column appeared on July 14th. Otherwise, she would not have misspelled it. If Libby didn’t give it to her, she almost definitely wrote it in her notebook prior to the interview. That means that she used the fifteen days between the first interview and the second interview to find out the name of Joe Wilson’s wife. And it means that her source gave her the name orally, and that she misheard and spelled in phonetically. As Miller testified, “the information came from another source, (from) whom I could not recall.
Nevertheless, Libby provided more information at the second meeting, and once again shared classified information.
Miller had another conversation with Libby on July 12th, 2003. At this point Novak may have already penned his article, even though it would not appear in print until the 14th. Miller admits that she probably talked to sources about Wilson’s wife before the phone call with Libby:
I told Mr. Fitzgerald that I was not sure whether Mr. Libby had used this name or whether I just made a mistake in writing it on my own. Another possibility, I said, is that I gave Mr. Libby the wrong name on purpose to see whether he would correct me and confirm her identity.
This is tantalizing. But it also makes no sense. Libby had given Miller the original info on Wilson’s wife nineteen days earlier. She had the name of ‘Valerie Flame’ in her notebook for her interview 4 days earlier. And now she is still looking to have Libby confirm her identity (and still using the wrong name)? Does that make sense?
Something stinks with Miller’s testimony here. If you told me that Alexander Haig’s wife is a serial murderer it would not take me 19 days to figure out her name. And I wouldn’t need to trick the source who told me about Haig’s wife into confirming her identity.
What’s even weirder is that as late as October 2003, people were still referring to Valerie Wilson as Victoria Wilson.
In conclusion: Miller’s testimony about Libby seems slanted in many ways to protect him against the most damning conclusions, but it does nothing to exonerate him, and will probably land him in jail for perjury. At the same time, Miller is clearly using a ‘selective memory’ to protect other sources. And her testimony is clearly disingenuous, if not downright perjurious. I expect her to be declared a hostile witness in Libby’s trial.
I think Judy has/had two sets of notes. I think she fabricated some of her notes to satisfy Fitz. I think she is still playing her game. I think there is something between her and Bolton. I think she is very close to the Whig and thru Bolton, she and he did their dirty deeds and coordinated it thru Libby and his friend Rove, with Whig. What can I say, I am just thinking with my soul….:o) Judy and Bolton and others are simple liars…
on June 23, BEFORE Novak’s column outing her was published on July 14?? Given this timing it couldn’t have been revenge. And what allegation was he protecting Cheney from at that meeting? From Miller’s article:
“Mr. Libby said the vice president’s office had indeed pressed the Pentagon and the State Department for more information about reports that Iraq had renewed efforts to buy uranium. And Mr. Cheney, he said, had asked about the potential ramifications of such a purchase. But he added that the C.I.A. “took it upon itself to try and figure out more” by sending a “clandestine guy” to Niger to investigate. I told Mr. Fitzgerald that I thought “clandestine guy” was a reference to Mr. Wilson – Mr. Libby’s first reference to him in my notes…
…My notes indicate that Mr. Libby took issue with the suggestion that his boss had had anything to do with Mr. Wilson’s trip. “Veep didn’t know of Joe Wilson,” I wrote, referring to the vice president. “Veep never knew what he did or what was said. Agency did not report to us.” Soon afterward Mr. Libby raised the subject of Mr. Wilson’s wife for the first time. I wrote in my notes, inside parentheses, “Wife works in bureau?” I told Mr. Fitzgerald that I believed this was the first time I had been told that Mr. Wilson’s wife might work for the C.I.A.”
Where did this suggestion that Cheney has something to do with Wilson’s trip to Niger? Here in Kristof’s column from May 6, 2003.
I offer this info as a small piece of the puzzle. To me it seems that Libby’s initial reason for his first meeting with Miller was to try to cover for Cheney.
I have a theory about why the administration was looking into Valerie Plame Wilson so early – even before Joe Wilson’s column, I believe.
VPW worked in the CIA, on WMDs. We know that the CIA was being sticky about the administration’s WMD fantasies, and Cheney was down there regularly trying to bully them into submission.
I bet that VPW was one of the sticky agents. They were getting ready to slime her, as well as Joe, in case she went public about what she knew. She didn’t, of course, but they were afraid of her.
Anyway, that’s my theory. I sure would like to have a nice long frank conversation with Valerie.
Does anyone know if there are dates for Cheney’s various trips to the CIA?
We know of the Bush administration’s and it’s operatives’ MO of accusing their opponents of doing precisely what they themselves are up to. They scare the shit out of their followers with apocalyptic scenarios to come if they don’t get their way. Then under the guise of protecting from those scenarios to occur they bring them about by stealth.
One of those apocalyptic scenarios is ‘any person, group or nation delivering weapons of mass destruction to terrorists.’ Plame worked out of a CIA front company called Brewster Jennings & Associates to try to stop such a scenario. Outing Plame and her front company might be one step in a stealth campaign to bring about the apocalypse. I know Dobson et al wouldn’t mind.
I know this is highly speculative. But, ye shall know thm by their MO, or something.
that is a little paranoid. No wait. That’s seriously paranoid. The first casualties of a nuclear strike would most likely be the very people that outed Plame and their families. No one is that stupid.
Everything about Miller stinks and when you start telling too many lies you end up with the ‘I can’t remember’ defense.
As for writing Valerie Flame….I have an idea that it’s simpler than we know..she wrote Flame instead of Plame as an inside reference to herself that the WH was going to start ‘flaming’ Wilson and his wife…and she can’t very well say that’s why she wrote Flame instead of Plame now can she?
As for more than one source-well if it’s not cheney himself I’ll be surprised.
Yeah, that’s my thought, too. It suits her ego to think of herself as a secret agent for the side of her team. After all, the top people in the world recruited her.
So when you have a secret clandestine meeting with your handler, and the cover is an interview, you make the notes in your notebook for the official cover. And when he gives you a secret directive to follow up on, you plant the microfilm dot in the hinges of your every present sunglasses…
… or if you’re Judy, and the handler is Cowboy Scooter, you scribble a note misspelled, on a different page into your notebook. Eh? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Pretty clever eh? Sheesh.
Thanks Free Press.
Thanks New York Times.
Thanks to your incompetence, even these 2nd rate rejects were able to put on a plot to start a political war in the middle east.
It comes down to Prosecutors being soooo damn ignorant of the law!
This is a pile of steaming guano!
8 posted on 10/16/2005 4:18:06 PM PDT by Bommer
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Is there anything behind the 4th allegation?
No of course not. Safire is not Novak. And David Corn didn’t out her.
lol, it slipped my mind that it didn’t say Novak.
Miller, just like all the rest of these shitbirds, would never pass a lie detector test on any of this.
I can’t think of one single reason to believe any of them.
Interesting thought…
I think you’re right. I think all the flunkies would fail lie detector tests, horribly. Even the smart ones like Libby or Rove would be so nervous about the consequences — after all, they’re more practiced at lying through proxies than directly.
But I wonder about the top 2.
Bush does love his delusions. Could he believe them? Dunno. But then, even when he believes something it comes across as disingenuous. I think he could fail a lie detector test even if he was telling the truth. Too many nervous tics, too jittery.
Cheney? Sheesh. That man is such an unrepentant sociopath he could pass the damn test claiming the sky is red and water is dry.
Even the smart ones like Libby or Rove would be so nervous about the consequences
Nope. Sociopaths pass lie detector tests all the time. It’s easy to lie if you have no conscience.
I suspect Miller is in deeper than the “Plame affair”, as others have noted. The infamous letter from Libby, with its ‘Aspen trees are all one big connected plant under the ground’ idea, which aspens are, of course. Couple this with his statements of what other testifiers have supposedly said to the Grand Jury, it is clearly a warning to Miller: If one of us goes down, we will all go down, including you, Judith.
So we get the ridiculous statements by Miller that she can’t remember a source for a name, that she suddenly comes up with notes of another meeting, and what she does say simply doesn’t add up. She keeps saying what her notes don’t say – what about her own presence at those meetings? Has she been on the payroll of the Rove/Cheney gang – a payroll either in cash, or in ego-feed? She certainly seems to like the latter a great deal, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that she’s been working in service of the administration for longer than this specific affair.
In reality there is enough contradiction in her account of events that she could/should easily be considered a “subject” and, more likely, another “target” of this investigation. Hostile to say the least… lol
I figure that there is still plenty of time for more testimony to the GJ. I will not be surprised if PFitz looks over what he has and starts calling some of the subjects and targets back. Unless, that is, he already has the evidence he needs?