When Michael Bloomberg was first elected, I didn’t mind him. He was kind of Republican Lite Dem turned Republican. But slowly I have grown to hate him. Many things added up to turn me against him–his calling us protesters “terrorists,” his persecution of Critical Mass, his trying to buy the election. But overall it was his dictatorial style. By contrast, I find Freddy Ferrer (who I have met a few times) friendly and willing to listen to people. He has a more grassroots approach and voters who he meets directly respond warmly to him.
What about Bloomberg? What is he like personally? I am sure I will never know because I am not rich enough for him to bother with. But, someone on myDD pointed out an interesting resource I had never heard of: The Portable Bloomberg. It has been reviewed by New York magazine, so it must be real. In it are Bloomberg’s views as CEO, in his own words.
What follows are some quotes I gleaned from articles that mention the book:
“I make it a rule never to go to Queens — and since that eliminates both airports I don’t travel a great deal.”–Michael Bloomberg
“How do you motivate someone? Simple. Are they addicted to three meals a day?”–Michael Bloomberg
“The Royal family — what a bunch of misfits — a gay, an architect, that horsey faced lesbian, and a kid who gave up Koo Stark for some fat broad.”–Michael Bloomberg
Gee, I wonder how people in Queens feel about Bloomberg’s attitude towards their Borrough. His attitude towards people strikes me as being rather Dickensian and rather obnoxious.
“The three biggest lies are: The check’s in the mail, I’ll respect you in the morning, and I’m glad that I’m Jewish.”–Michael Bloomberg
Gee. I am perfectly happy to be Jewish. According to Bloomberg, that must make me a liar.
“If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they’d go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale’s.”–Michael Bloomberg
“I know for a fact that any self-respecting woman who walks past a construction site [and] doesn’t get a whistle will turn around and walk past again and again until she does get one.”–Michael Bloomberg
So, how many women would like to vote for a man who views them this way?
Given the attention that Ferrer’s gaffes get, why don’t more people talk about Bloomberg’s obnoxious comments?
Holy fuck that’s vile bullshit.
This guy must go. How disgusting that in one of the world’s most diverse cities he can get away with spewing this garbage about the citizen’s he has sworn to defend.
This is important stuff, recommended.
Anyone who can, please blog about this–spread the word.
Anyone who can volunteer for Ferrer, please contact me and I can put you onto the right people (let me know your Borough).
Anyone who can donate, your donation is matched I think 6:1. I recommend donating through Howard Dean’s call for donations for Ferrer.
I never knew what a rat-bastard Bloomberg really is. Thanks for sharing. Any recent polls on how Ferrer is doing?
Not sure. Everyone, including me, assumes the polls still favor Bloomberg comfortably. Bloomberg is flooding the TV market with smarmy ads that give me the runs. Ferrer doesn’t have the money for that, so he is spending much of his time walking neighborhoods and meeting with small groups. Bloomberg has been hurt by his blowoff of the debate in Harlem and by his Rovian crying wolf about the subway threat…conveniently timed to take attention away from that very same debate. But no matter what, Bloomberg dominates the airwaves, so it is an uphill battle. Big money TV campiagn vs. grassroots campaign going straight to the voters. I like the latter better, but the former tends to work better in America.
“His attitude towards people strikes me as being rather Dickensian and rather obnoxious.”
His views on people are more like comic book charicatures, poorly drawn and colored with bigotry. Bloomberg seems incredibly shallow. I don’t like him, never liked him… infact, he is repulsive. Good luck in getting people get behind Ferrer. The fact that New York has another republican shithead for mayor rankles me to no end.