Want to help a high school newspaper report on the CIA leak, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, Dick (Dick) Cheney, and George W. Bush?
My son is the editor in chief of his high school newspaper and decided, last-minute like, to try to squeeze in a story about the CIA leak amidst the articles on football, the fall play, and music reviews.
Can you tell him why this story is so important and provide a good encapsulation and timeline? Can he borrow liberally from your awesome ideas?
Hey, normally I’d tell him to do it all on his own, but it’s either write this story at the last minute, or do one advising freshman how not to get their head slammed into a locker. I figured I’d support his attempt to bring relevent political topics to a high school paper for a change.
He, or you, might want to look both ways before crossing the street, so to speak, due to the situation…
He has to run everything by his advisor and he’s been cleared to write about the CIA leak. He can’t “obviously” slant it in one direction and it has to be factually correct.
Actually, several, and go through them to make sure that everything in HIS timeline is dry, public record, uncontested fact, and have that as one part of his piece, then have the applicable law about outing CIA agents, then offer a poll, so that other students can vote their opinions, either on whether the law as written is a good one, whether this or that character in the drama is guilty, and if so of what, whether this one or that one should resign, etc etc.
That is great that the school does not object to his writing about it!
Write the article in a way that explains how this news effects locals–this is especially important in deep, kool-aid drinking areas.
I could, but I’ve got all these piles of notes on things I want to write and accomplish someday. Why is it important? Ask him what he thinks the gov’t will do when they can’t get any more volunteers for their armies. Ask him if he wants people who work in the government to tell him the truth. Maybe he can eke out an editorial about why it should be important to a high schooler. Are they allowed opinions in his school? Good luck to him, it’s hard work being in charge!
Opinions? Ha…what are those? It’s hard working for a high school paper because you can’t appear to be slanted in any direction. The most controversial they usually get is opposing viewpoints on the dress code.
BooMan has put together some excellent timeline and summaries in the past 5 days; have him search Boo’s diaries and read them to get up to speed quickly.
Headline recommendation: “Liar, liar, pants on fire”
good one!
If he needs a good lawyerly (unintelligible) quote, I can help. He can cite me as a “former member of the executive branch” and be technically accurate, while at the same time unbelievably misleading, and thus gain points for imitating the NYTs.
lol….thanks tons. We’ll keep that in mind!
Complete timeline of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq
WHat an awesome resource…thank you.
is described very well in a http://www.stratfor piece. It is diaried over at dKos and provides great background on WHY this case is important…
STRATFOR – BEST explanation of Plame import
Great place to start for an article… and something high schooler’s would understand pretty well.., there’s a hell of a lot of intrigue in high school!
THese are both excellent suggestions. Thanks!