The PlameGate Project
Do you love the suspense of listening intently for Karl Rove’s Swan Song? Are your search skills honed and ready to go? Do you enjoy getting involved in our BooMan Tribune community? Do we have an offer for you! We are about to begin the PlameGate Project: a comprehensive web reference to the players involved in the scandal that may bring down arguably the most corrupt American administration ever. Interested intrepid BooTribbers? Follow below the fold for details. |
Update [2005-10-22 9:38:13 by PlameGate]: Thank you all for the overwhelming response. Now that we know we will have your support, this project is really going to fly. All comments will be scoured today for hints, hot tips, and names to be added to the email list. Feel free to continue adding comments. You will hear from us very soon. Thanks again, BooTribbers!
So, are you interested? If you would like to be a part of the PlameGate Project, either indicate so in the comment section below, or email us: (you do know, of course that it is always better to spell out your address when posting it online to thwart spammers, right?)
Keep in mind that we will need your email address to correspond with you. Hopefully, the initial diaries will be completed sometime over the weekend, or shortly thereafter. Then we’re off to the races.
This is going to be the first comprehensive information source for all things PlameGate that we know of. There’s a lot of great information out there just waiting for someone (or some frogs) to bring it all together. So what do you think? Good idea? Nuts? We’re listening…
PlameGate needs a better name. I would volunteer but I can’t commit right now, so I’d better not.
Brinn, you don’t have to commit. When the diaries start to go up, we will be adding links/info as we find it, so you can always contribute a link or two later. This will be a work in progress.
As for the name, it just happened. We’re stuck with it for now. ๐
You’re in good company. That’s what Larry Johnson calls it.
Yeah I’d like to see bushs name in it somehow but I haven’t been able to think of anything catchy that tells people right off the bat whose involved or who to blame. I know some people also don’t like gate tag but it does automatically make people realize if it has gate on it it’s bad. That’s not saying I’m for or against ‘gate’ tag.
I was thinking of ‘BurningBush’ only because to me it is kind of a reverse biblical thing for this phony christian..he burned everyone…every single group in the country except big business..but I know that this would never catch on.
It would be nice if we could name it so it goes down in history as blogs-particularly bootribbers-who get credit for naming this corrupt debacle of an administration.
We can actually play with the name until the initial diaries go up. You have a few days… come up with some ideas. Burning Bush is a great play on Bush’s “christianism” (ooo did I just make up a word?) but has little to do with the CIA leak investigation. We’re open to ideas.
The Plame Out Project, POP, for short. I think this works on so many levels and is distinctively different.
Like others I can’t commit right now. Heck, I’ve got a final exam next week in my Master Gardener Certification. But, I will find ways to be helpful as the project progresses.
Oh I like that one…POP goes the weasels!
I like that. I think what I’ll do is run all suggestions for names by BooMan and let him make the final decision.
My recent proposal —
I consider the whole affair after 911 a reign of FEAR, LIES & DECEIT, which has undermined the American Way of Life, Its Values, Democracy and an Abuse of the American People. The invasion and occupation of Iraq as highlight of the Neocon policy with absolute low point the Abu Ghraib torture.
The buck stops where leadership was supposed to be seated: Oval Office of the White House, thus President Bush and his gang. They conned the World community and the American people, to combine these two elements, my quick choice would be: BushConGate.
Bush as in family – GHB : GWB : Jeb Bush
Con as in conned – contra – conspiracy to lie
Gate as in time gate – opening the door to eternity of death and destruction.
Thanks for an excellent proposal to collect INFO :: RECOMMENDED!
I do hope somehow it will lead to an impeachment, even if it takes the IRS to catch GWB on tax evasion!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
This crime needs to stand as the exemplar of a species of treason, recognizable and alarming, an imminent threat to the nation.
Thus: The War-Jacking.
What about WHIGgate?
the core of it. “Plame” is actually trivia compared to the root issue.
AgentOutingGate (nah) out = gay association
Oh well.
Agree fully – I don’t like the MSM or blog description at all.
It’s to be a BooTrib Project, so give it an unique project name,
that covers the bases as we now see it.
Niger forgery, WHIG team, DoD spies, VP Cheney spy
War WH and NSA-DoD intelligence on the CIA and State Dep’t.
Shill reporters in the U.S., PsyOps, Special Ops, Propaganda, Lies & deceit.
I like SecurityBreachGate – perhaps we can coin an acronym.
JuniorSpyGate or Bshit :: Bushit or Bullshit
Bush Security & Homeland Intelligence Terrorism
BooMan’s Bshit OS investigation … hmmm.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
That’s the core, isn’t it?
I think it’s a fucken brilliant idea and this site will become the go-to place on the net for all things Plame. And it goes without saying that it will become a huge collection I’m sure-like a mini wikpedia on Plame right here at the Trib.
I’ve never done diaries but I’ll troll around this weekend and see if I can come up with any obscure links or stories/articles that people might have missed.
Yes, fucken brilliant… it was Susan’s idea. ๐
It will become a great resource for us and yes, you’re right again… we hope it catches fire as the “go-to place on the net for all things Plame.” Any type of help would be very much appreciated. As for obscure articles, that’d be wonderful, CI. Go to it. You could email any info you scrape up.
Inquiring minds want to know. I will help but I am more of a follower than a leader so I will need clear cut directions. let me know what I can do. I don’t have a ton of time so it would have to be from time to time only. alohaleezy at sbcglobal dot net
Thanks for volunteering, Leezy. Don’t worry, you can have your pick of tasks. They’ll all come with instructions.
As for who is PlameGate? Heh, I could have fun with this. Ah, I don’t have the heart to do that… I’m Nag. Manny and Catnip are also going to be writing diaries, bless their generous hearts. But the name Plamegate will be used by anyone who enters info or writes diaries. Today it’s me… next time it could be someone mean, so watch out!
Thanks to you and Catnip and Manny and of course Susan for getting the ball rolling. Now let’s Roll!
Maybe Fitzgerald is on his way to put it all in one place as well;
“By Dan Froomkin
Special to
Friday, October 21, 2005; 1:00 PM
Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has just launched his own brand-new Web site.”
Still pretty bare, but why would he bother to do so? Since he has stated that he will not issue a report it was constructed to receive different information. Here’s to many and comprehensive indictments!
Thanks, ask. I’m sure we’ll include that link.
Yes, it is strange that he set up a web site. Perhaps anticipating big things to come?
Looking closer at the current content of the site, it appears that it may also be a first defense against the smears that he has exceeded his mandate in the investigation. Well done!
Plus, it sets out the documents that give him his authority to follow the dirt/money/whatever. To wherever. And it gives everyone ready access to the same documents–no more selective “reporting” by MSM or RWCM.
Even better, it lists his DC address. As others have already remarked, this does not look like someone who’s planning on decamping to Chicago any time soon.
We’ll all so ga-ga over this man, with many encomiums about how terrific he is. All well deserved, I might add, but what a sad commentary on where this country is that we get so excited when a public servant honestly does the job he was hired to do.
The first two documents from the DOJ website don’t come up. It isn’t Fitz’s page problems, it’s the DOJs. I would really like to read those documents. The rest of them come up fine. I’ve tried mozilla, IE, and doing a search after going to the DOJ page – NADA….
All the links are working now (at least in Mozilla).
He is not only covering all his bases legally, but personally. Perhaps this is a sign that the indictments will be as plentiful and as far reaching as the rumours.
Yeah — I busted a gut when I saw what he’d put there first.
Notice he also quickly points out that he’s involved in investigations of this sort in two places. IOW, he has a history of such work. My oh my.
This is a great idea.
I would prefer to not actually write, but I will gladly help find information that someone else can piece together. Less actual writers would increase the readability and control the flow and style of the information presentation better.
You really need a team to research, and a team to write. and then maybe pair off parts of those groups to different aspects of the investigation.
Whatever you want, I’ll help in any way I can.
Excellent ideas, Connecticut Man, consider yourself on the research team. ๐
Also, I can proofread/edit.
Given the quality of the writing of some you here this should be a great read when it is done.
Not to mention it will be fun and extremely useful.
The more sites that have these important timeline facts documented properly, the harder it will be for historians to skewer history books with bias in the future.
That is why this is important even if it has been done before on several other sites. And with a little luck we may turn over some stones yet unturned.
Ah, the point is, it hasn’t been done… not a comprehensive collection of information like we have in mind. As far as we know, we’ll be the first.
I’m supposed to be gathering info in advance for a story in an upcoming issue of Random Lengths News. I don’t think it works for me to volunteer in advance–particularly since I’ve got stuff to work on for this issue–but I’ll be happy to jump in with added links & stuff once things get underway.
Oh, and BTW, since this is all informational, as opposed to editorial, why not put stuff up at Wikipedia, as well?
Wikipedia is non-partisan, but as a clear outpost of the reality-based community, we should be taking full advantage of the fact that reality itself is not on the side of the GOP.
Anyway, I would like to be kept in the loop, even if I can’t contribute something straight out of the gate.
radat gtedot net.
Thanks, Paul! You’re on the mailing list. That’s a good point about wiki. Perhaps we’ll contribute some info down the line.
feel free to get as much as you can from the plame/ gannon timeline… lots of interesting stuff in there that isn’t directly related to gannon… some of it came from an anonymous source who deposited a nice long timeline on my blog while I was researching this ๐
Thanks, Spiderleaf. You will be pleased to know that someone gave me the link to your timeline this morning. (See? we’re on the ball!) We will also be linking to many of the excellent diaries that have been written here on BooTrib, and elsewhere.
sweet, use as much or as little as you need. I’d offer to help, but I’m plum worn out on the whole plame thing… I still love to read about it, but actually researching it starts to give me hives ๐
Having your great timeline to reference is enough.
Here’s another timeline (.rtf) — comprehensive, but a bit dated.
And of course there’s Booman’s timeline too.
Thanks… I just downloaded and filed it. I’m pretty sure that Booman’s timeline will be prominently featured. ๐
Here’s a complete analysis of the Niger documents and a complete debunking of criticisms of Joe Wilson, all in one spot.
Thanks… and I love your sig. Doh!
Thanks, the sig seemed appropriate to this admin.
Though I can’t commit to any time, I’ll try to help any way I can to the project. You guys are great!
Having established and managed these kinds of projects – and I done got the scars to prove it – I strongly urge:
happen 5 nanoseconds after you establish a web presence.
(But I think you already know the last three.) ๐
By re-arranging priorities I can devote some amount of time for research on an ad-hoc basis. I wish I could volunteer to take on a specific task but I simply don’t have the time.
My formatting blew-up. Sorry for shouting at everyone.
(Preview is my friend. Preview is my friend.)
Oh, AT… thank you for the advice. It’s well taken, believe me. As diaries go up, any pertinent information would be great. That’s what is so great about this project… it will never be finished. There will no doubt be much more in the future as indictments turn into court battles. (or impeachments, resignations … gee sounds like my Christmas list)
Sections are needed:
White House Iraq War Conspiracy
You’re hired!
Complete timeline of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq
Okay, my job’s done. Where do I go to collect my pension?
Check with Manny… he’s the one with the high salary. ๐
I guess I’ll help out. ๐
Manny, you’re on the steering committee. We’re going to be writing lots of diaries, huh? ๐
I’ve been had.
If it makes you feel any better, so was I. Just ask Susan. I’m a quick learner and you were the first one to cross my path. Ha.
(Tune: Rock of Ages)
Schadenfreude comes with glee,
as it is him
and nothing to do with me.
As the rocks hurl towards his head
I will laze around instead.
The poor sucker has been had
He opened his mouth … it’s All Too Sad!
I’m not sure which torture is worse: having to meet high expectations or looking at that oooogly pic at the top of this diary.
Thanks for the ode ATinNM, I shall print it out and carry it with me forever. If I should be shipped to Gitmo for my involvement here, at least they will be able to track my computer’s seriel number in order to identify the remains.
I wanted to use Bood’s now famous pic of Karl’s frog march, but couldn’t get the HTML to allow me to put text under it to give Bood credit, so I fell back to plan B.
it’s an effective tool to stir up the progressive insurgency.
A note regarding the name, it should probably have the word Plame in it, that way it gets picked up by search engines on the web. Oh, and I demand a raise. Catnip hogs all the cheesecake.
You’re right about the name. That reminds me about keywords. I guess we should make sure we incorporate them into every page we produce. I could use some advice on that.
A raise? OK, I hereby double your salary. Oooo maybe we can put cheesecake in all the diaries… calling Bood.
Maybe ‘Plaming Bush’? Plamingbushgate..I suck at this naming but I think so many of the general public still probably don’t even have a fucken clue who Valerie Plame is..although if this does turn into a huge indictment list(and be still my heart)and trial(s) maybe her name will become imbedded and liked forever to bush/treason like watergate ties automatically to Nixon.
TreasonGate makes it pretty clear what we’re talking about to anyone.
I have friends who call me and ask “what’s this Karl Rove thing about?”, so clearlyu the media’s been doing it’s job in making sure everything is just as clear as mud for the average voter.
Who are you calling a hog – you cheesecake hoarding bastard!
I think it’s a great idea to compile a comprehensive online dossier on this whole episode.
While I’m not always able to do very good in the research department, (sometimes I just don’t have enough physical lifeforce to engage in a sustained research effort), I would like to offer a suggestion.
I think a section, or a group of diaries, that detail the specifics of all the false information being spread around by the wingers, along with a succinct debunking of these spurious claims, would be an extremely valuable tool in order to foster a better grasp of the truth.
There are plenty of people out there spinning complete lies, and there are all those pathetic millionaire enablers in the MSM who are the chief enablers of these shameless propaganda mavens. Identifying the people themselves and the lies they are propagating I think would be quite useful.
As for the rest, I’m a frequent analyzer of events, and I’ve got lots of experience engaging in informed speculation, so perhaps as this project comes into being I may beof some direct usefulness.
In any case, I look forward to the evolution of this enterprise.
thx for the support sbj, we’ll need plenty of fact-checkers to help us make sure we’re providing solid info.
Excellent idea, SBJ… I hadn’t thought of that angle. If we start to catch traffic through web searches, it would be a great way to spread the word about the echo machine lies and talking points. I’m sure you’ll be contributing before long. ๐
Here’s an excellent list with commentary and refutations, of the top falsehoods being propagated by minions of the Bush regime in the Plame matter.
Link to Media Matters’ great piece here.
Sounds like a good idea. Several sections. One just for bio’s of all the people involved to start with and added to if new players appear or become more prominent. That could also be sub divided into WH officials, State dept, CIA, reporters, etc? With maybe cross references such as Rove listed under WH with all articles that mainly deal with him linked?
I think there could end up being quite a few categories. Since this whole thing is kick started by the fact of treason it might be nice to have a short synopsis of both treason laws stated at beginning of Project?
Because this starts(well W’s 16 words really) with Joe Wilson debunking of Niger documents and the subsequent slimming that might make one division?…having his article and all the articles that started slimming him off and who was involved? Geez, this is going to get huge I suspect as to how it will be made into categories and how to find a specific article.
As to a way of organizing the various personae that make up the regime juggernaut in this matter, I’d probably start with a chart of some sort entitled; The Hydra-Headed Beast of War and Propaganda, or something perhaps a bit more catchy than that. I’d organize this part of the tale this way because these creatures are, in the end, all interlocked, as though they are one giant sick and disgusting organism seeking to contaminate everything and everyone they come in contact with with their idiotic rationale and their deadly, bloodthirsty ideology. (Victoria Toensing, a shameless legal wingnut hack, is, in one sense, merely a different version of Cheney or Perle; Novakula and Miller are different manifestations of Rove and Ledeen. They all drink the same koolaid, and as a result they all have the same delusional fantasies and fractured, dysfunctional perspectives coursing through their afflicted psyches.
Maybe they could be called something like The KoolAid Cult.
October 18, 2005
The F List
From today’s Hotline:
Here’s a list of folks who have either testified or have been interviewed by Patrick Fitzgerald (or by FBI agents) in connection with the Plame probe. Please send us omissions and additions and expansions. Anonymity is guaranteed. To repeat: the list below is of those who have been interviewed by officials in connection with the case. Inclusion does not necessarily indicate that the listed person has testified under oath.
Bush: Early Summer, 2004 (did not testify under oath)
Cheney: Early summer, 2004 (did not testify under oath)
Ex-Dep. Sec/State Richard Armitage
WH Assist. To. Pres. Dan Bartlett
Ex-WH press aide Claire Buchan: Feb. 6, 2004
WH COS Andy Card
Time’s Matt Cooper: July 13, 2005
Ex-WH press. sec. Ari Fleischer (at least twice)
A.G. Alberto Gonzales: June 18, 2004
Ex-DOS BIR dir. Carl Ford
NSA Stephen Hadley
Ex-CIA comm. dir. Bill Harlow
Assis. Sec. of Commerce/Ex-Rove assist. Izzy Hernandez
Assist. Sec. of State Karen Hughes
Ex-Sec/State counterproliferation offic. Bob Joseph
Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler
Ex junior WH press aide Adam Levine: Feb. 6, 2004
Cheney CoS Irving L. “Scooter” Libby (twice)
Ex-Cheney adviser Mary Matalin: Late January, 2004
Current WH Press Sec. Scott McClellan: Feb, 6, 2004
Ex-CIA dep. dir. John McLaughlin
Cheney aide Cathie Martin
New York Times ‘ Judy Miller (twice)
CIA comm. dir. Jennifer Millerwise (did not go before grand jury)
Columnist Bob Novak
Ex-Sec/State Colin Powell: July 16, 2004
Ex-Abramoff assist./Rove assist. Susan Ralston
WH DCoS Karl Rove (4 times)
NBC News’ Tim Russert
Stranger who stopped Novak in the street
Ex-CIA dir. George Tenet
Sen. Adviser to Sec/State Jim Wilkinson (has said he did not testify)
Ex-Amb. Joseph Wilson
On the witness list at one point but never called to tesify:
New York Times’ Nick Kristoff
“Cooperated” with Fitzgerald:
Sec/State Condoleezza Rice
Others believed to have testified:
John Hannah, David Wurmser (senior members of Cheney’s staff) (Hotline sources)
Other journalists mentioned in press acounts as having initially sparked Fitzgerald’s interest:
Time’s Massimo Calabresi
Time’s Mike Duffy
Time’s James Carney
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell
NYTer David Sanger
Newsday’s Timothy M. Phelps
Newsday’s Knut Royce
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas
Ex-Postie Mike Allen
NBC’s Campbell Brown
WSJ ed. page. editor Paul Gigot / reporter Greg Hitt
Ex-celeb. James Guckert/Jeff Gannon
Thank you. This is a great catch and very helpful. I hadn’t been able to readily find a list like this.
I happened to catch it over at ‘AfterDowningStreet’, and it almost passed me by!
Posted it up on a few Group Boards, Pro-Peace and Vets, and some of those members are taking it further!
If I have the Time and Energy I plan on doing more myself!!
By the way, you might want to Run Through the Archive over at ‘AfterDowningStreet’, there’s a number of related postings with links to originals, and this whole thing Fits Into the Downing Street Minutes Scandal!!
I object to the name PlameGate for this investigation. I have great respect for Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson.
Coin a name that covers the broad search for facts, dare to be unique and get off the beaten path. I would suggest to utilize the Wikipedia or dKosopedia formula, to build pages of selected names, facts and data. True open source for all BooTrib diarists to enter information, where you can designate editors for each page that is entered.
Use a tab on top of BooMan Tribune’s page to enter the BooTripedia for the BushConGate Project.
PS Avoids the problem of personal email traffic, except for small groups who have found each other in doing a cooperated research into sub division of the project. This avoids many pitfalls and the information is launched at the earliest for all Booman’s visitors to read. No other confidentiality is needed, unless in small contact groups persons themselves agreed upon such a topic or name.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I’m doing some research on Wurmser currently and will be posting a diary shortly. There’s a decent backstory on Wurmser, one that may tie the Plame investigation to other leaked information if Fitzgerald was able to glean more information from him.
Wurmser’s wife Meyrav is a player too, a significant part of the propaganda and misinformation machinery that is at the core of the Bush regime’s war juggernaut.
I choose Hannah.
I’d love to choose Scooty but there’s no way I could write a diary about him without using snark. (flipping sock-puppet)
Why saddle poor Valerie with it? Plus the gate stuff really trivializes the seriousness of the crimes Bu$hco commits – puts it on a par with zippergate.
What can I do for you? I can be contacted at sarasota4kucinich at
I can help in the evenings, after the little guy has gone to sleep – the baby, not my husband.
Does one need to beg to be on the team? Pretty please …
I love to continue research on darling Judith Miller – Stephen Hadley – Irving L. “Scooter” Libby, perhaps with one or two other volunteers?
Pretty please … can I, can I?
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oui, forgive me, I monitored this thread for hours yesterday and then was dragged away and couldn’t get back until this morning. OF COURSE … consider yourself on the team. I’m thrilled that you are willing to offer. Your search skills are legendary. When I have a little time (later today) I will read through all unanswered responses and reply.
As for your suggestions about a name, I’m going to list all suggestions and allow BooMan to make the final decision before the first diaries go up. (I’m not dumb, then it will be HIS fault) Keep in mind that we have to think about keywords for Google searches… we want lots of hits. ๐
Anyway, just bopped in to check on things, again… forgive the lack of response yesterday. Welcome aboard.
I just read an article where Joe Wilson said he doesn’t like this whole mess being called Plamegate as his wifes name is Wilson. So going by that and the rest of the article I’d say we should honor that and not use was that her maiden name or her working name?
But…her name was published as Valerie Plame by Novak and I suspect the resulting press coverage after Fitz is done will be all about Plame. (Sorry, Joe).
We get a lot of visitors here via search engines looking for info about “Plame”.
I’d hesitate in using TreasonGate in case there are no treason charges.
don’t get to choose the name of this scandal. It is already established. The MSM calls it ‘The CIA leak case’ and the blogosphere calls it ‘plamegate’.
Of the two, I prefer plamegate, despite Wilson’s discomfort. I think he will live with us abiding by the common established usage.
With all of the leaks and the attempts to hide them we could call this DependsGate.
Yeah, when something gets named like this it’s usually a rather organic thing and has it’s own life. I also think one reason the media hasn’t really named it is because they didn’t want to give it too much emphasis and a catchy phrase would have made it easier for public to pick up on. Usually the press is all for their cute little names and fucken moronic catch the ‘dean scream’.
I’m not saying there was any conspiracy-ha-on their part to ignore this by doing so ..then again maybe I am..or maybe we can make a catchphrase out of ‘Plamed’ and say bush was ‘Plamed’. Plamed being the new word for ‘outed’-meaning bush was Plamed as a criminal. You’ve been ‘plamed’ my best jon stewart voice. Or this administration went up in ‘plames’ I think I need to step away from the computer and get a grip or something. Getting giddy thinking that might actually happen. Article called ‘Meet Joe Wilson’ where he mentions he doesn’t like ‘Plamegate’ name and lots of other information in article.
great find ink! Are you sure you don’t want to do a diary someday [grin]
Hey Man…and I came by way of that story by clicking on the ads here(doing my boo clicking)-one for Diebold Voting Machines-and followed some links. As for diary, well I’m so slow on writing that anything I usually even start to think about gets done way before my idea is half formed.
but…if you choose a person’s bio from the list, it’s exclusively yours so you don’t have to worry about someone else doing it.
And, it’s equally great to see so much interest and so many volunteers. You all rock!
Late to the party again, but I’d be happy to help. Great idea.
I haven’t read all the comments but looks like a greaat idea. and… for those who haven’t seen this a new link for Fitz.
I guess this old guy is way too slow. It has been up since this morning but I sure you will need to keep looking back at it to find all the characters we need to keep pace with this project.
My hunch is that this project should avoid focusing on Valerie Plame Wilson. Why? Because when all is said and done, she may remain as the identified catalyst of events, but she is no longer going to be the BIG story.
The core of this story is the White House Niger Letter Forgery. The CIA Agent Outing results from it. The problem is how to make the name sexy as well as pertinent.
So what to do? Scandals have been variously “-gated” for so long that is seems an obligatory suffix. But I’m not sure it needs to persist. Betrayal of a Nation, a CIA agent, and the men and women in the military whose lives were spent on a conspiracy of fraud is serious business. The nature and scope of this White House Plot is unlike anything the country has had visited upon it. And I think the title of the projects should reflect both these things.
Ideas? I have only one and it’s pretty weak: The White House Niger Conspiracy.
Hell, limelite, I’m linking Betrayal of a Nation just fine!!
And let us not forget the odd occurences in Italy (do I remember this right?) with the CIA agents who botched some sort of “mission” there? Think that might be related to this mess? I do.
Perhaps courtesy of Michael Ledeen and his nefarious connections in Italy?
Since this will never make it into the project because it skirts libel, I think he’s a spy, or counter-spy, or mole (pick one, or all three!), as I’ve said in a previous diary. He so needs to be rousted out of the woodwork!
There’s something about this guy’s relationships, writings, and current “cover” that sets off all my John Le Carre-honed alarm bells.
There are several nations whose populations are being directly betrayed by the players in this deadly scheme. The US, Israel, Afghanistan, Italy, Great Britain, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and eventually, India.
And of course, there are those other countries slated for destruction like Iraq and Syria and Iran and probably Libya; and those countries whose governments are slated to be undermined, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Venezuela.
This scheme, of which Valerie Wilson is a recent victim, has been ongoing for 25+ years.
My previous comment was meant to thread as a reply to your comment above where you use the phrase “Betrayal of a Nation”.
Also, you are right to emphasize Michael Ledeen. He is a central player and his loyalties are certainly not with the civilized world. He’s one of the craziest of the bunch, a Frank Gaffney without the charm.
i’ll play. shoot me an email
CIA Leak Scandal–that’s the label used by Washington Week on the PBS News Hour. I think that’s the best I’ve seen.
“gate” is long past being ready for retirement. Most voters today, sadly, don’t even get the reference.
Count me in! I’m heading out for the weekend so I’ll have to catch up with you all on Monday.
Great plan. I also vote against using “Plame” in the title. TreasonGate is spot on.
please to be addin’ me to yer list, Boo. email is in my profile. I’ve been gone for awhile. it’s great to see so many familiar nyms here. I’ve missed y’all.
Sorry, had to post again at this level.
It doesn’t attack a person, it describes the behavior. Covers all the different behaviors, they’re all betrayals of the public trust.
I think it would make both D’s and R’s wince, and convey the seriousness in a second. “Whoa, if these guys are going to betray us….”
I spent some time this weekend following links etc but didn’t come up with any new information so far. Although I did read something that hadn’t occurred to me and that was that when Valerie Plame met Wilson and then married him she was able to divulge that she was undercover because he had top secret clearance..which means if he did Cheney certainly did and I would guess that knowing him he would have wanted to know undercover agents names just cause he’s control freak and wants to be in the know. Especially one working on WMD.
Also when he was Sec. of Defense under bush senior was VPlame already undercover and working on WMD?..if she was he would have maybe known about her even then? Which could also explain how the use of her maiden name came into use at first..cheney would have known of her as Plame to start with?…just a train of thought I was following this weekend.