I got this image from Sherlock Google’s diary at dKos.
Sherlock notes:
Hardball is now reporting that Fitz has received a copy of the fake Niger document. A copy above shows why it is such a laughable forgery.
Here is a PDF of the entire doc: http://cryptome.org/niger-docs.pdf
Here is a link to more info: http://cryptome.org/niger-docs.htm
When you know all the facts of how Stephen Hadley put those words in there “by mistake”, even after it was asked to be removed by the CIA–you will see it makes the 16 words a deliberate lie to Congress.
Rep. Maurice Hinchey led 40 Democrats in asking Fitz to expand his investigation to the Niger forgeries, sending a letter that outlined the crime of lying to Congress and the statutes that were broken by George W. Bush. By law, the GJ is required to hear any such request–especially one signed by 40 members of Congress.
If this is true Harwood of the WSJ said it would be an “earthquake” in Washington.
The INR (State Department Intelligence Agency) analyst that looked at this document wrote an email stating:
I suspect the American people will warm to the concept of impeachment when they get a look at this document.
<<<<clearing throat>>>>
I simply can not understand why the officials of this government are really quite this stupid! God, how dumb.
Thanks Booman.
They’re so used to getting away with insanely ridiculous scams, this one probably didn’t seem that much different from “Healthy Forests” or “Social Security Reform”, or the hundreds of lies and thefts they got away with in connection with Iraq, just for starters.
I think the letter has been around for a long time. That no journalist and hardly any members of the “opposition” called them on it years ago is a good indication of why they thought they could get away with absolutely anything. Must be a real shocker for them that finally, they might get busted real good.
God, I sure hope you are right! Yes I do know they think since they have tried to do othr things to damn America and kill her off, this was just the last straw. Can you imagine if this was not brought about!!?? Can you just imagine the things that could be done to us on a daily basis, if someone is not watching??!!
There are still belivers out there that really do believe in bush and his cronies. It is hard for me to understand this, but there are those out there.
There are still belivers out there that really do believe in bush and his cronies. It is hard for me to understand this, but there are those out there.
Don’t confuse “Beliving bush lies” with the supporters left that “Believe that bush should lie” to achieve their shared ideals.
You see, the supporters that are left are not the ones that drink the Koolaide… They are the ones that make it and serve it up to the others. And that is why you will never convince them bush lies. They know it was all a pack of lies and don’t care.
To them, the ends justifies the means.
…not just warm to the concept of impeachment!
So you’re saying that we need to encourage the rest of the American people to catch up to us, temperature-wise?
That comment by the analyst is priceless… (to make it look official, I guess) Ha Ha!
at the Orange Place in response to Sherlock’s diary. “I saw this last year.” “This is old news.” Hell, folks, it’s news when Matthews is showing this on Hardball! Yeah, I know his audience is fewer than the number who attended the last Stone’s concert but they have friends who have friends…
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this graphic beats all the blah-blah-blah about the DSM by a mile and a half. It’s clear, it’s concise and even a moron can look at it and say to themselves, “My Belov-ed Preznit was fooled by this?!”
The Bush-puppet lied. He lied to Congress. He lied to the American People. Impeach! <Imagine Mel Gibson at the end of “Braveheart” only instead of “Freedom!” he’s shouting “Impeach! Impeach!”>
are born pessimists and others are born stupid.
Let one person in the whole wide world try to defend the use of this document to start a pre-emptive war.
will have to do that on the Sunday morning shows.
I think it’s kind of cute.
Like when I used to fake my mom’s handwriting on an excuse note after skipping a day of school.
Yeah, as an art professor familiar with developmental stages in art, this looks like what we would call “dawning realism” — typical of most 11-year olds.
You think I’m kidding.
no, I don’t think you’re kidding.
Wow, that’s pretty sad, isn’t it?
All you need to know about the orange place is what Conyers said about them … the ever vigilant Brinnainne found it. Down yonder in the Open Thread, if you missed it. Priceless.
I had missed that. That is awesome.
btw, for those who are looking for it, it is in the Open Thread from before the frivolous one.
Or just click here.
feel sufficiently ganged up on to call Rep. Conyers? I’ll pile on. This is how I feel about Conyers:
(Yeah, I already posted this pic today on catnip’s diary. So sue me. In my world there can’t be too many Conyers is Superman pix.)
and I hope the engraved, personal invitation to post on BooTrib has been delivered to Conyers by now.
Hey, Conyers! Want to feel free to discuss hacking elections, well, that’s why this place was started… Come on up here where the air is clear and free!
I’d be happy to deliver it by hand. I live in the next district over.
Which sucks, b/c I’d rather have Conyers, but I really don’t have too many complaints about Congressman Dingell.
Combining All Timelines
The Propaganda Machine and the WMD Case for Iraq War
It’s clear Nigergate and DSM publications come together by Blair and Bush, the decision to go to War at all cost. The briefing to fix the facts around the policy, creating the WHIG Group and DoD Special Operations relate to the choices made. Don’t forget Dick Cheney’s Office of Special Plans. I believe there was a royal exchange and concentration of information at the bureaus inside Downing Street 10 and the White House. The use and timing of language to counteract criticism is seen to be coordinated, up to and including reaction to the 7-7 and 21-7 London bombings today.
You can add the David Kelly affair, WMDs and the London timeline within this mind set. British weapons of mass destruction expert David Kelly dies under suspicious circumstances on July 18, 2003.
The WH problems didn’t stem solely from Joe Wilson, the outing of Valerie Plame was an subversive act to punish Joe & Valerie Wilson, and the CIA for undermining the activities of the three propaganda units in London, the WH and the Pentagon. CIA is the loser, DoD and Rumsfeld & Associates Feith et al, are the clear winners KO – TKO – points. Tenet can be seen as the captain, who fled his ship and troops, so they could be torpedoed and made irrelevant.
No Fried Rice On Today’s Menu
Excellent – truth seeker to unveil all deceit and lies! Picked up on doubts earlier @ BooMan
Puppet Bush is handled by VP Dick Cheney, who had advocated the case for War with Iraq by means of an Al Qaeda link and the Niger claim. From the book of Paul O’Neill, the meetings with Bush where void of thought and discussion. The policy statements were handed out as determined beforehand, through Andy Card and VP Cheney, with the knowledge that Karl Rove had signed off on its content, as he covers the political gifts for the Republican constituents.
From the Congressional 911 Commission hearings and the evidence given by Richard Clarke, Condoleezza Rice wasn’t pro-active in the anti-terrorism program. One of her special replies before the commission was concerning the lack of preparation before 9/11: “But I wasn’t given the advice that we should act.”
I therefore believe Condoleezza Rice was on good footing with all departments: DoD Rumsfeld, State Powell, VP Office Cheney and the President. But Condi did not call the shots, she would advise the President and fill in the background information, which by itself indicates a more neutral position.
No it’s still Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and John Bolton who are suspect, IMO.
A Blog Post — Sept. 30, 2003 On Preparation UN Speech Colin Powell
When State Department and CIA officials complained about Libby’s proposed language and suggested cutting large sections, Cheney’s associates fought back. ‘Every piece offered . . . they fought tooth and nail to keep it in,’ said one official involved in putting together the speech.”
and … “Libby – along with deputy national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley, a longtime Cheney associate – began pushing to include the Atta claim in Powell’s appearance before the U.N. Security Council a week after the State of the Union speech. Powell’s presentation was aimed at convincing the world of Iraq’s ties to terrorists and its pursuit of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.
On Jan. 25, with a stack of notebooks at his side, color-coded with the sources for the information, Libby laid out the potential case against Iraq to a packed White House situation room. “We read [their proposal to include Atta] and some of us said, ‘Wow! Here we go again,'” said one official who helped draft the speech. ‘You write it. You take it out, and then it comes back again.’
Loyalty of Steve Hadley lies with VP Cheney, not Condy Rice.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Why did the Administration endorse a forgery about Iraq’s nuclear program?
Posted March 24, 2003
“The I.A.E.A. has concluded, with the concurrence of outside experts, that these documents . . . are in fact not authentic,” ElBaradei said.
One senior I.A.E.A. official went further. “These documents are so bad that I cannot imagine that they came from a serious intelligence agency. It depresses me, given the low quality of the documents, that it was not stopped. At the level it reached, I would have expected more checking.”
US tore out 8,000 pages Iraq Declaration
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Has anybody seen a copy of the alleged Dem letter to Fitzgerald? Has anyone verified that such a letter was sent?
You can check it out here.
That is from the House of Representatives website, so I guess you can trust it as much as you can anything else our govt puts out :p
That is an awesome letter. Everyone should read it. If Fitzgerald really does tackle the entire web of lies used to sell the war, we may have these Reps to thank.
Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) who wrote the letter, and these Congresspersons, who signed it:
Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)
Xavier Becerra (CA-31)
Wm. Lacy Clay (MO-01)
John Conyers, Jr. (MI-14)
Sam Farr (CA-17)
Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07)
Luis V. Gutierrez (IL-04)
Michael M. Honda (CA-15)
Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18)
Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02)
Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Carolyn C. Kilpatrick (MI-13)
Dennis J. Kucinich (OH-10)
Barbara Lee (CA-09)
Jim McDermott (WA-07)
James P. McGovern (MA-03)
Cynthia McKinney (GA-04)
Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-14)
Doris Matsui (CA-05)
George Miller (CA-07)
James P. Moran (VA-08)
Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Richard E. Neal (MA-02)
Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06)
Donald M. Payne (NJ-10)
Charles B. Rangel (NY-15)
Martin Olav Sabo (MN-05)
Bernard Sanders (VT-AL)
Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
José E. Serrano (NY-16)
Louise Slaughter (NY-28)
Hilda L. Solis (CA-32)
Fortney Pete Stark (CA-13)
Edolphus Towns (NY-10)
Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)
David Wu (OR-01)
Albert R. Wynn (MD-04)
(plus one unrecognizable signature)
Notice how many of the signers are members of the Congressional Black Caucus (in bold). The CBC is about 10% of Congress, but they are more than 25% of the signers of the letter. An old diary from across the road, but still true:
I heart the CBC. They show up.
I have a “Congressional Black Caucus Spoke For Me – Jan. 2001” T-shirt. Susan, do you remember? Right at the beginning of Left Coast?
This diary from DKos by “Pen” is quite comprehensive in it’s examination of the Niger forgeries situation.
It’s an unfortunate reality that for most of us, corroborating evidence on all this will never be revealed, but, circumstantially, virtually all of what’s contained in this diary is linked to real events that are trackable in the news world.
I read thst kos diary you linked to. Fasinating, to say the least. I remember reading some of this when this all happened. It and we must try hard to remember the Iran-Contra affair and who are players in that as well to really get down and dirty with the players…..
Sheez, what a lota info to maintaina and substaina and absorba.
Thanks so much…
BCCI, Iran-Contra, the BNL “Iraqgate” scandal, lots of activity withing the rightwing murderous dictatorships of Central and South America in the ’70s and’80s, and seriously considered as the one’s responsible for the suspicious and untimely death of Pope John Paul I, (Albino Luciani, Pope for 33 days and then dead under suspicious circumstances back in 1978; all of these things involve the same organization and in many cases the very same people now embarked on this course of war and the militarization of the planet.
Here’s a link to a site with excerpts from a book that describes in detail much of what went on with this group in Italy and elsewhere during the time at the end of WWII and through the ’70s. (I have an old hardbound copy of this book and I can tell you it’s really compelling.
There is some solid good investigative work currently available on the net and in the realworld press on the Niger forgeries. Pen’s is not.
Pen’s thesis is a hodgepodge of cabbage and goats that stands alone when it comes to fostering urban legends.
Kos and similar communities are the modern agora, and all have their say. But in due respect, whatever is said should be addressed with a dose of scepticism, especially if one makes a large number of false or unverifiable claims that explain far too much.
You may notice that I mentioned that corroborating evidence would not likely be forthcoming on much of what was contained in Pen’s diary, and the reason I saidthisisbecause I don’t take everything said there as gospel.
However, I remember a comment of yours from you a couple of weeks ago in which you insist P2 was disbanded a long time ago and is no longer operating. (I think you basically implied those who thought otherwise were conspiracy theorists gone wild.) You are wrong about this. They may not claim the same name now as they did previously, but their operational rubric is pretty much unchanged and in some arenas undiminished.
I’m sorry but today is just a day to say fuck and so my reaction to this picture is jesus fucken christ on a crutch-how fucken moronic do you have to be to take that picture seriously? I mean really this is fucken insulting but then so is our president. Insulting to every single one of us that something like this is their idea of intelligence gathering…
Wasn’t there a show called ‘Dumbest Criminals Ever or Caught on Tape’ or something?
I’m so goddam pissed about this I can’t see straight…so this ought to make all other countries around the world believe we really do either have the Keystone Cops running our intelligence or Inspector Clousea(sp)…
Impeach, then on to war crimes tribunal, then off to a gulag somewhere…goddamit anyway.
and Chimpy promoted BOLTON to the UN. We have ZERO Credibility. We have power, Military, Money and no Credibility and no friends…nope..not even Poland anymore. The only reason we have England and OZ is because they speak English. They will soon abandon us too. I can’t imagine what the US will be like in 100 years. I guess it will probably be owned by China.
And one wonders just how much is left of our ‘military might’ other than nukes. I’ve got several articles(or more) detailing how depleted all our stockpiles of equipment are and I mean really depleted and nothing much is being done it seems to restock. And also that the Nat. Guard is using almost 3/4’s of their equipment in Iraq and none of this equipment has been replaced here in the states either. (besides the fact that much of the guard equipment was hand me downs from the army or as I’ve posted before equipment left over from Vietnam for god’s sake).
Every time I read one more article on this I get more worried. After all if I’m reading this shit so is half of the rest of the world.
Have you seen what our money is worth lately?
Image courtesy Puget4.
This? We went to WAR over THIS?
This was the evidence that killed 2,000 Americans, tens of thousands of Iraqi’s, de-stabilized the Middle East, threatened the oil supply for the entire world, laid the foundation for a civil war in Iraq for … THIS?
“Oh, a wise guy, eh? Why I ought to…”
(eyepoke, smack, pulling out handful of hair)
“Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo…”
Hmmm, do they also work at Abu Grahib?
No wonder they wouldn’t let Joe Wilson see this comic book forgery. If he’d seen this, he wouldn’t’ve wasted the air fare.
was around late 73, car drove past with a professionally printed bumper sticker “Impeach President Nixon.”
The slogan had been kicking around the anti war crowd of course, but to see it on legitimate products for sale in the market place (in the days before home computers and photoshop printing) was a big deal.
Given that mainstream pundits are now mentioning the White House in connection with national security scandal, we’re nearing that Watergate bumper-sticker moment.
The difference is that this conspiracy seems much broader, and the people’s party is out of power and close to collapse, so it’s hard to be sure what the practical meaning of exposition of high crimes might be. Worst case, we’re told it’s a time of war, and about that democracy business, we’ll get back to that soon as it’s safe.
His whole column today is dynamite. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen the MSM point to the PNAC as the source of all of this crap we’ve had to endure these past five years. About damn fucking time.
And that link to yesterday’s column – it leads to a story that begins:
I doubt it. First, it’s in French. Most Americans will immediately stop right there. Second, the pdf is blurry. Third, the fact that the stationery looks funky would simply match the common notion that these little African countries can’t do much better.
I hope they’re impeached, but I wouldn’t count on these documents to do the trick.
A half-dozen indictments with Bush & Cheney as unindicted co-conspirators . . . now that might do the trick!
Bradblog link to the video of the Hardball segment
Chalabi’s responsible? Doesn’t he have a bit more money to at least put a better quality forgery together?
Here are the links for all available Niger documents, both authentic and forged, including Booman’s links above.
Cryptome 1
Cryptome 2
Cryptome 3
There are more forged documents in the hands of the IAEA that have not been made public.
well, as far as I am concerned, I would not want to be a lowly secretary for anything in government nowadays!!!!!!!!!! I would know toooo much….:o) My simple existance would be a threat nowadays…:o)
I might not want to even sit in a cafe in DC nowadays for fear of something I might overhear. I simply would not take my car into DC either!!!!!!! It might get suspicious from all the packages in it (as usual I do some shopping there) and might get blown to kingdomcome..Nothing in DC anymore is free from suspicion