Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are not in their regular spot next to the door.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
Waiting for BooBooks
Today, we’ve got copies of Bayou Farewell For those of you that forgot your copy.
May the 4’s be with you
Upcoming Events:
Froggy Bottom Cafe: Elements of a Thanksgiving Dinner
Week 1 (11/4): Veggie dishes and breads
Week 2 (11/11): Desserts
Week 3 (11/18): Turkey, stuffing, and gravy
Fridays in November!
I’m nervous, I feel like I’m going back to school.
But, this is the Cafe — NOT BooBooks, so I don’t have to impress you guys here, right?
Andi, I’m trying to find a copy of that PopCo book. It doesn’t seem to be at Powell’s, so I’m heading to Barnes & Nobel.
Here’s the link.
By the way, I loved her book “Going Out”, a sort of re-telling of the wizard of oz. And she also has a very goo mystery series.
But you might want to get something of hers from the library first to make sure you like her style (and so I won’t feel guilty if you spend your money on something you don’t like.)
Well, I don’t know how I goofed, but they do have PopCo at the library. So, I’ve put a hold on it.
It should know that “goo” is supposed to be “good”.
Okay, you solved the invisi-text. You got a fix for stupid fingers?
Woo-hoo, the coffee’s brewing, I love the Sea-hag decor today, and it’s a gloomy rainy day here…perfect for discussing books in my pajamas…
Luckily for me, it seems to be sunny here. At some point, I have to sneak out and take photographs.
I want to find a good scenic Kansas spot.
Rolling fields of wheat.
It’s an interesting question, I’m not sure what we’ll see. We’re planning on going north and I’ve never explored that direction. I’ve always gone west (towards California) or south (towards California).
Ah. Well, I missed that.
Here’s a dumb question for someone who’s lived in Kansas since 1967. When is harvest?
should have been planted already. Harvest is a long way off. I’m not sure if there will actually be any growth yet.
Harvest of corn, beans is over here; probably in Kansas as well.
We’re committed to take my nephew to the movies for the early show today, I just know I’m going to miss the beginning of the book discussion. I’d like nothing better than to sit around in my PJ’s and discuss a book. sigh. But I love my nephew, and a nice loud action movie will wake me up for sure. Oy.
And a happy Saturday to you all!!! It’s a cold rainy morning here and the coffee tastes even better than usual. Woke up with a cold to boot. snif.snivel.slurp (that’s the coffee part).
Good day for soup. Hey, Katiebird, how about a recipe cafe one of these days? I’ve loved the recipes posted by BooTribbers in the past… man, can we cook, or what? OOOooo, I think I need some meds today. Does beer count?
That sounds fun, How about the November 5th Cafe?
It could be a lead-in to the Holiday Season.
GREAT!!! I love new recipes, thanks, Katiebird. As for seconds, yeah right, me too. (as I’m stuffing my face with fresh-baked tea bisquits slathered with butter)
I don’t mean to nag (!), but the trick is to start today. It doesn’t matter what you’ve eaten so far today.
Just do it today.
As an experiment.
I was actually going to do recipes for different elements of Thanksgiving dinner in the Friday cafe this month, asking people to share family favorites and traditions…you know, veggie dishes one week, desserts, stuffing, and great ways to roast a turkey on other weeks. I could do the recipe part during the day, and the happy hour part in the evening.
How does this sound?
That sounds great, CabinGirl. Should I add a Bulletin Board Announcement?
I think some people would be more likely to contribute if they can think about it ahead of time.
That sounds good; how about:
Week 1 (11/4): Veggie dishes and breads
Week 2 (11/11): Desserts
Week 3 (11/18): Turkey, stuffing, and gravy
I’m open to suggestions…
Should we make a little GIF announcement?
I don’t know how to make a little GIF announcement, but if you do, that would be perfect!
I’ll see what I can cook-up.
How about stories of Thanksgivings past for week 4? I’m sure we all have wonderful tales to tell.
That’s a good idea too.
Clearly your family gatherings are a major improvement over mine. Not that I don’t love my family but our favorite pastime is arguing.
I’ll tell the story of why I don’t go home for Thanksgiving!!
What a fun idea! Just as with the photos, I’ll be a happy observer. It’s not that I haven’t ever put on holiday dinners, it’s that the last time I offered, my cousin’s eyes widened and she said, “Please don’t.”
Clever timesaving cheats are totally acceptable too, as are suggestions for what to bring the host/ess if you’re not cooking…
And the Friday after Thanksgiving, we can carry on the time-honored tradition of “You’re not going to believe what relative ao-and-so did yesterday!”; we can all vote, and the one with the best/worst story wins a prize!
Oooh. Post-holiday gossip…my favorite. And of course we need more recipes for what to do with all the leftover turkey and and that nasty sweet potato/marshmallow casserole.
I think post-holiday gossip as a game among friends just makes the foibles of family so much more enjoyable, really. 🙂
Hey! I happen to love Marshmallow Sweet Potato Yuk!
I think it was last year someone posted a turkey-brining recipe at the Kids’ Orange Site, or maybe it was DFA. We cooked ours that way for Thanksgiving and it was just terrific.
I suspect Puget4 may have a contribution or two for you. (It’s only 8:30 am here so she’s still collecting her beauty sleep.)
And with this, I’ve switched to collapsed comments.
I love the holidays, I can’t wait!
I keep forgetting to hit the + sign by the title. And by the 4th or 5th time I scroll down to a cafe, I’m really, really frustrated at myself.
+ sign clicked.
Cold snap arrived and brought out some very nice colors in dogwood, poplar, hickory, and maple trees. Oak and beech still haven’t started to turn, though, so woods are still very green.
Please take a pic when there’s a little snow on the ground. Thanksgiving requires a little snow. Stories to come…. if you do the stories week. We don’t get snow here so I need a pic.
I have snow pictures, though I doubt if I can come up with any new ones for Thanksgiving — that would be really early for us to have snow.
We need someone from South Bend where they get creamed all the time (lake effect snow).
AndiF, you are a photography wizard. Not only do you take great pix, but the second someone even wonders about a subject matter, there you are: “Snow? I got yer snow right here!” Love it.
Thanks but this wasn’t much of a trick since I’ve lived here since 1979 and had plenty of opportunities to photograph every season. And I will certainly fail if anyone starts asking for photos from other continents.
I agree with IndyLib. You are a wonder! I have lots of photos to but only a few that I can access digitally and almost none accessible in a hurry. Thanks for this beautiful snow shot. Sweet memories.
Ah, the advantages of being an anal-retentive obessesive compulsive.
And thanks. I’m glad you like the snow picture.
Hi, guys! Kb I love your diary picture. And AndiF, your photo could be the BooBooks poster.
BooBooks is ready to go. It’s not fancy, since I don’t really know how to do fancy. Maybe we’ll get some cool graphics later. I had internet connection problems this morning but all’s swell now. Maybe I should put it up at l0ish instead of waiting? I suspect it will meander all day and into the evening, don’t you?
We’ll see how it goes, but right now, I’m thinking one diary today about everything leading up to Katrina and then one tomorrow about post-Katrina. But that could change depending on where you guys go in the discussion.
Twiddling thumbs and blathering, I am.
to use the dogs picture for your diaries. They have massive egos and would be delighted to be poster pups.
I can’t wait. It’s like the first day of school.
Anticipation is making me sick.
So I guess you won’t want the PB&J sandwiches I made for our snack time?
I’ve never had a PB&J sandwich.
Are they tasty?
Never had a PB&J? I would be shocked if it were not for the harsh truth that I never had them, either, until way late in maturehood. Even now, my preference is peanut butter with butter.
I don’t remember us eating much peanut butter, although I liked it when we had it. Peanut butter & butter sounds familiar, but I never saw the point of the jelly.
Which kind of sums things up: jelly sits in the fridge until it gets moldy around here. We keep it in stock, but none of us eat it.
Real fresh hot tea this morning, because I got up first. Earl Gray White Tip, and I brought some to my honey while she read in bed. It’s a good start to the day.
What a lucky honey!!
Looks like it’s going to be an exciting day here w/ the Book Club. I didn’t have time to read the book w/ starting the new job, but I’m really looking forward to the conversation and your thoughts on it.
I agree kansas – that picture of Andi and her dogs would make a fabulous Book Club poster.
And the recipe idea is another great idea. I just got a new ham and cheese biscuit recipe that is dee-licious, and good for next day brunch for visiting relatives, plus it’s super easy to make. Oh, and my apple pie recipe is also a snap – I made it last w/e for Thanksgiving Pt2 while the family sat around the kitchen island watching. (Love cooking.)
Anyways, I haven’t had a chance to take any new photos. So I’ll pop this one up from the ‘archives’:
Large view.
Oh boy… The furnace guy is here doing the fall check-up, and he had to test to make sure that if it got too hot the furnace would shut down automatically. Well, it did shut off … but in the process of heating it so high, the smell of buring dust set off the fire alarm … which is wired to our house alarm.
We had whistles and bells and sirens going off. I was running around fanning the fire detector, while hubby called the alarm company to make sure they didn’t send the fire trucks. The cat’s scared whitless in the middle of the fracas – he can’t run away from the noise b/c the alarm speakers are in the duct work, so the noise is deafening all over the house. Oh boy. That’s enough excitement for one day… Need to calm down now. Whew.
I wanted to post this photo, but in the midst of all that excitement, I forgot.
Large view.
We had a lot of Gold Finches in the garden, but it’s really hard to capture them.
Thank you.
When we first moved to the Sound we were renting a woodsy farmhouse 500 feet up on the fast lane of one of the flyways.
There didn’t seem to be any local population of birds except some robins, because we had very little activity in either winter or summer, but during spring & fall there would be a whole sequence of different birds coming through. I’m not at all a bird watcher, but I do remember seeing some of those little goldfinches occasionally.
Being a musician, I met most of our birds only by their calls.
I remember particularly the Weedwhacker bird, the Seaview bird, the 3-2 bird, the Rewind bird, and the Moose Crow. I have absolutely no idea what any of them looked like except the Moose Crow, which evidently is the mother of all crows. Maybe a raven? I do know the moose crow really p’d off our late giant Toto dog. He didn’t like that bird one bit.
The Seaview bird was the most obnoxious. She had a nest about 62 feet from my bedroom window, and would whistle in a high octave “a SEA view!!” about every 30 seconds from 5 to 11 AM.
The Rewind bird sounds like a tape recording of every whistle-type bird call there is, being rewound at high speed. I calculate that it must be about the size of an ostrich, because the call lasts almost 30 seconds. I don’t know why I shouldn’t have been able to spot a bird that large.
The two birds we did see easily were hummingbirds of course, which Puget4 fed at the windows as everyone does, and of all things the Bald Eagles. Being at a hilltop, we’d be able to see a number of them in the warm season come in hunting updrafts to ride. One day there were 14 Bald Eagles circling over my shop.
Our best view ever came when walking our two totos down the lane cut through the tall pines. A big bald eagle flew right down the centerline at us, only 20 feet overhead. It’s an amazing sight, and lordy are those birds noisy, lungs huffing and feathers rustling and clacking away. Just yesterday morning when I was on an errand I passed a beachfront cottage with two big bald eagles sitting together on the roof peak.
Thanks for sharing that! Some bird sounds can be so grating, while others so musical – depending on the time of morning yes! :o). I imagine all of those bald eagles were a sight to see. They weren’t circling for Toto I hope!
We’ve been told that they occasionally grab pets the size of smaller totos and on down. Ours are Scottish size, in the 20 pound range. But having some open space near the house, we did pull the dogs in when eagles were down on the property.
When soaring they’d go right up into the clouds sometimes.
But <Al_Sleet_the_Hippy_Dippy_Weatherman_Voice> we also had coyotes SO-o-o-o we ususally didn’t sweat the eagles!</voice>
I love how they turn olive green in the winter and then burst into yellow bloom again every spring.
Uh…. where ARE the newspapers? ::looks around::
You’re getting me hungry for Thanksgiving already and I haven’t even had my Halloween candy yet.
Okay. Coffee, some breakfast..er, lunch, I guess… put on some music and get to work.
I’m holding them back until after booBooks. This is a no distraction zone.
We’ve got plenty of copies of Bayou Farewell, if you need reading material!
Y’all come! And then come back here!
I just have to tell you all — I can fit in almost all my size 16 clothes!
Including my jeans.
And I must say (this is the bragging part): I don’t look like a plate of mashed potatoes anymore!
And I’m betting it all looks great on you.
Mazel tov.
Congratulations! This is very exciting. I’m really happy for you. I love your new sig BTW. That’s the way to success.
Thanks, baby steps tend to work for me.
there’s the first winter weather advisory out this morning warning of snow in the upper elevations. I’m so excited about it because <doh! — slaps forehead> I hadn’t thought about the fact that there will be snow on the mountaintops around here. We’ve been thinking only of the occassional snows in the valleys as we’ve considered remote parcels of available land. It’s going to be so beautiful in the barrenness of winter to look up and see the mountain tops glittering.
Some of the maples have started to turn but the summer was so dry I’m afraid the oak leaves will just turn brown and fall off.
Looking at a great piece of land with a crappy house the other day, we came upon a literal wind-fall of black walnuts and filled our pockets and hats with them. Hubby stripped off the green hulls and has been drying out the shells in the toaster oven. Hmmm.. the apt. smells sooooo good.
Spotted this fellow right next to our neighborhood street as we drove out for our morning Toto walk. He was a perfect gentleman as we turned off the motor and snapped a few pix.
Wow…what did the totos think?
Finally got the spouse kicked off the computer…he’s de-ading the papers (taking out the classified and other ads) while I catch up here. Heading out shortly to do some shopping, mainly for a new coffeemaker; he’s gotten by with tea most of the week but misses his morning coffee! (And I miss my morning/evening decaf…) I’ve also decided that this is the weekend I’m going to upgrade to a new slow cooker; I need one with more flexibility than my current one. (Checking the Target ad to make sure it’s not going to be on sale tomorrow…)
Hope everyone has a great day, and a great time discussing Bayou Farewell tonight…will there be anyone left to party after all the serious discussion?
Happy Saturday everyone! I’m in a completely chill mood and loving it. I have to drive up to the Phoenix area in a few minutes to go hang out with friends but wanted to pop in and say hello. So…hello!
I was having writers’ block earlier for a project I’m working on, so I had to pull out the big guns to help:
That seemed to do the trick 🙂
Wow! I love it! Thanks for sharing.
Have fun with your friends, but stop by the kegger later if you can.