[cross-posted over at DEMbloggers.com]
I’ve been hearing of these racist twins for the past few days on the blogosphere but I just read the full ABC report on them and I’ve never been so grossed out by such hatred.
First a little on the twins and then some input from me.
The twins are 13 years old and if it weren’t for their hatred and bigotry they would be fairly attractive. The two girls, Lamb and Lynx, have grown up around a Nazi household where the father worships Hitler and other racist/Nazi bastards. The twins have begun making a career out of singing racist songs and the twins have become so popular spewing their hate that David Duke has jumped on the bandwagon. They sound like your typical racist fucks but remember that they are only 13 years old!
Now this is the part that really got me about this entire deal:
Anyways as I was finishing reading the article I started thinking about freedom of speech and racists or “white nationalists” as they like to be called. I know this may ruffle some feathers and piss a few of you off but I have no sympathy for white supremacists and racists, NONE. Their ideas are equal, if not worse than the ideas of Osama bin Laden. It may sound harsh but these white supremacists and Nazi organizations who sponsor the twins and others like them are terrorist organizations. There is no other name for these neo-Nazis that are silently creeping up across America.
Now if you’re thinking that these terrorists don’t affect your life check out this map put our by the Southern Poverty Law center to track hate groups around your community.
In Fahrenheit 9/11 I remember seeing those elderly peace activists being targeted by the FBI because they opposed the Iraq war through peaceful means. If our government has any brains left it would end it’s assault on peaceful activists fighting for their agenda and start going after these domestic terrorists who support an agenda of hate, bigotry, murder and racial violence.
I struggle with this. On the one hand, I’m an ACLU member. I’d much rather have this crap out in the open than festering in some dark corner.
On the other, one of those Nazi fuckers sent death threats to my college boyfriend. That fucker, BTW, is now in federal prison, and I hope he never, ever gets out.
I try to think of it this way: they have a right to say what they want. I have a right to expose and harass them any way I can.
“I try to think of it this way: they have a right to say what they want. I have a right to expose and harass them any way I can.”
Expose… yes. Exactly right. Harass… no. That is sinking to their level and we are better than that.
Just because they have a right to say whatever bilgewater they want doesn’t mean that fairs and shows and tv stations and newspapers have to print their manure in any form other than to expose them for the low form of ignorant human life they are. An abject lesson in the need for good school systems based on science and reality.
Much better to have them out in the open.
A lame and transparent attack on the dynamic and growing sunless tanner industry.
These girls are going to be soooo embarrassed about this when they get a little older and fall in love with a couple of up and coming young Reggae musicians.
I damned near choked on my beer laughing here DF.
As for the right to speak out, as long as that is all they are doing. I believe in freedom of speech. It allows us to pick the real idiots out of the crowd.
The big problem I see here? These girls are being raised with the idea of perpetuating their genes as much as they can, and then indoctrinating their kids with the same racist attitudes.
If you have read some of the stuff on them, this is what they aspire to: Having lots of white kids. Indoctrinating them. And of course what they call “seperation”.
One of their favourite passtimes: Playing a video game where “skinheads shoot the N****”
And they plan on moving to the “Pacific North-West”. They are looking for a community that is more “white” than Bakersfield, California. Their mother is into the hardcore “white nationalist” groups. (Is there such a thing as “softcore racism”?)
Yep. They are pretty sick assholes…
As for their music? Imagine a couple of five year old boys singing words of hate while playing a broken ukelele and a two-string electrified cat.
I don’t think the state has any right to force anybody to keep their stupidity secret.
It is deplorable that they are teaching this crap to children, if you look on their website they have pictures of one of the twins with their little sister, Dresden, reading together with a caption to the effect that kids learn a lot from watching those around them.
That’s true. And while this family is a cartoon quality extreme, there are millions of children who are being taught all kinds of crap. Anti-gay hogwash, Rapture Readiness, God speaks through Bush, eat your peas so you can grow big and strong and kill lots of Arabs, Jews are sneaky, boys don’t like girls who are too smart for their own good, black fetuses commit crimes, every sperm is sacred, calico cats are of Satan, blah blah.
Even if you (or I) wanted to, you can’t stop that with laws. You can’t outlaw opinions, attitudes, beliefs. Even if you outlaw expression of them, you can’t stop people teaching their children their beliefs. And some of those beliefs are beyond idiotic, and some are just plain dangerous.
The only chance the little twins, or any other children being taught crap, have is if they receive a different message from society, and as soon as possible experience the epiphany that many fine adults have known, of realizing that on a few, many or nearly all subjects, their parents are total wackjobs.
For Lynx and Lamb, it will be pretty simple. See reference above to up and coming Reggae musicians. But for some kids, whose parents may not be “white nationalists,” the teachings can hold even greater peril for the child, and in the US today, some of those teachings are enshrined in the larger culture, and woven into the pronouncements of their elected officials.
I live less than a half hour from Bakersfield and I was actually surprised that they were cancelled at the Fair…this place is not what people think of as wacky liberal california…had KKK stand on street corners a little less than 20 years ago handing out pamphlets. Or in Taft where I live on each end of town are big signs saying welcome to Taft and some ‘kids’ had spray painted them with huge KKK letters..when cleaned was done again.
Anyway, I was glad when I heard they had gotten yanked this year from fair(apparently last year they didn’t). I guess quite a few people were outraged that they were yanked as it’s free speech and all.
The girls now have their own website by the way and one nice picture shows them modeling ‘smiley’ t-shirts with a nice little twist…the smiley has a little hitler mustache and also hitler hairdo..
You think reading about them is bad, if anyone saw the Primetime interview with them last Thursday it was pretty sickening and scary beyond words to hear them denying holocaust and other gut wrenching shit like that…or see them dancing around a huge swastika symbol on the floor in their house.
The best thing to come out of this is that their mom decided that they just couldn’t live here any longer and took her racist views and her little monsters in training and moved on to some other town where she mom felt was more ‘white’.
I believe in free speech. “Every man has the right to be wrong” [Mattheiu – First Monday in October] and these folks are certainly exersizing theirs [paraphrased me to my son].
I find what they say and believe to be despicable but they serve a very good purpose and that is to show the rest of us just how wrong they are.
You quoted the girls attempt to help white Katrina victims. You left off the part where people wanted nothing to do with them and the hate literature they tried to hand out. This is the deep south in need and they wanted no help from these hate mongers.
I remember when I was abouut 10 or 11 years old reading something about some country (South Africa I think) where the rebel flag was outlawed. It got me thinking about America and the Confederate flag. Here in America it is perfectly legal to fly the flag of a group of people that attempted to split this nation in two. I wondered and marveled about that a bit and then realized that this was one of the greatest signs of the strength of the American way. We have no need to supress such things. South African under apartheid needed to supress such things. We do not. They were wrong. We are right.
The power of free speech is that right speech will always win the day. It is a clear sign of the right wingers that they have tried so hard (Ann Coulter anyone?) to stifle debate and stop liberals from being able to present our point of view. According to her/them speaking out and dissenting from their point of view is a crime, treason. Free speech is our most important right. It must not be curtailed.
These people and what they have to say are despicable. But they provide a service. We can point at them and say to our children… “See, that is what an asshole looks like.”
If we decide that their hate speech should be outlawed then how we decide where the line is? And if we give the government the right to make suchd decisions then what decisions do you think John Ashcroft and this current administration would have made during the last 5 years? They tried hard anyhow. How far could they have gotten if they had had a precedent to lean on?
No. These assholes get to prove their assholeyness and they get to do it in public. The answer for them is for all the rest of us to point at them as objects of ridicule and scorn.
Well, white supremacists certainly get no sympathy from me, not least because most of the white supremacists I’ve tangled with are not exactly poster children for above-average intelligence, and also because, as a so-called “white” guy, they flat out embarrass me. My race is human, period. I’ve been beaten bloody by skinheads, and I’ve returned the favor on a couple of occasions. Fuck them.
That being said, I oppose censoring their screeds for two reasons. Firstly, censorship always grows over time, and each thing censored makes the next, less-objectionable thing easier to censor. And secondly, censorship just forces the bigots underground where they are harder to subject to ridicule. And ridicule, really, is the most effective approach for handling racists. These people are, after all, appallingly stupid and ignorant, and there’s nothing like the klieg lights of media coverage to show them for the inbred morons that they are.
Hate is Hate be it from white supremists or the religious right.
Years ago I wrote a novel Mind Blindness that showed the connection between both groups and I stand behind that thought.
Many of these hate groups started because of anti-political/government issues- taxes, loss of farming support, etc. And the hate grew from that.
The scary part for me is I agree with some of their issues regarding personal freedom-America is not free and hasn’t been for years. One needs a permit or license for almost everything. Ones property can be taken away by the government if they need it for whatever etc.
As far as the bigotry I have no explanation, but I liken it to the bigotry of the religious right against all “non-believers”.
Hate is Hate and is all around us under the guise of god, guns, nazis, republicans, democrats. It’s just that the groups that get organized get noticed.
And the sad part now a days with all the lies, deceit and repression, hate will get easier.
that I have said and thought ” I hate George Bush” and have thought of many scenarios to take care of that problem.
I’d be willing to bet that I, a 53 yr old grammy, am not alone in that regard.
But sometimes I do feel ashamed that my anger has got me to that point. Sometimes…