I sometimes wonder, while watching Saddam’s trial, if they’ll put him back in charge of Iraq again as his punishment, now that it’s such a mess (and it will give Bush his foil back).
By the way, is it just me or does it seem like there are fewer comments being posted over the last few days? Just curious.
for all you canucks… check out CBCNW for a replay of the Press Gallery Dinner and Paul Martin totally hamming it up about Belinda joining the Liberals… freakin’ hilarious… “I’m like… NO way. And he’s like, yes way”… “and Belinda’s like, I totally want to be in cabinet… and I’m like… duh!”
Gotta love Canadian politics…
And then the new Gov General saying Martin picked her because she was “hot”.
for the Bush misAdministration. It’s concerned with internal Iraqi genocide, so there’s not much chance of anything coming out about US complicity in Saddam’s actions. And when (not if) he’s convicted, Iraqi law requires that he be executed within 30 days, so the chances are excellent that we’ll never know exactly how deep the US government has been involved with Hussein and his government over the years.
It’s like with the WMDs — if they were ever found, they’d still have the “Made in USA” stickers on them…
Paul Hackett’s official announcement got picked up by AP and got front-page status at a number of news sites. Looks like he has a good media operation going, which is surprising and refreshing, considering the problems national Dems seem to have in ever getting any media attention at all. Could it be that speaking your mind actually works? Anyway, here’s hoping he keeps up the good work in the general election and in the Senate.
Ohio War Veteran Running for Senate
CINCINNATI (AP) – Paul Hackett, the Democratic veteran of the Iraq war who narrowly lost a special election in a heavily Republican congressional district in August, made his official entry into a U.S. Senate race Monday.
He faces a tough Democratic primary with Rep. Sherrod Brown in the race for the nomination to challenge second-term Republican incumbent Sen. Mike DeWine next year.
Hackett’s only political experience is a stint as a small-city councilman.
“I’m asking all the people of this great state, regardless of political affiliation, to consider my message and to consider joining me in the fight to take back our government from the career politicians and their special interest support groups who have hijacked our government,” he said as he announced his campaign at his home in suburban Indian Hill.
to replace Cheney after the indictments come down!
Just heard the speculation on Air America between Al Franken and Hendrik Hertzberg, senior ed of The New Yorker Magazine.
But earlier I read this article on Condi in the NYT.
On Trip to South, Rice Uses an Atypical Topic: Herself
But much of the rest of her itinerary was of a more personal nature.
No recent secretary of state has taken a trip like this, to relate a life story. Nor has Ms. Rice previously put her own experiences on such public display.
Despite her disavowal of political ambitions, it was hard not to imagine Ms. Rice bringing this biography to elective politics, with this visit as her coming-out party.
out of the confirmation hearings alive? Combine the total debacle that is Iraq with her “We couldn’t imagine Al Qaeda using airplanes” after the PDB memo that outlined THAT VERY FUCKING SCENARIO, and we might have the makings of “Confirmation Hearings Puppet Theater” for Keith Olbermann over at “Countdown”…
According to an article just published in the New York Daily News George is hot as hell.
Bushie staff are hiding under their desks and hoping not to fall under his wrathful glare. Remember the “blame game”? Well, Bush is playing it fast and furiously. Some juicy tidbits:
“He’s like the lion in winter,” observed a political friend of Bush. “He’s frustrated. He remains quite confident in the decisions he has made. But this is a guy who wanted to do big things in a second term. Given his nature, there’s no way he’d be happy about the way things have gone.”
Bush usually reserves his celebrated temper for senior aides because he knows they can take it. Lately, however, some junior staffers have also faced the boss’ wrath.
“This is not some manager at McDonald’s chewing out the help,” said a source with close ties to the White House when told about these outbursts. “This is the President of the United States, and it’s not a pleasant sight.”
Presidential advisers and friends say Bush is a mass of contradictions: cheerful and serene, peevish and melancholy, occasionally lapsing into what he once derided as the “blame game.”
“The President is just unhappy in general and casting blame all about,” said one Bush insider. “Andy [Card, the chief of staff] gets his share. Karl gets his share. Even Cheney gets his share. And the press gets a big share.”
Bush is so dismayed that “the only person escaping blame is the President himself,” said a sympathetic official, who delicately termed such self-exoneration “illogical.”
Gawd, I’d like to be a fly on the wall over there.
that the GJ only meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so I assumed that if nothing came down today, the next window of opportunity would be Wednesday.
Speaking of what I heard, MSNBC’s David Shuster is reporting on “Hardball” that Karl Rove and Lewis “Scooter” Libby have been officially informed that they are in “legal jeopardy”. And at last Friday’s GJ meeting, two Federal prosecutors were seen entering the courthouse carrying boxes of legal documents.
I still have to hear someone using the F word , so let me start:
Main Entry: fraud
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin fraud- fraus
1 a : any act, expression, omission, or concealment calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage; specifically : a misrepresentation or concealment with reference to some fact material to a transaction that is made with knowledge of its falsity or in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity and with the intent to deceive another and that is reasonably relied on by the other who is injured thereby b : the affirmative defense of having acted in response to a fraud
in the Congressional races: ads showing the faces of all those indicted in the Bush misAdministration, with the voice-over of Bush saying that he was going to bring honor and decency back to the White House (or whatever the quote was)…
Am I allowed to recommend stuff from elsewhere? I am not sure, but I really want y’all to check out a diary on the orange site–Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Leaker, by somebody called Fauro. Its absolutely amazing, and one of the best therapies for PISS that I have come across.
Great diaries today andI’m sorry I haven’t been able to be more engaged. Ilive abouyt 15 miles north of Ft. Lauderdale, FL and was right in the path of the worst part of the hurrticane. Power isout but I loaded an AOL free trial disk on my laptop.
Battery life being what it is, I want to make a comment that sums up my feelings on the various issues discussed here today. So here goes.
The entire Bush regime is a massive criminal enterprise and all it.s members belong in jail. The Wall Street Journal, along with Bill O’Reilly and all the rest of the usual suspects, are lying shitbirds who don’t deserve ant stature in our society. The forged Niger document affair was p[erpetrated by people who play the formative, central role in the war agenda of the current Bush regime.
And a final question. How isitthat we can send men to the moon andspaceships tothe outer planets and we can’t prevent massive power outages right here on earth during a storm?
I sometimes wonder, while watching Saddam’s trial, if they’ll put him back in charge of Iraq again as his punishment, now that it’s such a mess (and it will give Bush his foil back).
By the way, is it just me or does it seem like there are fewer comments being posted over the last few days? Just curious.
That would be funnier if it wasn’t the case that Iraq was much safer, prosperous, and had more human rights under Saddam.
for all you canucks… check out CBCNW for a replay of the Press Gallery Dinner and Paul Martin totally hamming it up about Belinda joining the Liberals… freakin’ hilarious… “I’m like… NO way. And he’s like, yes way”… “and Belinda’s like, I totally want to be in cabinet… and I’m like… duh!”
Gotta love Canadian politics…
And then the new Gov General saying Martin picked her because she was “hot”.
LOL, yeah, I caught that too, it was great.
for the Bush misAdministration. It’s concerned with internal Iraqi genocide, so there’s not much chance of anything coming out about US complicity in Saddam’s actions. And when (not if) he’s convicted, Iraqi law requires that he be executed within 30 days, so the chances are excellent that we’ll never know exactly how deep the US government has been involved with Hussein and his government over the years.
It’s like with the WMDs — if they were ever found, they’d still have the “Made in USA” stickers on them…
Paul Hackett’s official announcement got picked up by AP and got front-page status at a number of news sites. Looks like he has a good media operation going, which is surprising and refreshing, considering the problems national Dems seem to have in ever getting any media attention at all. Could it be that speaking your mind actually works? Anyway, here’s hoping he keeps up the good work in the general election and in the Senate.
to replace Cheney after the indictments come down!
Just heard the speculation on Air America between Al Franken and Hendrik Hertzberg, senior ed of The New Yorker Magazine.
But earlier I read this article on Condi in the NYT.
The New York Times
out of the confirmation hearings alive? Combine the total debacle that is Iraq with her “We couldn’t imagine Al Qaeda using airplanes” after the PDB memo that outlined THAT VERY FUCKING SCENARIO, and we might have the makings of “Confirmation Hearings Puppet Theater” for Keith Olbermann over at “Countdown”…
Bush appoints her because Cheney is forced to resign.
Does she need confirmation under emergency circumstances?
(not a rhetorical question, I really have no idea.)
Hot George Condi
I think Satan really misses Saddam. He was so naughty and nasty. Bush is so stupid…. he can’t begin to plot like Saddam!
GWB is a devil with no class.
As far as Iraq goes, it looks like Satan’s fave, Saddam is winning, sad to say.
you can make him look like he is fucking the bubbles
i cant stop
That’s touching.
You have no idea how calming that link has been for me.
According to an article just published in the New York Daily News George is hot as hell.
Bushie staff are hiding under their desks and hoping not to fall under his wrathful glare. Remember the “blame game”? Well, Bush is playing it fast and furiously. Some juicy tidbits:
Gawd, I’d like to be a fly on the wall over there.
Help is on the way! Call RDS today…
it’s 4:45 EDT — do you know where your indictments are???
I’ve been banned from the Office of Special Prosecutor Web site for spam-clicking.
Not really …
Okay. Where do we look?
I have MSNBC on…. who’s got CNN?
And I’ve been checking Raw and Drudge and WaPo.
This is WORSE than Election Day!
guess it’s safe for me to hope into the shower without worrying I’ll miss something breaking…
Here’s hoping Wednesday will bring the words we’re waiting for…
wait a minute – did I completely miss Tuesday?
that the GJ only meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so I assumed that if nothing came down today, the next window of opportunity would be Wednesday.
Speaking of what I heard, MSNBC’s David Shuster is reporting on “Hardball” that Karl Rove and Lewis “Scooter” Libby have been officially informed that they are in “legal jeopardy”. And at last Friday’s GJ meeting, two Federal prosecutors were seen entering the courthouse carrying boxes of legal documents.
It’s getting closer, my friends…
phew! thought I’d slept through a whole day there…
I still have to hear someone using the F word , so let me start:
Main Entry: fraud
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin fraud- fraus
1 a : any act, expression, omission, or concealment calculated to deceive another to his or her disadvantage; specifically : a misrepresentation or concealment with reference to some fact material to a transaction that is made with knowledge of its falsity or in reckless disregard of its truth or falsity and with the intent to deceive another and that is reasonably relied on by the other who is injured thereby b : the affirmative defense of having acted in response to a fraud
Sounds to me like “high crimes and misdemeanors”
or as Kay Bailey Hutchinson might say just a few little technicalities right?
RIGHT! ! !
Condi is buying shoes right now for her new appointment as Vice-President. Doncha know!
in the Congressional races: ads showing the faces of all those indicted in the Bush misAdministration, with the voice-over of Bush saying that he was going to bring honor and decency back to the White House (or whatever the quote was)…
Am I allowed to recommend stuff from elsewhere? I am not sure, but I really want y’all to check out a diary on the orange site–Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Leaker, by somebody called Fauro. Its absolutely amazing, and one of the best therapies for PISS that I have come across.
I agree, the Wilson/Leaker piece is an amazing bit of e-craftsmanship.
Somebody called Fauro, here. I’m all verkplempt .
Mr Leaker heard about the internets and stuff and thought he’d best get his blog on.
Great diaries today andI’m sorry I haven’t been able to be more engaged. Ilive abouyt 15 miles north of Ft. Lauderdale, FL and was right in the path of the worst part of the hurrticane. Power isout but I loaded an AOL free trial disk on my laptop.
Battery life being what it is, I want to make a comment that sums up my feelings on the various issues discussed here today. So here goes.
The entire Bush regime is a massive criminal enterprise and all it.s members belong in jail. The Wall Street Journal, along with Bill O’Reilly and all the rest of the usual suspects, are lying shitbirds who don’t deserve ant stature in our society. The forged Niger document affair was p[erpetrated by people who play the formative, central role in the war agenda of the current Bush regime.
And a final question. How isitthat we can send men to the moon andspaceships tothe outer planets and we can’t prevent massive power outages right here on earth during a storm?
We have friends in Boca and they have phone but no power either, looks like power is going to be out for awhile too.