What’s Your Price To Kiss Some Ass?
Maybe you have a bad job now: low pay, stupid boss, stupid clients. Or, maybe you have no job, and the tension with the family is BAD.
So, you here about this job. It utilizes your skills. But, it is clear you will have to try to pass as a Kool-Aid addict. Maybe it’s something like a Program Manager at KBR. (Kellogg, Brown, and Root/Halliburton.) You know, upscale grooming and wardrobe, reactionary small talk, martinis, golf. The job is for two years.
What’s your price?
$100K/year? More, Less?
I hate ass-kissing. I gotta say in all honesty, I’d start thinking about it at $150K/year. AArgh – my self-esteem just exploded!!!
I’m kinda in that position now. I hate my current job and all the other types of jobs in my field are with government contractors. I’m not sure I want to spend any amount of time working in the govt. But the $$ would be nice.
It’s either work for a contractor or move out of the area.
I’m really struggling with figuring out waht I want to do when I grow up.
Not for sale or even short term rent…
I don’t even send resumes to companies like that….but I also live in the SF Area and work as an accountant. It’s better for me to sleep at night to work as a temp and eat Mac & Cheese 7 days a week than even rent my soul to these guys.
butt. Instead my bullshit barometer goes into action and I become focused and intent on asking questions until I am finally shoved into some corner. But even then I can’t quit. I think I probably irritated more people at work than I ever made happy. But somehow they didn’t fire me.
Thanks, all, for your comments.