Mr. Dick “The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the stage tonight” Cheney is a liar:
–> MSNBC’s David Shuster just reported that George Tenet denies that he ever told Dick Cheney about Valerie Plame Wilson. Then there’s this:
“I don’t know Mr. Wilson. I probably shouldn’t judge him. I have no idea who hired him and it never came [up]…” — V.P. Dick Cheney, 9/14/03, via DAILY GRILL, Center for American Progress
Click on the image to find out why it is here today.
I’m becoming very fond of David Shuster. He gets great scoops.
There’s no news story up yet, that I can find, saying that Tenet denies he told Cheney.
at the Joint Armed Forces Officers’ Wives Luncheon….
He started off by saying: this is the 28th anniversary of this luncheon, heh heh, Laura and I have our own 28th anniversary coming up on Saturday, heh heh. Maybe ya’ll can help me after lunch decide what to get her…
Oh, he is cracking himself up! UGH!
I was just going to mention this and then there was your comment….yes he is giving a fun and humerous speech today…watch the jaw and the mouth moves…oh it’s a pep talk, he is giving so much to the armed service…..don’t know if I can watch this.
Diane, I’ve been visiting your blog a lot lately .. when i need to get away to someplace calmer and not all about politics. It’s such a lovely blog, and so full of interesting stories.
Well thanks Susan, I am glad you are visiting: it is calming and soothing and we are talking about some interesting non political things…good for a change eh!
Big giant hugs to you Susan!!!!!!!!!!!
So funny, Brinnainne. I missed that…
Listening to this speech is killing me — the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife…I note that he is making those links between the “murderous ideology” of “the enemies of humanity’ with communism again — “like communism, it is elitist, with the elite telling the masses what is best for them”, then he goes on to ask, in reference to Osama, “how can a man raised in wealth and priviledge tell others what is best for them? What bin Laden thinks is best for them is that they go out and be killer and suicide bombers, he says this is the road to paradise, but he never offers to go along for the ride” (I’ve heard him say this before — seems to be a fave with him)
Uh, Georgie, there’s not much difference between your murderous ideology and his…..sucide bombers or torturers? Six of one, half dozen of the other, I say….
Ok, must get back to my laundry.
But I bet he didn’t invite Tracy though!
Not Enough Cronies to Fill Government Positions, President Warns
In a nationally televised speech last night, President George W.
Bush warned the American people that the United States is facing a
severe shortage of cronies and that if the crisis is not addressed
there may not be enough cronies to fill key government positions.
“The shortage of cronies is a real and serious problem,” the
president said in his speech from the Oval Office at the White
House. “We ignore it at our peril.”
The president said that during his first five years in office he had
hired so many cronies in top administration jobs that the demand for
cronies had far outstripped the supply. …
That absinthe looks so good!
That reminds me of the time around the VP debate when Cheney lied and said he never met John Edwards. Big ass lie, with the tape to prove it.
And if you reflexively lie about something so small, you’ll lie about everything. Dumbass.
should replace the BooFrog for at least the next three days, in memory of those who have died in Bush’s Folly…
But that’s just me…
I second that Cali Scribe.
BostonJoe is giving a press conference about his book release at the orange place.
~ Cross-posted from diary by RubDMC ::
Iraq War Grief Daily Witness (photo) Day 153 ~
Listened to MP Galloway interview on CNNi, his perjury accusation by Coleman for testimony before U.S. Senate on Iraq and Oil for Food Program kick-backs.
Ms Galloway filed for divorce 5 days before last general elections, however point of attention: she was involved in Iraq search for effects of Gulf War I warfare on population of Iraq, especially young children. Radioactive dust, presumably left after firing DU munition with armor piercing capability, left many children ill and with birth defects. Ms Galloway herself, is now battling with life threatening illness of cancer.
DU Activism – Poisonous Legacy »»
Nevertheless, the perpetrators of the two Gulf Wars with blessing of the U.S. Congress, will spend time on perjury of Mr. Galloway, not on deception of Iraq War, the outing of Valerie Plame, Israel spying, Iraq torture or corporate profits through inflated charges to U.S. taxpayers.
«« click on pic to enlarge
LEAVE Iraq to the Iraqis
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
One of the Guantanamo detainees participating in the hunger strike has requested the removal of his feeding tube. AP article here via Tucson Citizen. They have been on strike since August 8th to protest the torture tactics used by the Bushistas.
“Go f— yourself”, before that frustrated Dr. on the Mississippi Gulf Coast blurted it out during an impromptu press conference in Sept.