by Larry C. Johnson
The pathetic whiny column by Nicholas Kristoff in the New York Times today makes one wonder if we must see the actual bodies before we understand the damage done to this country when White House officials exposed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame. Valerie, who was still working under non-official cover, was in the process of converting to official cover.All that means is that she would no longer have to travel overseas and face the threat of death if caught while carrying out espionage activities. No, in the future, she would have traveled with a black U.S. diplomatic passport and would have been entitled to Geneva Convention protections. However, she would have still been undercover and still protected by the law.
Unfortunately the media appears to be helping spin the spin by suggesting that Patrick Fitzgerald is a prosecutor, a la Ken Starr, run amuck. While Starr brought the Clinton White House to its knees because the President lied about sex with an intern, the current case is far more serious than a blow job from a willing adult.
The activities of the Bush White House, their politics as normal, involve trashing the reputation and motives of anyone who dares speak the truth. If Joe Wilson had been the only victim of this tactic, one could make the argument that this was an isolated, unusual event. But that is not true. Just ask Secretary of Treasury Paul O’Neill, Army Chief of Staff Eric Shinseki, Secretary of the Army Thomas White, Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke, and any other American who dared speak up about the Administration’s flawed record on fighting terrorism and dealing with Iraq.
Only, in this case, the White House crossed the line. In an orchestrated, organized effort they planned and disseminated false information about Joe Wilson. People who have demonstrably lied to the American people–including Karl Rove, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, and Scott McClellan–try to pin the label of liar on Joe Wilson. Why? Because Joe Wilson told his CIA briefers that there was no evidence that Iraq was trying to buy uranium in Niger. Guess what? That is the position held by all analysts in the intelligence community except one. Consequently, senior CIA officials repeatedly told members of Congress and the White House that there was no substance to the reports, including the British white paper, alleging that such activity was underway. Despite these repeated warnings from the CIA that the information was no good, Dick Cheney and George Bush continued to tell the American people the opposite. And they call Joe Wilson a “liar”?
What will become increasingly obvious in the coming days is that the White House was fully organized in its effort to attack Joe and Valerie Wilson. Too bad the Bush Administration has not shown the same enthusiasm for finding Osama Bin Laden or rescuing the three Americans that have been held by terrorists in Colombia for the last three years.
If the Bush White House spent the same amount of time looking for terrorists rather than conspiring to attack the reputation and livelihood of American citizens they would have made significant progress in the war on terrorism. Instead, terrorist attacks in which people were killed and wounded rose to unprecedented levels last year and more than 2000 Americans have died in Iraq.
This scandal is not about semen stains on a blue dress. This scandal is about destroying and diverting national security resources for petty political gains and using the power of the White House to attack American citizens. If that is not justification for impeachment than nothing meets the test.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details.
Larry C. Johnson
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I don’t recall the Republicans complaining that Starr was running amok, wasting tax payers money. If I recall correctly, they were pretty happy to learn about Clinton’s affair.
And Kay Bailey H. was all serious about perjury when it came to Clinton
and that piece in particular got me riled.
The pull quote “All that’s sleazy isn’t criminal” just pissed me off to no end.
So really Mr. Kristof, sleazy politicians aren’t a big deal in itself? Only a corrupt individual would think like that to begin with.
When do we get an American Glasnost?
Excellent post! Thanks very much for this.
This whole “it’s no big deal” attitude is so typical of today’s Republicans. Nothing is a big deal as long as:
It’s disgusting.
I have to admit, I never cared about what Clinton did. That probably makes me a bad person, but I do think there’s a difference between lying about a personal matter and lying about what these people did. Neither is right, but at least nobody died from what Clinton did.
Nick Kristof should stick to human rights reporting, where he has expertise and insight. Every time he strays into more domestic politics, he fails badly.
And where’s Krugman this week? I know nobody reads their Op/Ed page any more, but at least Krugman made it worthwhile twice a week.
IMS, back in ’98, during the Clinton Impeachment hearings you were singing a different song, to wit…that once a president looks directly at the American People and lies, then that president is no longer effective, and, that to commit perjury is to lead the nation down the path of immorality from whichit may never recover…flippity-floppity.
Kristol is a waste of ink and trees.
Wrong…my bad…thinking of Wm. Kristol of The Weekly Standard
If this administration was interested in truly fighting terrorism, they don’t have to look any further than Texas, where Luis Posadas Carriles is detained. He is one of those responsible of blowing up a plane and killing 73 people. He is also bragged of participating in what was then called the biggest terrorist act inside the US. In spite of that hideous Patriot Act, which could imprison him for life, he is detained for illegally entering the US.
If Bush was really interested in fighting terrorism, he wouldn’t have pardoned two terrorists two weeks before September 11, 2001. The record speaks for itself.
As for this administration’s responsibility for the Iraq war, it becomes more obvious that they are engaged in deceiving the American people.
Let me put that another way: This administration defrauded the American people. Fraud is a crime, and all of those involved should face charges. Including the President.
And people are starting to get it.
Let’s hope the press “gets it” when the indictments come out & report the truth about the whole disgusting situation.
And Osama…last I knew we had him “cornered” at Bora-Bora!
Assuming Hurricane Fitzgerald makes landfall in DC as a cat 5 shitstorm, this will be a great test for the Democrats. Can we resist snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? Can we resist re-fighting the Battle of Bill Clinton? Can we focus on what Larry has highlighted so well for us?
This Republican administration’s lies led us into war.
This Republican administration ignored and suppressed evidence that would have gotten in the way of their headlong rush to war.
When someone exposed their lying ways, the manly courage and patriotic spirit of this Republican administration inspired them to go after the guy’s wife, a covert CIA operative working to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
In the process they broke not only her cover, but indirectly the cover of the company she “worked for” and anyone else using the cover company or associated with her who might still have been operating covertly to try to prevent weapons of mass destruction from falling into the hands of terrorists in the middle east and elsewhere.
Then, contrary to the promises of President Bush, this Republican administration organized and implemented a comprehensive coverup to delay, impede, cover up and conceal evidence of both their original lies and their revenge on Joseph Wilson for confronting those lies with the truth.
The only real question now is who belongs on the crime-family poster board for 1) the original lies, 2) the breaking of a CIA agent’s cover – compromising our national security efforts on WMDs, and the 3)Palmegate Coverup/Obstruction of Justice.
I don’t want to hear the words Starr, Clinton, Lewinski or any other piece of irrelevant historical trivia. Yes, we was robbed! Get over it.
Why do you think they are starting to raise these lame defenses? Not because they work, but because they will bait us into rehashing the past. Just say no and keep pointing at the heart of the matter.
And remember, we are not playing the blame game, they just can’t stop playing the guilt game and as citizens and patriots, we are bound to point that out to the public.
Larry, thanks for all your hard work.
Tom Engelhardt over at posted a piece by Nick Turse entitled “Fallen Legion: Casualties of the Bush Administration”
Apologies if this has been posted before.
A moment in history I shall never forget is when Richard Clarke was testifying in front of the 9/11 commission and apologised to the 9/11 families. I thought my heart would break. He knew he had failed to call these bsers out and held a balck hole in his heart because of it. I could see it in his face, hear it in his voice. So many lives could have been saved had the people listened to the truth sayers back at that time.
Thank you Larry, for staying on message. Yes it is always about the fact that this WH was contriving lies to spread to push the war! They couldn’t have anyone blowing it for them, in the least, not the CIA! It was always about fixing the intel to fit the policy! I think many of us have known this from the very get-go. We just couldn’t prove it for the time being. Finally things started to come together and they just couldn’t have that at all. This is why they got radical. I say we do what is needed to everyone involved in this and it is treason! They did wrong to us in America and to those others in the world who believed this lie.
We have a duty to take Bolton out and do what has needed to be done for a very long time now to him. He has no place in making us safe and secure. He is out there doing bad things to make us less safe and secure and I sware, he will get it done come hell or high water for that is what he was appointed to do. See where I am going?
This is all and thanks for having the nerve to come here and other places and say it like it is. The truth always wins out, in the end. Right is right no matter what or who it hurts.
I want to know who was at the meetings for the DSM! I want to know who the players are in this specific doing. This, I am afraid, will be simular to the same players we are now talking about. I think Chalobi needs to be extridited to America and convicted as well. Maybe a little extra rendition would help him remember his role in all of this bru ha ha…:o) Maybe we ought to give them a taste of their own medicine here to get to the truth….((just kidding)) ((just incase Big Brother is reading))…:o) Maybe not so kidding as I would like to think.
or Big Blogger?
Do you have some names to render to us here???!!! Ok, now come on and be truthful…:o) We need answers not guessing..we need facts not just rumors..:o) Now place your hand on the bible and swear to tell us the truth…..:o)
Now, just because I am paranoid, does not mean they are not after me, and just because I call it a conspiracy, doesn’t mean it is not true. They are both just useful operating assumptions. 8′)
good answer!!!!!! love it… you are a jewel…
Shameless plug: see my diary, “Shameful Republican Hypocrisy”, to read a full list of quotes from GOP Senators about the seriousness and impeachable level of perjury and obstruction of justice… when it involved a blowjob. Outrageous. Kristof is PERMANENTLY off my list.
So far, Fitzgerald has given neither Republicans nor Democrats grounds to question his motives as he excavated the machinations of a White House that prided itself on its discipline and its ability to push its pro-war message. He did not blink, lawyers and witnesses say, and he did not leak.
News organizations have complained bitterly that Fitzgerald fractured the special relationship between reporters and their sources. White House allies have warned that he will criminalize routine Washington political transactions or impute a coverup where no provable original crime occurred. But federal judges have strongly backed Fitzgerald, who presented secret evidence to persuade an ideologically diverse appeals court that someone committed “a serious breach of public trust.”
LEAVE … Iraq to the Iraqis
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
What Kristof is saying is that there is one standard of legal behaviour for Republicans, and another one for Martha, Bill, and you and me.
Todd Johnston is over at kos now telling folks that going back as far as 1991, Iraq had 1,000,000 lbs. of yellow cake and we knew it! Apparently it takes a lot of work to get yellow cake refined to the point that the Uranium is weapons grade. We had the Iraqi’s put it in sealed drums, and inspected it every year etc.
The point here is, if Johnston is right, this whole Niger/Yellow cake story was a scam from the beginning, and the BushCo. folks had to know that. I guess it also makes it easier to understand why they didn’t want any negative press about their background for the “16 words”.
The Irony is Iraq didn’t need any more yellow cake, they already had more than enough, but never had the technology to do any harm with it.
Go read his story, it is a real mind blower!