Q: Mr. President, how confident are you the investigation will find the leaker in the CIA case? And what do you make of Sharon’s comment that Israel will strike its enemies at any place, any time?
THE PRESIDENT: This is the dual question. (Laughter.) I’m trying to figure out if I want to answer either of them, since you violated a major rule. (Laughter.) At least it’s not a cell phone. (Laughter.)
Randy, you tell me, how many sources have you had that’s leaked information that you’ve exposed or have been exposed? Probably none. I mean this town is a — is a town full of people who like to leak information. And I don’t know if we’re going to find out the senior administration official. Now, this is a large administration, and there’s a lot of senior officials. I don’t have any idea. I’d like to. I want to know the truth. That’s why I’ve instructed this staff of mine to cooperate fully with the investigators — full disclosure, everything we know the investigators will find out. I have no idea whether we’ll find out who the leaker is — partially because, in all due respect to your profession, you do a very good job of protecting the leakers. But we’ll find out.
Large administration: check
A lot of senior officials: check
Instructed the staff to cooperate fully: huh?
I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, first learned about the C.I.A. officer at the heart of the leak investigation in a conversation with Mr. Cheney weeks before her identity became public in 2003, lawyers involved in the case said Monday.
So, on day one, Dick Cheney could have told the President that he was the source of the information on Valerie Plame, and that his chief-of-staff was leaking her name to Judith Miller and other reporters. Libby and Hadley could have told the President that Karl Rove was in on the game. Karl Rove could have told the President that he was leaking to Cooper and other reporters. Well, either they told the truth to the President and he signed off on an extensive stonewalling campaign, or they lied to the President and launched an extensive stonewalling campaign.
In the former case, the President and Vice-President must be impeached. In the latter case, the Vice-President must resign or face impeachment, and the administration must be purged of all the people that have engaged in a cover-up.
It doesn’t matter whether or not Dick Cheney broke any laws when he passed on information about Valerie Wilson to Scooter Libby. He obviously did not offer that information voluntarily to the prosecutor, or Scooter Libby would not have told the prosecutor that he first learned of Valerie Wilson from reporter Tim Russert.
As for Cheney’s legal liability? Judge for yourself:
Meanwhile (below the flip) Cheney is doing his best to assure that torture remains an instrumental tool in the War on Phantoms…er…I mean the war on al-Qaeda’s number three and Zarqawi’s number two…er…the perpetual war on everyone anywhere who doesn’t appreciate being tortured.
The proposal, which two sources said Vice President Cheney handed last Thursday to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in the company of CIA Director Porter J. Goss, states that the measure barring inhumane treatment shall not apply to counterterrorism operations conducted abroad or to operations conducted by “an element of the United States government” other than the Defense Department.
McCain, the principal sponsor of the legislation, rejected the proposed exemption at the meeting with Cheney, according to a government source who spoke without authorization and on the condition of anonymity. McCain spokeswoman Eileen McMenamin declined to comment. But the exemption has been assailed by human rights experts critical of the administration’s handling of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I’m sick of this shit. Let the frog-march begin.
The Doom view.
Sy Hersh on booktv.org this past weekend said, somewhat with regret, that he doesn’t know what happened to Dick Cheney … that he didn’t used to be with the Neocons … he didn’t sign that infamous letter (forget the name … help) …. but when he ran for VP, he signed on with the Neocons.
Scathing indictment, BooMan. Hope Fitzgerald uses it in his closing argument.
“I am sick of this shit” Booman, you can say that (a thousand times) again! I have been so sick and tired of beings sick and tired, for eons now! It now needs to end for the sake of America and the World. We have a right to know the truth. It is essential to get on with living let alone democracy, our kind that is… This fear factor that we have lived in for years now, has got to stop…I said, fear, not prudent and advanced watching for terrorist doings. Back in the years before 2000, we had that going on and we did not live like it was gonna be our last day of living, if we turned our eye from living without fear. I refuse to live fearing of all things!
This administration has hijacked all of us and I can tell you, it is not a pleasent thing to have to deal with on a daily basis. So without sayng, Man, you have got that one right!
that I’m tired of myself.
Oooh, Booman! I just got a frisson of a vision of ‘ordinary people’ in the streets banging on pots and pans chanting “FROG MARCH!”
But then I had to edit it so the crowds were forming around television broadcasters (just to make it more real.) I won’t wait for my tv to tell me what’s happening, I’ll believe it when it’s on the BooTrib.
They weren’t really elected, they lie, they cheat, they are treasonous, they lie, they torture, they are racist, they are elitist, they cheat, they follow the fascist model, they lie, they are selling our country to china, they lie, they steal, they are corrupt beyond definition, they lie, they kill, they are immoral, they are hypocrites (they lie), they are unprepared to deal with the problems that face the usa, they don’t believe in science, facts are strangers to them, and they lie.
At least they have their health.
had a “best comment of the day” contest, I would definitely nominate this one.
Looks like you’ve summed up the current malAdministration perfectly, S2.
hinted at via, what else, leakers, seems to be that they did not know that Plame, was an undercover operative. So they can ONLY be charged with perjury, and it is rather schoolmarmish to get upset about that. But if Tenet told Cheney that Plame (or Ms. Wilson) was Wilson’s wife and worked in the CIA, Tenet must have know she was NOC (I forget now what those initials stand for). After all, he was her boss. Would he be so grossly incompetent to not know that? And he would have told Cheney that, wouldn’t he? Cheney seemed very hungry for all the details. So then Cheney was instrumental in KNOWINGLY outing an undercover agent. But, you’re right: who knows what he is legally liable for.
you got that right!!!!!!!!
it means the CIA would deny knowledge of said agent if he/she was “outed” while under her cover….
Tenet denied this morning that he told Cheney any such thing.
it was reported by David Shuster of MSNBC .. no news stories yet that i could find.
If true, it means that Scooter lying YET AGAIN. And leaves open who told Cheney and/or Scooter and/or … whoever …
that the NY Times got it wrong again.
careful, Susan, because the NYT article says that Libby’s notes indicate that Tenet told Cheney, not that Libby said that himself.
If Tenet is telling the truth, then Cheney may have lied to Libby about how he knew, or his notes are misleading, or the article got its facts wrong.
trump everyone’s (deliberately hazy) memories. I mean they are the most reliable source. That would mean that Tenet did tell Cheney, and Tenet is lying. Or that Cheney lied to Libby about Tenet telling him. But why would he do that? It would have to be some sort of internal politics thing: Cheney had to keep from Libby how he relied on outside sources for intelligence.
Or maybe the NY Times is being used again as the unwitting purveyor of administration spin. But whose purposes does a story like this serve?
Ach, this is complicated. It makes my head hurt.
The blonde it the back of the room. You. You have a question?
Yes… I’m fairly new to all this so could someone please educate me, one of the reasons I’m here, about what rule was violated in the below text and then why …. was there giggling and tittering from the press??
THE PRESIDENT: This is the dual question. (Laughter.) I’m trying to figure out if I want to answer either of them, since you violated a major rule. (Laughter.) At least it’s not a cell phone. (Laughter.)
Do these fuckwads not know that this piece of shit has violated our lives and our country with his lies??? He can’t fathom the words decency, humanity, honesty, democracy.
My second question:
So why the fucking laughter on their part in that room?
Tear this mother fucker DOWN.
will prosecute for torture — i.e., breaking a treaty (the Geneva Conventions)? I would like to see that!
How about this: the administration leaked VPW’s identity to the press as a ploy to distract the press from an ongoing conspiracy to torture people in contravention of Federal law and treaties.
OK, it’s a bit of a reach, but it certainly would reflect justice.
I don’t think there is any chance of that. Winning that battle would require getting the Supreme Court to rule the Abu Gonzales memos unconstitutional, and then a prosecutor could possibly move forward.
so Cheney seems to be saying, OK, we’ll let you have your little anti-torture law. You can prohibit the military from doing it. As long as it’s still OK for the CIA to torture. More from the same WaPo story:
Is anyone besides me finding this especially creepy, that Cheney continues to fight so hard to continue torture? I mean, of course we’ve all known for a while that he was evil and creepy, but I thought it was just power-mad, delusional ideology, and greedy type evil. This is starting to look like serious psychological problems kind of creepy.
of the people involved:
Cheney sure looks creepy in this pic. But then he usually does.
This excerpt was a bit of a fun read:
HMMMM? Conspiracy theories abound… lol
As for Mcnulty and Fitzgerald sharing info, well, we already knoew that PFitz shared the Italian report with Mcnulty in the Franklin case.
Couldn’t have anything to do with Halliburton and their very public Iranian contracts, could it? Which leaves me wondering about the Al Kahn Nukes to Iran and the ship full of nukular equipment that was stopped shortly before the whole shit hit the “Flame”.
(Taking off tin-foil hat now)
Any indictments yet?
WHOOPS… Meant to say “AQ Khan nukes to Iran”
But mosyt of you probably knew what I meant.
So, Cheney would have us legalize the kind of behavior that got us into our present troubles, not to mention the human rights violations “ancillary” thereto. Why not just make all future legislation specific to the group(s) to whom it is directed. Better yet, why not just resurrect feudalism.