Bill Frist (R-TN): To not remove President Clinton for grand jury perjury lowers uniquely the Constitution’s removal standard, and thus requires less of the man who appoints all federal judges than we require of those judges themselves.

Mitch McConnell (R-KY): Perjury and obstruction hammer away at the twin pillars of our legal system: truth and justice … ‘ `if oaths should cease to be held sacred, our dearest and most valuable rights would become insecure.'”

More of these “appetizers” from Jane Hamsher are at the firedoglake blog.

Maureen Dowd on Judith Miller: “The traits she has that drive many reporters at The Times crazy – her tropism toward powerful men, her frantic intensity and her peculiar mixture of hard work and hauteur – have never bothered me. I enjoy operatic types.”

(From my dictionary) TROPISM: “To move or turn in response to an external stimulus, either by attraction or repulsion …”

Maureen will be on the Don Imus show (MSNBC TV) in the 5am PT hour. Imus has been obsessing about Judy and Scooter having an affair … apparently there’s buzz all over Washington.

More buzz: The Los Angeles Times says that the leak inquiry seems to be shifting to Rove. On Tuesday — besides dispatching FBI agents to the Wilsons’ neighbourhood (spelled the Canuck way in honor of Catnip’s story on the neighboUrs) — prosecutors “question[ed] a former West Wing colleague about contacts Rove had with reporters in the days leading to the naming of the covert operative.”

P.S. JPol sent this along from the NYT: “A front-page article yesterday about the C.I.A. leak investigation misstated the terms under which Vice President Dick Cheney was interviewed last year by the special counsel in the case. He was not under oath.” (Published: October 26, 2005) I hope that’s the last correction in THAT story.