Fitzgerald has also asked the jury to indict Libby on a second charge: knowingly outing a covert operative, the lawyers said. They said the prosecutor believes that Libby violated a 1982 law that made it illegal to unmask an undercover CIA agent.
If Libby is charged with the 1982 act, that will destroy the Martha Stewart defense. Of course, the Martha Stewart defense isn’t much of a defense. She went to jail.
CNN is reporting that the White House is, ironically, disappointed at news that Fitz may not make any announcements today. Apparently, they are ‘waiting to exhale’, also known as their ‘asses are puckered tight’.
And based on the Washington Post’s editorial on Cheney today, I’d say they are doing a poor job of pre-indictment spin:
That’s right, even with his ass on the line for coordinating a conspiracy to violate Joe and Valerie Wilson’s civil rights, Darth Cheney is more interested in making sure torture remains legal.
This is the administration of fear, terror and intimidation…I am sure they loved to torture us….hense the expansion of stun guns.
Is our Frog Marching Band all tuned up and ready to go?
I’m all set
Already beating my drum!
Or wait, is that
Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do!
OK, vocal chords, ready!
the man whose book practically created the 1982 law.
Also another whistleblower on CIA misdeeds, Frank Snepp.
Agee can’t come home; Snepp is home.
what a great drum man!
Yes! But I can only play a kazoo, though! Is that OK? 🙂
Can’t wait…plus Fitz is going to ask for an extension of the Grand Jury.
I think he’s zeroing in on Cheney next.
Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Ohhhhhhhh, yessss.
Wolfie just said that Fitzgerald and Judge Hogan just concluded their meeting. What it was about, they don’t know but are going to try to find ou
Heh, heh, heh. :<)
Were you inspired for that title by this diary?
So. Will you replace the frog face with that of Turdblossom or Scooter?
Ignorance abounds… And I think the media is at fault for that.
Then they need to be told. Period.
I read this as saying: “Ten-percent of Americans believe that Bush administration officials did nothing wrong or unethical, etc., etc.
Is this saying that 90% think they *did* do something wrong? That seems good to me. Am I misinterpreting this??
agreed, cc. The headline in the link sez “Few doubt wrongdoing in CIA leak”
about it?
Man, I gotta get my screen cleaned… I am misreading everything! lol
This is a mess of this administrations own making. When the whole thing started Bush should have called them in one by one and gotten to the bottom of it right then and there. So tough. This is what Chris Mathews said. I almost could not believe my ears. Ok…luch is over…back to work.
It was amazing to see Tweety fulminate on the sins of the Busheviki when he’s been so busy slathering saliva for them.
Maybe he’s finally having his Katrina Moment.
I am sorry if I didn’t leave my usual wake-up call announcement in the FBC… But I had a late date last night and wanted to sleep in.
Your Frog Marcher in chief,
G W Bush
P.S.: Enclosed is a picture from my date. I thought I might want to get used to handcuffs.
If you care to contact me or my friend for a date, we can both be reached at:
Or we can often be found frolicking at the Froggy Bottom and Top Club in Washington.
What an ugly S&M couple!
But what a great man date.
The administration folks aren’t the only ones waiting to exhale. We’re all getting giddy from holding our breath too long.
is “torturing” John McCain to drop his amendment prohibiting torturing SUSPECTS. Now John McCain is one man who knows how to withstand torture. Let Cheney lose this battle, please, all the gods. I don’t even care if he is indicted or not, just do not let him win his torture exception for the CIA.
I’ll give up coffee as a sacrifice.
I do not want my grandchildren or any child, one day stopped in the USA or in any country and picked up on the streets to be tortured by the CIA.
MIKE ALLEN: Very possible. What I’m told is typically, in a case like this, he could get the indictments and now he can go to the targets and say, you can plead to these or I’ll go back Friday and get more. You have 12 to 24 hours to think about it.
From the Los Angeles Times: “One grand juror was overheard telling another juror, ‘See you Friday,’ suggesting the possibility that the grand jury would continue to meet up to the last minute.”
The Washington Post‘s Jim VandeHei, who has some of the best sources in Washington, hinted on Hardball that Fitzgerald’s meeting with Hogan today did not involve extending the grand jury.
And Time‘s Mike Allen, who also has some of the best sources in Washington, strongly hinted that WH folks had been indicted, and that we’d learn about them soon.
According to my sources, the letters to “indictment targets” were received yesterday. According to my legal sources, the standard practice would be for the grand jury to send indictment requests via the judge — and these would be “filed” today. I have no idea how transparent that process is — but I was told that the indictments are sealed.
Lawrence Wilkerson’s talk at New America will be used, clips anyway, on Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show”on Comedy Central.
— Steve Clemons
Cheney aide David Wurmser passed Plame’s name to Libby – Hadley
(RAW STORY) Oct. 26 — Those close to the investigation say that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has been told that David Wurmser, then a Middle East adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney on loan from the office of then-Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs John Bolton, met with Cheney and his chief of staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby in June 2003 and told Libby that Plame set up the Wilson trip. He asserted that it was a boondoggle, the sources said.
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“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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