by Larry C. Johnson
Today on Wolf Blitzer’s show, The Situation Room, correspondent David Ensor brought up the criticism that has been circulated by folks like Cliff May saying that Valerie Plame compromised her cover by marrying a high profile diplomat like Joe Wilson.
I called David afterwards and had a pleasant conversation to clarify that this is a red herring. As I told David, I know of several CIA undercover officers who are married to so-called high profile people. The reality is that their identity is not known to the public and could only be made known to the public if they revealed their identity or someone else familiar with them did. One of these people is a friend of mine, happily married, and serving the United States as a spymaster overseas.
There is another reason to shoot down the silly and specious claim that Val essentially outed herself by marrying Joe. At no point prior to Bob Novak’s column is there a public reference to Valerie as a CIA officer. Moreover, Joe Wilson did not advertise the fact that he had done contracting work for the CIA (i.e., he had been sent on previous missions overseas). Val’s cover, while not heavily backstopped, was adequate to allow her to work overseas on sensitive missions.
It is slowly dawning on the American people that the Bush Administration attack on Valerie and Joe Wilson was part of a broader conspiracy to hide the fact that our political leaders fabricated a case for war in Iraq. Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, and Karl Rove, among others, apparently preferred to destroy a valuable intelligence asset rather than expose the truth the United States went to war in Iraq based on misinformation and deception. That is a crime deserving the most serious punishment.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details.
Glad you brought this up as it seems like truly a stupid argument and grasping at straws really to try and use this as some kind of wrong doing on her part. Jeez–don’t any of the people read spy novels? If anything I’d think being married to someone a bit high profile would be good cover..oh well.
I quite enjoyed your visit with Wolfie yesterday and your nicely done smackdown concerning Clifford May. Do you think he’ll have you back anytime soon?
What she said! I was thrilled to see you telling Blitzer that the points he was raising showed how little the people talking knew — I hope that you will be on the air more often, that was a GREAT interview!
I finally saw the video (thanks to the reigning goddess of Boo Trib, Susan Hu). You were masterful in that interview with Wolf Blitzer. It seems almost impossible to get these so-called journalists to focus on the essential issues, and you did. You just filtered out the crap he was about to repeat.
Absofrickinlutely Larry. I heard that today and thought I was gonna shoot the tv. They keep on trying to spin their way out of this mess of their own making mind you. I know i can always count on your voice of reason here but I am thrilled to see both you and Pat Lang being heard on the airwaves as expert anaylists. Keep up the great work.
ps.NOW you know what MSM stands for big time…wink, wink!
Larry, thanks so much for your informative postings and all the ways you help us “civilians” understand what is or what was. You are certainly a valuable member of our little space on the blogosphere.
I really appreciate your voice.
It is not bad enough that these ppl want the privlage to tell ppl who they can marry or not, they want to broadcast their deisre so blatently!
NOw that I got that out of my system, Thank you so very much for your common sense, something that is missing nowadays everywhere, it seems.
Who knows, I might be a CIA operative, for all anyone knows….:o)
Lets just presume, that is Joe and Val, were on the on the other end of this stick and they were doing the same thing that Judy Miller were doing. We would not be sitting here doing this conversation, now would we??!!
It seems to me that we should have more spouses of diplomats that have been trained as spies.
Or, more accurately, since I don’t know how many of them currently are, I hope that we already have lots of them that are trained in that capacity.
It is just plain stupid to give that “married someone famous” as a lame excuse for what they did. You would the the Rovian masters of spin could come up with something better than that.
Shortly before the indictments were announced, I tuned in CNN and heard the dispicable Joseph diGenoa say “well, if your wife’s an undercover CIA agent, you shouldn’t be writing articles in the NYT.”
Yet more attempts to blame the victim. Clearly a republican talking point.
Great job with Blitzer, Larry! Thank you for speaking the truth on tv; your bravery is commendable, as it seems so many others are apparently TERRIFIED of doing the same…
I couldn’t BELIEVE the final line, about her not being able to get some extra security from the CIA… she was told to rely on dialing 911? UNFREAKINBELIEVABLE!!! THEY CAN’T PROTECT THEIR OWN??
Then again, when you look at this outing, and the destruction of so many other relationships and identities, this absolute decimation of a specific regional intelligence operation that is (excuse me, I mean WAS) so important to American security… well, I guess it’s obvious as hell that the CIA can’t protect its own at all…
As far as these pundits’ spin on Plame’s status, they can talk ’til they’re blue in the face; all they’re going to do is convince everyone that they’re imbeciles… in fact, this is some of the STUPIDEST spin I’ve ever heard, it holds no water at all… the question of her doing a magazine photshoot is absolutely moot, imho; once she was outed, SOMEONE was going to get some pics of her, and sell ’em all over the place (and I’m thinking of intelligence operatives selling to intelligence agencies world-wide, to say nothing of the van full of paparazzi from Weekly World News plying their commercial trade!!)…
Happily, though, the law as regards treasonous acts against the US is not open to the interpretation of bigshot commentators, editors and news anchors, thank god…
Plame was undercover. Outing her was treason.
And that’s not going to go away and hibernate in an undisclosed location like Jeff Gannon or Dick Cheney…
This story has legs, and those legs go ALL the way up.
Thanks again for doing what you do, and the very best of luck to you.
…and be CAREFUL out there!
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