Holy Shit!  This guy is my new attorney hero.  He is super.  It seems to me like he has done a thorough investigation designed to get at the truth.  He took the facts.  Applied the law.  Made the call.  And he is serious as hell about the law of procedure (grand jury secrecy) and total fairness (I’ve indicted, I’m prepared to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, but we will have a trial).  Fucking great prosecutor.

And apolitical, or at least able to keep his politics out of it.  I don’t know if it will go any farther.  Maybe we will never get Rove or Cheney.  Maybe this prosecution won’t challenge the case for war (he told us all here at Booman — don’t look to me for vindication, you will be disappointed — because he is looking at facts and law and doesn’t give a crap about anything else, unless whatever else turns to be facts and law implicating the case for war).
I am totally impressed.  Our country needs more people like this guy.  People who put due process of law above politics and partisanship.

Our case against the war has a political sphere that should rightfully be looking into the policy lies that took us to war.  But Congress refuses, and it is our job politically to put them out, and put in a Congress who will hold the executive branch accountable.

This is such a refreshing break from Ken “Leaky Political” Starr.

I’m still rooting that the facts and the law will eventually lead Fitz to the top.  As a partisan.  But I’m prepared to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.  I hope he is considered for Attorney General or the U.S. Supreme Court someday.

Just had to spew out some thoughts.