Holy Shit! This guy is my new attorney hero. He is super. It seems to me like he has done a thorough investigation designed to get at the truth. He took the facts. Applied the law. Made the call. And he is serious as hell about the law of procedure (grand jury secrecy) and total fairness (I’ve indicted, I’m prepared to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt, but we will have a trial). Fucking great prosecutor.
And apolitical, or at least able to keep his politics out of it. I don’t know if it will go any farther. Maybe we will never get Rove or Cheney. Maybe this prosecution won’t challenge the case for war (he told us all here at Booman — don’t look to me for vindication, you will be disappointed — because he is looking at facts and law and doesn’t give a crap about anything else, unless whatever else turns to be facts and law implicating the case for war).
I am totally impressed. Our country needs more people like this guy. People who put due process of law above politics and partisanship.
Our case against the war has a political sphere that should rightfully be looking into the policy lies that took us to war. But Congress refuses, and it is our job politically to put them out, and put in a Congress who will hold the executive branch accountable.
This is such a refreshing break from Ken “Leaky Political” Starr.
I’m still rooting that the facts and the law will eventually lead Fitz to the top. As a partisan. But I’m prepared to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I hope he is considered for Attorney General or the U.S. Supreme Court someday.
Just had to spew out some thoughts.
How can you not love a guy who uses baseball analogies so eloquently?
I’m looking forward to Scooter’s trial, or the deal he’s going to make, that implicates Darth Cheney and Karl Rove. It’s going to be a fun winter.
“Great to hear your opinion Boston Joe – Patrick Fitzgerald surpassed my high expectation I had beforehand … more to come I’m sure!”
Besides showing appreciation for his team in Washington DC, his assistant from Philadelphia standing next to him, the FBI agents doing the investigation, and his home base the Chicago District Attorney Generals’s Office – Patrick Fitzgerald praised the members of this Grand Jury for their dedication, time – 2 years – and work.
Made an interesting point that showed up unintentionally in the Libby Indictment, one of the GJ members had put forth a question to be answered by Libby, he told a lie and thus perjured himself. This is a vindication also for lying to a member of the Grand Jury.
Specifics on GJ statutes he refers to be answered at a later date by specialists from his Chicago base. There is always a GJ available who will handle further investigation by Fitzgerald, is normal procedure. Stressed the importance of upholding SECRECY of the GJ, prosecutors and people involved in the case. This is what the law dictates to protect people, witnesses can talk about their own experience before the GJ, I can only ask them not to supply information that could damage the GJ investigation.
Patrick Fitzgerald is a great guy, dedicated, clear vision of the law and responsibility, very intelligent in the Q&A session with reporters staying within the bounds of the official Indictment of Scooter Libby. What I had expected of him, he surpassed all – great – more to follow.
Clearly there is now an opening for Joe and Valerie Wilson to file a civil suit against Scooter Libby and perhaps WH officials who conspired to damage their reputation.
«« click on pic for bio »»
Patrick J. Fitzgerald
One question from reporter he did answer:
Q. Were you surprised in your investigation of how the Government runs its business.
Fitzgerald’s answer: “Yes”. – period!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Cindy is on CSPAN2!!! NOW
“when they say 60 insurgents were killed in Iraq today, ask how many were just 6 year olds.”
“you don’t spread peace by killing”
She’s taking reporter questions now.
CNNi will do a new documentary on U.S. Involvement in Iraq during the month of November. I was delighted in the flashes of the video trailer, twice to see a picture of Cindy Sheehan, at least once in the Washington DC March on Sept. 24.
Great to see her image so prominent on a MSM daily broadcast.
CNNi calls the program:
CNN Presents WAR IN IRAQ – Voices From the Homefront.
Oui’s Life Span – According to A Report by CNNi – LOL
Click on video :: Shortage of Oui Ones
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thank you for the links, Oui!!!
I’m not sure if I should cheer or cry some days.
We have shed too many tears these past years, let’s hope with POatrick Fitzgerald and VP Cheney Chief of Staff Indictment on FIVE FELONY COUNTS, the right wing has been amputated until mid-term 2006.
The Huffington Post – John Conyers
We need to work on a powerful left wing to work together, focused only for regime change. This is the start of our Orange Revolt, so for today let’s be happy and enjoy justice to be done!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Mine too BostonJoe. As I have said in other threads today, I had hoped for more but he did what he was paid to do and prosecuted to the letter of the law. I hope more will get turned up in the trial.
I know that Conyers and Boxer are both asking for all the WHIG documants and support on that. Shall we all keep calling and faxing and emailing all the reps to call for an investigation into the lies that led to the illegal occupation of Iraq? I think so.
Sure. We do all the stuff we always do. But the bottom line — as Booman’s real politik attitude might say — nothing is going to change in this Congress, absent a Watergate like bombshell from Fitz that makes Republicans bow to the electorates outcry. We have to move them out in ’06. Or be stuck with corruption.
Agreed!! 1000%, if that is possible.
I just wrote a letter to the editor calling out my representative, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Lansing). I said the war was a lie. I told him about the woman I met at the rally at his office. And I said he needs to stop the war now or step down for a candidate who will.
I went to his office today and picketed, in addition to the normal Capitol picket. I asked to see him (but he was in Washington). I just want to talk to the guy. I don’t care about politics, really. I want to look him in the eye (we’ve met before in my former life as a serious professional) and ask him to do the right thing.
I’m wigging. Becoming uber-activist — or just plain crazy. But you can’t hold on to a woman who gave her son for a lie, and not want to do all you can do to stop it.
feel a bit like that myself since I first held my friend when he returned to the “Yellow Magnet Support”… he’s doing well… he’s just really angry at the “We Support Bush and that’s all we have to do” crowd.
It’s true – this country is still in the manufacturing business.. Iraq War is building more and more anti-war activists. Sadly it’s building more hatred, too
As Cindy said today – it’s the little things we must do. We must do Civil Disobodience in all our towns. We don’t have to do them BIG in DC. We have to keep doing it every day. We must stand up by sitting down.
I passed your story — about going to post office to put up peace sign, and meeting young soldier, and him breaking down and thank you for anti-war support — on to the peace group for support.
A Lame Duck President up to the mid-term elections 2006 – ENJOY!
Patrick Fitzgerald TO DO list ::
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
In any way we can. For the Cindy’s and Fitz’s in the world that stand up and do the right thing we all need to find ways to pay it forward whether it is a die in, writing letters, showing up at reps offices. It is time to pay it forward for all those senseless deaths. We can be the change we want in the world. I just know we can. I saw a man today that made me believe again.
Honestly. With what happened with Starr. And then with this bullshit Bush administration and Republican congress. These people don’t know how to work with other people. They were the kids in kindergarten that were getting put in the corner for pushing and shoving and grabbing all the toys. But we’re better than that. I’m remembering what I used to be. Fair. Not everything was partisan. I care about what is good. Fitz — the dawning of a new age of hope.
Maybe I am naive.
In kindygarden… I was the one who shared her crayons and tried to see what the other kids were doing on their easel so I could
and for those kids who put the play dough away all smooshed up, the red with the yellow – and those who threw their coats on the floor and just expected us all to pick up after them – and for those kids that beat up other kids…
I’d come in early after recess to help the teacher out and that gave me the IN to go and unwrap the paper off some kids crayons or … or worse… But I’m pleading the 5th on the rest of my “good girl does bad things to naughty people” episode. 🙂
There was this one time, I think it was preschool up in Oak Harbor Washington. There was this boy and he would pick his nose all the time. Usually he’d wipe them on his pants or under his chair. Fine with me. Live and let pick..
But I had an issue with him doing it and then using my stuff – why is that the kid who picks or wipes always has to touch YOUR stuff?
So one day I told him that I discovered a really cool secret! I wouldn’t tell him. I played with his feeble brain for a long time… like…a good 10 minutes at least before I “folded”
I said… that the reason the teacher doesn’t let us have the Elmers glue left on our table after crafts is because… okay this is evil …because it was also used as cupcake icing.
NOW!!! I never actually told him to eat it. I dont’ recall actually seeing him eat it either.
I’m eagerly awaiting the perp walk footage of Scooter in shackles! As far as I know, five felony counts carry a maximum life sentence, and I hope they throw the book at him, and anyone else in the Bush cabal who gets indicted.
Today I celebrated Halloween a bit early by wearing my costume to my local weekly lunch hour vigil. Here are a couple photos of me in front of the State Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan.
And another, back home on the farm.
Here’s how Preznit Bloodthirsty is celebrating Halloween.
Hey. Great pictures. Who took those?
Got to Rogers office for a little bonus protesting today. Oh-rah!
Trying to process the fact that Rove has not been indicted. Would like to know the insider scoop. What is this 11th-hour evidence that was given to Fitz that made him decide against indicting? Is the investigation active? I’m not sure, but I’m leaning — no, after reading the transcript.
How did the staff at Rogers’ office react to you guys? Last time I went to a protest in front of his office while it was open, they locked the doors and took pictures of us through the windows. I’m sure they passed the photos on to the FBI.
I wouldn’t worry too much about Rove. According to what I’ve heard, he’s still under investigation. I’m betting that Fitzgerald is building an airtight case against him, which will include evidence that Bush was aware of the leak, thus giving Congress evidence of impeachable crimes on a silver platter. Cheney will probably be impeached too, given the fact that he was the one who leaked the info to Scooter. Look for another grand jury to convene soon.
By the way, since your sig is about Joseph McCarthy, here’s a little political trivia for you: Scooter was on Joe’s campaign staff.
Now that was a wonderful preparation for his position, wasn’t it?
As a partisan, I’m just not all that convinced anymore. I am going to handle the future of this case, like I handle being a Michigan State football fan. I no longer have any expectations of any success. And if any wins come, I’ll be elated.
Rogers people were a non-factor. At least from what I saw. I ignored them, except for my foray inside to demand to speak with my representative.
I have no way of knowing what will happen, or how, or when. Does seem to be some info that leaks a little that tells a little. I have to say though that Fitz was what I expected only better. I really like that he has no agenda other than the law. Something about that fact alone reassures me because it seems to me that the people he seeks are so used to strategy and underhandedness that dealing with plain ole Fitz may be the biggest challenge they will ever face. I think if anybody can uncover what can be, he can. If he has success I am going to be so thrilled.
Yeah. I’m dissappointed as a partisan. But I feel satisfied with the guy investigating. You said it well.
cheney didn’t “leak” the info to Scooter. he is allowed, as VP, with secret clearance, to talk to his staff about the CIA. The only crime was when her name left the WH and went to the journos.
Wrong answer spiderleaf. National security info, like the identity of covert CIA operatives, is top secret, need-to-know only. Scooter didn’t have a need to know Plame’s identity. Cheney violated security protocol, and he should be impeached.
It must be great to have regular get togethers.
Cindy et al get arrested for sitting on a sidewalk. OUR SIDEWALK and yet The Red Regime is guilty of war crimes… ACK
Anyways, nice to “meet” you. I had no idea when I started meeting some of these crazy folks that I’d wind up marching with them. So who knows… you and I could end up “this close” ya never know.
I’m snatching your blood lust photo 🙂 (ie copying it to photobucket)
I got the blood lust photo, as you call it, from bushflash.com. It looks more like a painting to me. You can click on all the photos to link to the full size images.
Oh, and by the way, Thanks to BostonJoe for taking the downtown photos, and my neighbor for taking the photo next to his barn (my modern pole barn isn’t rustic enough for a nice backdrop).
May I copy that photo of Bush??
Manners? What are those? 🙂 I didn’t ask permission from bushflash.com, and they haven’t complained yet, so I guess it’s alright. Feel free to download the other pics too.
Thanks for the bead on bushflash!!! Marine doing vigil with CodePink!!! Whoooooooot
but… I’ve got crappy dial up.
Whatever BostonJoe tells you about us all… it ain’t true! We’re actually horrid horrid horribles 🙂
What a distinguished patriot you look! Nice costume. (those were such elegant times….)
I saw that Bush-vampire image on t-shirts at a science fiction convention over Labor Day. It’s making the rounds.
Very appropriate….
You like just like him only you have blonde hair.
How did I go from being a woman who liked hockey scars and the smell of zamboni fumes… to a woman who now finds guys like Fitzgerald – HOT. ???
I think we need to drink more during the work days if we are to survive 🙂 xoxox I love you, woman!
either. It’s like we want a man harem or something. We want a caveman, and we want a great intellect, and sometimes I find really odd spiritual type guys sexy too (not wacked out religious addicts…..I mean spiritualness that isn’t dogma related). I haven’t been able to find all that in one package but damn my husband comes close on certain days.
It’s been my experience that most women are animal lovers. When it comes to dating they like:
A good spiritual guy for you: Ned Flanders. 🙂
Were you saying I look just like Fitz? For the third time? I must be out of it.
because honestly Joe, the first time I saw him I thought to myself “He kinda looks like Bostonjoe”. You don’t do that thing with your tongue though. You have some facial similarities though.
I don’t know about looks. But that was the kind of prosecutor I tried to be. Just the facts and all. Though I got a little firey, from time to time.
He reminds me of one of my senior prosecutors. A mentor to me when I was just starting. Best prosecutor I ever worked with. Just exuded justice. Tough. Fair. Smart. Wise. I later worked against him as a defense attorney, and I remember a rape case we handled together. Early in the case, at exam (which is somewhat akin to a grand jury, only adversarial), I ripped his alleged victim apart on the stand. My guy said the story was complete bullshit, and I had some good stuff to cross her, and I really tore down her credibility. Still, the thing about exams — you only need a little evidence to get a Judg e to bind it over for trial. And facing trial — well, it is hell as a Defendant, even if you are innocent. Especially facing life. So this prosecutor, while he could have easily asked the Judge to send it to trial, where he could have put loads of pressure on us to either sweat bullets forever, or plead to something just to avoid risking conviction on a life-offense — this prosecutor, he just stands up, and says as honest as all get out, “Your honor, given the state of the evidence, I no longer think we can prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt at trial. I move to dismiss.”
That was extraordinary. Most lawyers want to win so bad, even prosecutors, that they would never.
Fitz reminds me of this guy. Or I should say, that guy reminds me of Fitz. Because Fitz looks like all that, at the highest possible level (which makes it even more remarkable, given the somewhat political nature of appointments to these high posts).
Short story long.
Oh. My. Goodness. To think that someone with this type of talent, integrity, honor, honesty and dispassion could sit on the Supreme Court? Thanks for the thrill, even if it never happens.
To think there may be many other atty’s like him in our land, who, due to the roll of the dice, or some justice’s partisanship in resigning when they did… will never get a chance to serve. Wow.
After a good night’s rest I awaken to a different view also of things. Fitz is 100% honest thank God. I think there is going to be some big trouble here on out. I noticed as Friday began approaching that people who had CIA connections had a few things to share with us that were in fact correct. I just couldn’t help noticing that, and it was never anything that jeopordized the investigation but just enough to keep all of us “listening” and turning on the T.V. yesterday at that right moment to hear the indictment. The CIA and the work that they do has been crippled by Bush enormously. I realize that we have spooks who worked day in and day out regardless of what party was in office, that wasn’t relevant. They are professionals doing their job, then they got the boot and people who didn’t even know what the hell they were doing took over their office and I believe this nation is much less safe for it too. I think this administration though has concerned the WRONG FOLKS. I think there is a possibility that stuff about this administration could begin coming out that could curl hair, it kind of already started with all this about the secret meetings. I think you mess with CIA spooks and mess up their country and think you may have messed up the wrong people! Fitz could really find some stuff out before this is all over with.
That is a real interesting take. A very “spooky” Halloween thought. I would love to see it. If this were a work of fiction, this administration (as the bad guy) would need some serious comeupance. And I can’t thing of people better positioned to give it to them than those working in the shadows. Here’s to hope.
I know what you mean, Joe. Watching Fitzgerald’s press conference, I was nothing short of stunned by his honor and dignity. He’s serving his country and he’s doing so with the utmost integrity. No power-mongering. No partisanship. No show-boating. Just law. And truth.
While I don’t know Fitzgerald, I think I recognize his demeanor. (And if so, that would be a good thing.) It appeared to be the same demeanor I exhibited after being lied to while serving on an arbitration panel. I was seething inside from the arrogant, overt deceit of two defense witnesses, their obstruction of the investigation, and their flippant mockery of the hearings in general (which I took personally, as a mockery of me). Driven by those feelings, and my inherent need for justice, I invested endless hours researching every minor detail of the case – with a particularly laser sharp focus on every minor detail involving the deceitful witnesses and their cronies. While I’m consistently meticulous with my work, I was even more so with this case, fueled by the knowledge that (at least) two witnesses had lied. In the end, we found what we needed in those minor details, and justice was served.
I felt those emotions resurface as I watched Fitzgerald and listened to him speak. I don’t think he’ll be able to rest until he’s damn sure that justice has been served. With a level of honor and dignity unknown to this administration.
Yeah. Very inspirational watching him for me, too. I’ve had quite a week, and Fitz’s impact on me is a real capper. Makes me think that I’ve got important work to do. That I can make even more of a difference. The convergence of the novel, the anti-war leadership junk (which has prompted an offer to participate in a responsible community position — that makes me worry some for my blogging future), and Fitz have me thinking I should be setting some high goals to try to impact my world more. Maybe Fitz is like our Bobby Kennedy. A conscience, not just for people on the left, but for those who want to restore non-partisan patriotism and civic responsibility. Hope somebody doesn’t shoot him.
I neglected to mention one important point.
Thanks for inspiring me through your actions. I respect your involvement in the protests, and the leadership role you’re playing in your community. All that – plus your book.
Hats off to you, Joe, and hats off to Patriot Boy above, and all the other participating activists out there. Very inspiring, indeed.
Good day!
Lest you confuse the readers here, I’m not Patriot Boy. He has his own blog here. I’m One Angry Patriot. Thanks for the props!
Sorry about that. I used the name “Patriot Boy” generically, because I didn’t have access to your screen name when I wrote my comment. No matter the moniker, thanks for your inspiring activism and thanks for sharing the great pictures.
As an aside, I have to admit that I most certainly support the inclusion of all the “hot guy” photos on this site. They never fail to enhance the reading experience. :^) For that matter, a 2006 calendar of the “Men of Boo” would definitely be a big seller for the holiday season, and a nice addition to the Boo Gear collection. And you, dear Patriot, have the makings for one fine calendar cover.
(I don’t recall seeing anything about “don’t be a trollop” on the site rules, so I think I’m okay with my comments above ;^) No offense intended, so I hope none was taken.
Good day!