by Richard Sale, longtime intelligence reporter
(originally posted at my blog – pl)
Pat’s readers seem very upset by my reporting that Fitzgerald was to obtain more office space.
Let me try and help.
I had read Steve Clemons’ retraction before I posted my article on Pat Lang’s blog.
I had a conversation with a Department of Justice official during most of which I was made to feel like the village idiot with a talent for obvious remarks.
I asked if Fitzgerld was going to expand his operation, “The probe is going to expand, yes,” the official said. “Does this mean it willl require more staff?” I asked.
He replied, “An expansion would imply that, wouldn’t it?”
I then asked, “Is it true that you would require more office space?” “Well, of course, that would follow, wouldn’t it?” he said. I asked if it were true that Fizgerald had already signed a lease. “That would not be somethng he would do personally.” I then asked, “But it would be done by department officials?” He replied it would.
I then said, “Would I be mistaken to print that you are obtaining more office space?” He replied, “Well, logically that would follow, wouldn’t it?”
If what I reported is incorrect, I will make it public as quickly as I can.
Regarding the flood of speculation on Libby being indicted, and Rove perhaps being allowed to pass, it is difficult to penetrate this fog. There has been an incredible amount of last-minute activity, the contents of which I don’t know. Most of my sources have gone to ground the past few days and it’s been difficult to get anything. I was told by one federal law enforcement official that Hadley was to be indicted, but the indictment was to be kept sealed. I have been able to obtain no confirmation on that.
Regarding the questionnaires sent to Cheney, I have no further word on them, or what Cheney’s response has been. I have been able to confirm that last Friday Fitzgerald’s FBi were talking to Cheney’s attorney.
That Cheney is really the center of the probe has been confirmed by several reliable sources. … More below:
The federal officials who told me that Fitzgerald was going to charge aides with a conspiracy to violate Joe Wilson’s civil rights was information I obtained last week and gave to UPI editors. They did not move it. On Monday, Andrea Mitchell, the White House correspondent for MSNBC reported the same thing.
Whether that charge will be made today, I don’t know. It is difficult to know how much the latest wheeling and dealing between probe targets and DOJ attorneys have altered the landscape. Like any reporter, I get three sources on an item and report it, if they aren’t talking to each in coordination. (That prevents you from drinking your own bathwater.)
I will at all times on this site, report things as I hear them as long as I have collateral.
I would also remind readers that as Intelligence Correspondent for UPI,
I was the first journalist in the country to name Libby and Cheney as the target of the probe back in February 2004. The article passed without much notice.
With greetings to all and with appreciation for your responses,
Richard Sale
Via Patrick Lang
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
These are tough days for reporters. The most secretive prosecutor is investigating the most secretive administration.
I have no sources. But i predicted long ago that this would probably not result in the indictment of Karl Rove. And of course the whole thing would be a big flop. That in spite of total opposition.
My reasoning is that Partick Fitzgerald is conducting the investigation and has conducted with with prejudice.
His prejudice as a very conservative republican.
It is widely reported that Fitz is an Independent, not a Republican.
He moves in republican circles and it is clear that he’s a republican. His betst friend is James Comey who appointed him as special counsel. Comey works for Lockhheed Martin ( ultra conservative company) who owns Titan corporation the contractors who participated in the torture of Abu Ghraib whose board members and former counsel are Cheney family.
He is recommended by Louis Freeh a bizarre from FBI head and ultra conservative.
More here
I am surrounded by republicans, quite conservative republicans, some even uber republicans. . .everywhere I turn. . .yet I am a wild-eyed, bleeding heart, socialist liberal. . .although by your assumption I would also be republican. My two very dearest friends are conservative republican, more proof by your standards of guessing. One currently works for a subsidary of Halliburton in the DOD. . .more proof that I must be a republican.
One cannot presume, really, one cannot.
Whether he is an R, an I or a D. . .he seems to be playing it smart and right down the straight and narrow. And if he continues to follow the intent and rule of law, I don’t care what his political affiliation is.
Geesch Shirl you have finally been found out, you are a republican…..troll alert here.
Just kidding you know…he stated in conference today he was not affiliated with any party…
Yes, I saw him on TV for an extended time. He looks like a straight arrow. I had nothing to go on but his association with James Comey and vague references to others. So now I still have nothing to go on but my impression of seeing him, but it seems clear he is in fact an earnest person. There were absolutely no holes in anything he said. He was perfect. And he wasn’t overly rigid, he was conversational, he looked scared almost coming to tears at times, he also looked brave.
He, I guess is one of these people who makes it because he is helped by a small minority that exists that promote a person who is plainly honest and well intentioned. Sometimes they are promoted by dishonest people who would like to be honest.
I would like to know more how he has gotten this far. Peter Fitzberald a former senator from Illinois who quit….probably because of the uglliness in politics brought him into Illinois where he is creating utter havor amongst the entrenched politicians who are doing what they have always done for 60 years. Peter Fitzgerald is one of those people who doesn’t like corruption I suppose.
But James Comey works for Lockheed Martin, a bastion of CHeney influence and now proud owners ot Titan corporation the contractors that were involved with the Abu Ghraib torture. That I don’t understand.
I am very glad that I was wrong. I hope this leads to a withdrawal of the troops.
And there is nothing wrong with taking a opposing view here becasuse there wasn’t any.
Opposing views are always welcome here. After all, nothing much that is said or done here is anything more than each one’s personal opinion.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, just as we all are. I just felt that what you offered as “proof” of his status as a republican was not entirely logical or valid proof. Again, just my opinion.
None the less, so far he has done a good job, IMO, and I hope it continues along that line, even if he should happen to be a republican.
Ah gee, Diane, you have “outed” me. Does that mean there will be a Shirl-Gate investigation to follow? Will Booman and SusanHu demand my resignation? Oh, woe is me, woe is me.
Will catnip write a scathing front page reveal about me, drawing up inferences from my past comments and diaries?
Will I be have to walk the plank into the Frog Pond?
Will SallyCat curse me with a Spell?
Will I ever learn how to spell?
This could be bigger than. . .well, bigger than the small town Idaho sheriff that wants a pass on his embezzelment charges. . .he, just needed the money for pete sake.
Help! Help! Scribe, Supersoling, Janet Strange, Damnit Janet, ManEgee, Brenda Stewart, Katiebird, Kansas……… al…..Will no one come to my rescue and vouch for my radical liberal heart?
Where is Maryscott O’Conner when you need her?
I really don’t remember where I left my mind. . .really, this is not perjury. . .I don’t remember!
.. and who gave Fitz his job?