Lanny Davis is doin’ the limbo! Check this out from BTC News:
While Davis [in the NYT today] admonishes Republicans for their “criminalizing politics” mantra, he likewise chastises Democrats for finding an indifference to national security in the Plame leak.
Similarly, the Democrats are playing up the idea that White House officials may have endangered national security in playing hardball politics. Well, I can remember all the times I picked up the phone and talked “on background” to reporters, “pushing back” against rumors damaging to President Clinton and citing information that I thought was “out there.” I don’t remember ever worrying about whether the facts that I felt were public knowledge might have been classified….
Don’t move that limbo bar … You’ll be a limbo star… How low can you go. (Chubby Checker) … OPEN THREAD:
Republican concerted effort and PR strategy to limit damage for Bush, his presidency and the White House. This is of course an evil mind set, to permit 5 counts of felony to be off-set by so called hard work in getting the U.S. to invade Iraq on false evidence.
● He is a phenomenal individual and he’s someone who has worked long and hard dealing with our nation’s homeland security and I think that we still need to have respect for him.
● Now the president, Larry, has accepted his resignation and we have to move ahead.
● We have to deal — so that is an issue that those of us who serve in the United States Congress have nothing to do with.
Oct. 28, 2005 — Mr. Libby has informed me that he is resigning to fight the charges brought against him. I have accepted his decision with deep regret.
Scooter Libby is one of the most capable and talented individuals I have ever known. He has given many years of his life to public service and has served our nation tirelessly and with great distinction.
In our system of government an accused person is presumed innocent until a contrary finding is made by a jury after an opportunity to answer the charges and a full airing of the facts. Mr. Libby is entitled to that opportunity.
Because this is a pending legal proceeding, in fairness to all those involved, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the charges or on any facts relating to the proceeding.
Bush Statement »»
Disgraced - Libby moving away seen between US flag banner
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Pat Lang put up a wmv of talking heads.
If I recall correctly, didn’t Clinton loose his lawyer practice hablilty when he perjured himself??
Time to start pointing out that “Equal justice for all under the law” thing engraved in the Supreme Court building.
It’s Chubby Checker — singular, that is. An obvious analog to “Fats Domino”.
By Robert Parry ◊ October 30, 2005
As an outsider to Washington, special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald appears to have misunderstood the finer points of how national security classifications work when a secret is as discrete – and sensitive – as the identity of an undercover CIA officer.
Under the rules of classification, however, to see such secrets an official must not only have a top-secret clearance but also special code-word clearance that grants access to a specific compartment governed by strict need-to-know requirements.
In both the Libby indictment and a hour-long press conference on Oct. 28, Fitzgerald showed no indication he understood how extraordinary it was for White House officials to be bandying about the name of a covert CIA officer based on the flimsy rationale that she was married to an ex-diplomat who had been sent on a fact-finding trip to Niger.
Fitzgerald, who is the U.S. Attorney in Chicago, appears to have bought into the notion that government officials had a right to discuss Plame’s covert status among themselves as long as they didn’t pass the secret on to journalists. Then Fitzgerald didn’t even seek punishment for that, limiting his criminal case to Libby’s lying about how and when he learned of Plame’s identity.
But to veterans of U.S. intelligence, one of the ugliest parts of Plame’s outing was the cavalier manner in which White House officials tossed around references to her CIA job to undercut her husband, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson, for criticizing George W. Bush’s case for war with Iraq.
Sensitive Secrets »»
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Susan I see we have the code bird visiting us again…
It’s also on the Drier in Denial thread…0’s are in order; can’t its’ server be tracked and blacklisted?
I wrote booman once before about this occurrence. I am tired of this feces. This slows me down tremendously…
Brenda I just looked at your comments without the offending comments on the page and it looks like you are telling me off….lol
Diane, that post was in reference to the person who has been removed by the booman or susan. NOt you, Dear one….
The following post (reference chicken) also was in ref. to that person as well.
It was the one who had the squares and coded words in it. I see it has been removed and not my comments to it.
I am deeply sorry for the misunderstanding.
Oh I know what happened, I helped to zero the person out, just thought it might look funny to a new reader, and of course I know you would not say that to me. BTW Hi and how are you…
Hi, Just working off the homestead a lot, as of late.
This keeps me out of the loop. no time for blogging here.
I am hoping that soon this will end and I can get back to normal again…:o)
How are you doing?
I am calling you here on this, this time! YOu slow me down here and I take not so kindly on this.
If you are for real, you dont need to be a chicken. Show your face and have some honest debate.
I think you have too much time on your hands and need to have something to say about this.
Over on RedState there is an article on the front page about the next SCOTUS nominee. They think it is going to be Alito, but this is what they have to say about Luttig:
Note the use of the word grow. They don’t say ‘change’ or ‘become more moderate’ or anything like that.
As in, better oneself. Become better or more in some way. And that’s a bad thing.
I’m speechless.
Say, are you up on the possible nominees? If so, e-mail me.
Been paying too much attention to Fitzmas matters 🙂
But, according to this site where you can gamble on who it will be, it looks like the leading candidates are: