Progress Pond

The Last Word On Framing

Recently there has been much written here about framing.  The discussion began with a posting by BooMan and was followed by several others.  Here is my four cents.  (with inflation.)

Now I don’t pretend to be an expert on framing.  But recently here it’s been framing this and framing that.  Some say that framing is necessary, others see it as evil.

Now I don’t understand all this.  It seems to me that the necessity for appropriate framing is beyond question.  Below is my proof.

Here is a painting I did some years ago, before and after.  The first shows the extreme dangers of inadequate framing.

The above presentation is lackluster and leaves an opportunity for another artist to paint the very same scene with a more effective frame.  (Perhaps a nasty Repug post-impressionist utilizing some semi-art nouveau matte gold finish thingy.  Or perhaps a Green party realist with an all-natural oak frame with decorative oat meal and granola accents.)  Accordingly, I have taken the initiative and framed effectively now before another artist does.  The dramatic result is below.

So there you have it, the result of effective framing.  Take the initiative and follow my lead.  No more discussion should be necessary.        

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