Bush did what I predicted. He gave us a life-raft nominee intended to shore up his base. Bush has three years to go. He’s like a prize fighter in a 12-round bout who get’s knocked down twice in the first round. He has no legs, he doesn’t know where he is, or where the next punch is coming from.
Grabbing and clutching, he just wants to buy some time to clear his head. Meanwhile, he is trying to bribe the judges, on the off chance he can remain standing to the final bell.
By putting Porter Goss at the CIA, Michael Chertoff at Homeland Security, John Negroponte at the NIA, Abu Gonzales at Attorney General, and attempting to put his personal lawyer on the Supreme Court, he hopes to cover up his abuse of the intelligence community, his torture policy, and his other crimes.
The nomination of Samuel Alito represents Plan B. He now proposes to overturn Casey and Roe, and anyone who fails to support Bush through his many travails, is effectively abandoning the anti-choice movement at THE critical time.
He is betting that all his failings will be overlooked in the interest of doing away with a woman’s right to choose.
By replacing O’Connor with Alito, he flips the Casey case.
So, this is the showdown we have all feared and hoped to avoid. Alito is on the record as opposing Casey. He is not a stealth candidate. He is openly hostile to women’s reproductive rights. The American people do not support overturning Roe or Casey. Arlen Specter claims to be pro-choice. He is the only pro-choice Republican on the Judiciary Committee, but he is the Chairman. Arlen needs to know that he is the last roadblock preventing a right-wing steamroller from crushing the federal protections of a woman’s right to choose.
I need help, how can I search the Google archives for the two Philly Inquirer articles listed here? I refuse to sleep until I’ve found some maggot-infested dirt to fling in Bush’s eyes wrt this nomination.
hey Maneeeeee, apparently this jackass is also another fucken chickenhawk from the Vietnam war. So I’m guessing by that standard he was gung ho for the whole Iraq invasion.
Here are some excerpts from the first article (dated 12/15/03):
Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., a member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, has been accused of a conflict of interest by a woman whose suit he and two other appeals judges dismissed.
Alito said last week that he believed he did nothing improper. Even so, the 53-year-old judge, a former U.S. attorney for New Jersey who has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court, said he had disqualified himself from further involvement in the case. Alito said he did not want to participate in any case in which his impartiality was in question.
* * *
According to Alito’s 2002 financial-disclosure statement, the judge held investments worth $390,000 to $930,000 in 11 Vanguard funds in July 2002, when he ruled on a lawsuit filed by Shantee Maharaj of Wayne against Vanguard.
* * *
Alito said he believed his Vanguard holdings did not constitute a conflict because they were investments in mutual funds. As such, he said, he was merely an investor in Vanguard, not an owner of the company.
* * *
In its corporate literature, Vanguard says: “The shareholders and owners are essentially one and the same at Vanguard. Vanguard shareholders own the Vanguard funds, which are independent investment companies that jointly own the Vanguard Group. The Vanguard Group provides management, administrative and marketing services to the funds.”
And from the second article (dated 4/10/04):
Muchas gracias, Raging Hippie!
De nada!
The women of Athens, led by Lysistrata and supported by female delegates from the other states of Hellas, determine to take matters into their own hands and force the men to stop the War. They meet in solemn conclave, and Lysistrata expounds her scheme, the rigorous application to husbands and lovers of a self-denying ordinance–“we must refrain from the male altogether.” Every wife and mistress is to refuse all sexual favours whatsoever, till the men have come to terms of peace. In cases where the women must yield ‘par force majeure,’ then it is to be with an ill grace and in such a way as to afford the minimum of gratification to their partner; they are to be passive and take no more part in the amorous game than they are absolutely obliged to. By these means Lysistrata assures them they will very soon gain their end. “If we sit indoors prettily dressed out in our best transparent silks and prettiest gewgaws, and all nicely depilated, they will be able to deny us nothing.” Such is the burden of her advice.
After no little demure, this plan of campaign is adopted, and the assembled women take a solemn oath to observe the compact faithfully. Meantime as a precautionary measure they seize the Acropolis, where the State treasure is kept; the old men of the city assault the doors, but are repulsed by “the terrible regiment” of women. Before long the device of the bold Lysistrata proves entirely effective, Peace is concluded, and the play ends with the hilarious festivities of the Athenian and Spartan plenipotentiaries in celebration of the event.
and remind him he’s a pro-choice moderate Republican, and shouldn’t be taking marching orders from a fringe right-wing Christian group…202-224-4254.
I’d so much rather be worrying about this, and the endangered Endangered Species Act:
Make more than one call? Write more than one letter? Lie down in the bathtub and cry?
We are so screwed in so many ways, I find myself wondering if it even matters what battles we choose to fight, because there are so many other battles waiting to take us all under.
When you see my diary posted on Eurotrib asking for advice on expatriation, you’ll know I’ve given up. (I’m not there yet!)
Those issues are good for our anti-choice Senators who cannot make Casey a litmus test. But for the vast majority of the Senate, and including Sen. Snowe, Chafee, Specter, and Collins, these are extraordinary circumstances.
Sigh … I feel like you many times too.
It’s one reason I’ve felt it important to focus heavily on the CIA leak case.
Especially as Dateline and 60 Minutes showed us so well last night — this is an issue that can be explained very easily, and that people will really understand and be upset about. If enough people get it, then we’ll get rid of the bastards, and regain control of Congress, the WH, and begin to regain control of the courts.
And then we won’t have to worry about, at a minimum, at least 50% of the issues that occupy us now.
Okay, I contacted Arlen plus NRDC’s ANWR action page.
Alice is a multitasker! Super 🙂
Arlen needs to get a call from every pro-choice woman in the country, and a snail mail, and an email, and when possible, a personal visit to his various offices, and letters to Pennsylvania papers.
They nominated an openly anti-Roe candidate. There is a reason this has not been attempted since Bork. The American people will never go for it.
They showed their hand, let’s shove it right down Arlen’s throat.
Openly anti-Roe, and that seems to be almost the least of it. This guy supported strip-searching of a 10-year-old girl and her mother, without warrants that included them!
How would he feel about someone strip searching his teenaged-looking daughter? What a Pig.
wildly in mortal circumstances. I’m not a biologist but to my layman’s eyes it would seem that sometimes random uncoordinated thrashing-about works. Maybe a predator is hit just the right way to make it back off, maybe a body part that seems irreparably pinned down is pulled free. And the animal scampers away to live and breed again.
The radical right has the greatest prize in human history in its grasp at this very moment. They have so damaged our system over the past two generations that they may well be able to tolerate catostrophic failure almost across the board, provided the crucial moves work as needed.
We’re going to need to be extraordiarily good and lucky as well to turn this thing around.
As though it is time for the Dems to stand together and in firm opposition to this nomination. The GOP may be able to ramrod this through or not, that is yet to be seen. But like the Social Security “reform” issue last winter and spring, this is a defining issue. We have nothing to lose by telling the country quite loudly and en mass that we do not want Roe vs Wade overturned.
If we can mount an effective filibuster, we come out looking like the champions of women’s rights that we are. If they succeed in ramming this through (God forbid), folks will no longer to able to say the Dems and Republicans are “all the same”, or the Dems are “spineless” or afraid to tell the country what they stand for. Republicans at every level of government will have a whole lot of explaining to do, each and every time they run for office. Clinton was right when he said over the weekend that it was time for Dems to fight, or find something else to do.
doesn’t vote yes, the nomination will not get out of committee and go to the floor.
Arlen is our best defense. He still could let the vote go to the floor without a recommendation from the committee. We have to make sure he doesn’t do that.
I am just assuming it will get to the floor. If Arlen stands up to the intense pressure that he is under and votes in a way consistent with his previous position on abortion rights, then it is on to round three. If it does get to the floor, we have to be ready.
If Dems react in a united way that may help Arlen hold firm. This reaction would be part of the fight I was referring to above.
The fight has come. The line in the sand has been drawn. It’s time for the letters to both of your senators and and any truly related persons you can think of. Letters asking for opposition. Content dependent on the Senator. I’m proboably lucky and Boxer and Feinstein are in opposition, I’m still writing, just to shore this up, and demand party loyalty and that they line up any waiverers.
This fight is going to have lots of ‘timeing”, what with Judiciary Cmte. hearings first. Spector is really going to be on the hot seat as are the Republican members of the “Gang of 14” who sought compromise last time. We have to watch this daily like hawks. Letters can be needed at any time. This is it and even the ranks of foot slodiers like us can produce movement.This feels awfully much like the deciding event in whether the final three years of Bush are semi-neutral or truly bad for us.
Here’s Ted:
I’m not into boxing Boo, but what I do understand is that the Dems are planning one damn good knockout punch on this one.
more info on rulings from SCOTUSblog
The more I read, the colder my blood runs.
This guy is about setting civil rights back 20 years and also my son’s rights as a disable American. It isn’t just women’s right here, it’s minority and disabled rights and those things all combined could lead to riots!
Yeah what I’ve read so far he isn’t in to disabled people having any rights…and that also effects me personally as well..Disabled people really have so few rights as it is or are basically kept out of sight as if the disabled shouldn’t be allowed out in public-to that end there is almost no real universal access for people with wheelchairs in the public sector-pretty disgusting really.
And my personal pet peeve happens to be stupid fuckers who park in handicapped spots when they don’t have the placard.
Specter has previously caved under pressure of his peers and it will be far more intense here. This will be a defining moment for him.
Alito is not just conservative in the extreme. He is not just outside the mainstream.
Alito is beyond the pale, in the most literal sense: He operates completely outide of American values and principles and well beyond the bounds of human decency, particularly in permitting a ten year old girl to be finger fucked without a warrant.
Alito is quite simply unamerican and out of the question.
he’s got those Stepford kids, just like Roberts! My daughter wondered if he got them from the same slightly-extralegal adoption source that Roberts used.
I was thinking Addams family. Young Miss Alito looked none too thrilled to be there. Betcha they think Daddy’s a dork.
it’s already making its rounds across the wingnut blogs that Specter doesn’t like Alito. One source:
Via kos, check out the portrait Alito’s family is standing under. link
That’s priceless…and it looks like we have another Stepford wife-she bears an erie(how do you spell erie-I seem to be braindead and can’t come up with the right combination) resemblance to Laura don’t you think?
Hitler tried a coup in 1923, and had to go to prison and write a bestselling book. In it he wrote that if you want to seize power, do it legally.
For thirty years now, the Right has been hollowing out the three branches of our government, so that no serious checks and balances operate. Just sort of government.
With Congress and the White House and now the Supreme Court in their hands, they can push through an Enabling Law similar to Hitler’s, and save our nation from the terrible terrorists who threaten us from every side and from within our midst, and will for generations.
Bush is nothing.
The one who comes after him will be a doozy mein herr.