“Rush Limbaugh on decaf” is how Congressman Mike Pence describes HIMSELF!  Does that mean he only takes “a little” oxycontin? Does that mean he only takes vicodin?  Does that mean he’s only half as bigoted and half as hateful?  Or does it mean that he’s just as hateful, but just not as good at it?  Actually the only sane question is “What sort of human would make such a statement?”  Here’s the full story from the October 26th Chicago Tribune.

Though a third-term congressman from central Indiana who is a relative newcomer to the political power centers in Washington, Pence, 46, already is a favored guest on television news talk shows, such as Fox News’ “O’Reilly Factor” and “Hannity & Colmes,” and CNN’s now-canceled “Crossfire.” That national exposure, in turn, enhances his influence inside the Capitol….

…He begins every day by reading the Bible. He works with a bronze bust of Ronald Reagan watching over him from across his office….

His manner may be easy, but his views are unambiguous. He is a dedicated social conservative who publicly criticized the Senate’s top Republican, Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), when the former heart surgeon came out this summer in favor of relaxing the federal ban on stem-cell research. And he is a determined budget-cutter who has repeatedly clashed with his own Republican party leaders over federal spending levels

His “budget cuts” were part of the RSC’s “Operation Offset” which not only cut but eliminated funding for all alternative fuel programs and research (Pence is an oilman, BTW).

More from the Chicago Tribune:

“The party faithful and the conservative grass roots have been searching for the next Ronald Reagan. And Mike Pence has been mentioned as someone who could fill the Gipper’s shoes, even though he’s still young and a relative political newcomer,” said Stephen Moore, founder of the Free Enterprise Fund.

I urge you all to learn about Mike Pence, and if you find that you don’t like what you see, please help Barry Welsh, in defeating him in Nov 06.