Joe Wilson is appearing on CNN’s Larry King Live show this evening and for those who haven’t had a chance to see the show yet, he’s done a bang up job. The second half of the show has a panel including Time Magazine’s Matt Cooper, Sen Richard Shelby, Sen Diane Feinstein and Michael Isikoff of Newsweek.

Mr Wilson does not have a high opinion of Karl Rove since Rove claimed his wife was “fair game”. Apparently, Wilson and Rove attend the same church, albeit at different services. The Wilsons go to a more kid-oriented one. Joe said he was surprised that Rove didn’t know his wife Valerie’s name since she’s been mentioned in the church bulletin in the past – just as the name of Rove’s wife has been.

In August, 2004, at the Republican National Convention, in an interview with CNN, Rove denied he was responsible.

KARL ROVE, PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER: I didn’t know her name. I didn’t leak her name.

Wilson made his case, once again, in a matter-of-fact way – debunking all of the right-wing talking points that have been used in their smear campaign against him. He also supports the Dems’ move today to convene a closed-door senate session in order to get to the truth about the Iraq war intel.

Update [2005-11-1 22:19:59 by catnip]:: It’s also significant to note that Wilson said some spouses of those in the foreign service have required extra protection and vigilance since the outing of his wife’s name since she is the wife of a former ambassador and they are now suspect as well as possibly being involved in the US intel community. Those who claim no damage has been done by this leak, even in the face of all evidence to the contrary, are simply wrong.

Read the transcript here.


Meanwhile, back at the NYT ranch, Nicholas Kristof (via Truthout) calls for Cheney to come clean or resign.

Crooks and Liars has the video and transcript of Trent Lott on Hardball distancing himself from his previous support of Karl Rove.