As a special Ramadan present, US officials in Iraq waved goodbye to 500 Abu Ghraib prisoners after giving them going-away presents: a Koran, $25, and clean white shirts. That brings the total catch and release number in October to 1,500.

All 1,500, who also received traditional white shirts, were released after their cases went before an Iraqi-led review board and were found not to have committed serious or violent crimes, the U.S. military said in a statement.

“These detainees have confessed to their crimes, renounced violence and pledged to be good citizens of Iraq,” it said.

That’s all it takes? I wonder if the US Justice Department will run a similar program in the US as a Christmas present for prisoners in their jails.

Oh…and in the meantime…two more terrorism experts are saying that Bush is losing the war on terrorism. They obviously hate America.