UPDATE: No discount this time, Bookies, but at least we’ll all get the value of a good read!

It’s official. The next book we will read and then discuss for BooBooks is OH PURE AND RADIANT HEART by Lydia Millet.

But wait before you buy!

At the moment, it’s $25 at Powells and much cheaper elsewhere. If enough of us buy it from the Powells links on this site, we may get at least a small discount (10% or more, depending on numbers), so we need to be able to give them at least a rough idea of potential purchases.

One of the goals of this book club is to benefit the Tribune by buying from Powells, and we also want to support Independent bookstores, but we all know that buying new books is an expensive proposition. If you decide to get your copy somewhere else, or get it from your library, maybe you can think of Booman and Powells the next time you go book buying. But hey, our book this month would make a wonderful holiday gift for somebody on your list–if you can manage to read it without dripping coffee on it!

Thanks. Now please take our anonymous poll.