We’re almost there folks!
·1 Two million voters have been called
·2 Thousands of homes have been leafletted
·3 Hundreds of House Parties have been held
·4 Rallies and vigils have been held across Texas
·5 Press coverage has been phenomenal
We are within spitting distance of defeating this Amendment and we need to make one last push to reach voters. We’re asking you to make one more donation. Click to donate

We need to make one million more phone calls next Monday.
Your donation of:
·1 $1000 will call 20,000 voters
·2 $500 will call 10,000 voters
·3 $100 will call 2,000 voters
·4 $50 will call 1,000 voter

We appreciate that you’ve already given, but even a few dollars could make the difference!

Click here to make as large a donation as you can afford.

We are so close! Help make Texas the state that stopped the hate.

Thanks for all you have done. The response from Texans from Amarillo to Tyler has been nothing short of amazing. There are a lot of good, fair-minded folks out there who have worked to defeat this Amendment. Thank you for being one of them.

Early Voting ends Friday, Nov. 4th
Election Day – Tuesday, Nov. 8th

A win in Texas will make political history.
A Victory will set the dialogue for ALL elections in 2006!